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About Twogainz

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  1. I find it funny that after only a week, you turn to hacking because of whatever unjust or whatever reason. I've been playing this mod for about 3 months, i've done everything you could possible do in this game, lone wolf it, find a group, repair vehicles, roam around searching for shit in large groups, even help start one of the most successful trading posts Freeside Trading, and i've seen it all from constant battle loggers and scripters, and i still to this day have never considered hacking, after 1 week thats what you do? you ruined your own gaming experience and the experience of others because you had a bad week. Please do not come to the standalone, you will have another bad week and then decide to hack again, i hope the global bans carry over to the standalone.
  2. Twogainz

    A noob unfriendly game.

    After playing for a bit the game becomes easy, I wish dayz would become harder, it's become so easy to survive.
  3. it's funny how we get useless bear traps that are buggy as hell, so why not give new looks and forget about the bugs? Haha
  4. I've tried really hard not to kos but after being burned so many times it's hard not to kill every person you see. I miss running into a friendly person, I remember my first spawn and runnin to a flare and ended up teaming up with a random person for a few hours. That is gone, a thing of the pass, it's either shoot first or spawn at the coast now.
  5. I'm glad the bandit skins have been removed because of killing someone but I would really like to see different skins. The starter skins "the survivor" skin is horrid. Your going for realism, we star with basically nothing, which is cool but if your going down that road then why do we start out with a tactual vest and shit? Wouldn't make more sense if we had like normal clothing? T-shirt and jeans or something along those lines? I know the skins are in arma, please replace the survivor skins to something more practical. I would also would like to see more skins other then JUST Camo and gillie, arma has a wide supply of different skins.
  6. Twogainz

    Zub Trading Zone

    As a freeside employee, it is possible, nothing is impossible if you have a good group of guys. Free side is coming along great and seeing more people wanting to do what we do is great. Best of luck, it's not easy but well worth the effort.
  7. Twogainz

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    For the people. Complaining about thermals and shit... This is not an Mmo it's a simulator there is no such thing as an overpowered gun. Each gun has its pros and cons. L85 has thermal easy., easy to spot stuff but it is not a good sniper rifle , it doesn't have the range or stopping power as any of the other snipers. I think all arms weapons should be placed it. Like I said it is a simulator.
  8. Twogainz

    Freeside Trading Co.

    One of the points of the location' date=' is that it's quite difficult to get a raised position to overlook the area with a sniper rifle. [/quote'] *eats his own words* Sorry Juicebox :( to be fair, he wasn't very far away at all. What he started doing was firing through the tree line from the hangers. That's where overwatch and patrols would be able to stop something like that. After the away team took a shot and missed he ran around and actually got closer to the camp. When he was dealt with his location was right at the tree line between towers 3 - 4. Should have been able to be seen there. Though I think juicebox was in one of those towers, the other tower should have seen him. Yup haha Juicebox was his first shot, i didnt see shit, was looking around with my binocs, but i've never really been a good spotter or guard haha, i like the rush of looting towns.
  9. Twogainz

    Freeside Trading Co.

    One of the points of the location' date=' is that it's quite difficult to get a raised position to overlook the area with a sniper rifle. [/quote'] *eats his own words* Sorry Juicebox :( haha never had so much fun being sniped before :P the gathering team did a great job taking out the sniper.
  10. On my last life I had 160 rounds for the DMR, had no morphine. Gave the gun to my friend and shortly died after that while looting the medical camp in chern haha good thing the rifle was saved haha.
  11. true but atleast you have that chance of surviving the encounter. I dont mind the no weapon thing, i've learned where things are, but i did like the fact that i had some supplies, if you want an extreme game with no weapons at start make it so the hardcore servers or vet servers start with no weapons, leaving recuit or regular with starter weapon. Makes sense to me, all you "I'm so elite i dont need weapons" can go there, and where people who want alittle less of a struggle plays on a regular server where there are starting pistol and shit, doesnt that sound like a way to make both sides happy?
  12. Twogainz

    Starting a 'Serious Group'

    Hey, i'm 24 years old and i am currently looking to get with a serious group as well, surviving out there alone has gotten pretty boring, need a good group of guys who i can trust. add me if your interested in getting together and shit. Steam name is kickassdude123 PS i have a mumble server we could use.