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Fins Up

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About Fins Up

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  1. Fins Up

    Cannot join any servers

    100%. Happens to me every second or third time I play, doesn't affect my game. There are numerous posts, some stickied, in this forum that say the same thing.
  2. Fins Up

    Cannot join any servers

    The "No Entry...weapons" error is common, and won't affect your game. All I can recommend for the Battleye issue is uninstalling and reinstalling. I found that simply running Steam (I'm assuming you're using steam, sorry if you're not) as administrator and right clicking > Reinstall Battleye often didn't do anything, so make sure you also try manually downloading and replacing the files from the Battleye website, the files being found in ArmaOA folder/Expansion/Battleye. The thing that worked for me was actually running the uninstall.exe in that folder to uninstall the files first, then running the Setup_Beye.exe which was in a folder called BEsetup.
  3. I had a similar issue for the first three weeks of having this game, I understand your frustration, it was the worst. What I found is that it was not a problem with my install or anything, simply my internet/router (which you have probably already figured by now). I can't link to any specific threads, but search for fixes relating to the following topics on BOTH the DayZ and Arma forums, hopefully they might help: 1. Port Forwarding, which has been successful for some people 2. Change your multiplexing settings, which has been prohibiting people from using Battleye resulting in them getting kicked immediately 3. Firewall issues, which it looks like you've already tried Trust me, I tried everything, and as a last-ditch effort I tried using an ethernet cable from my cable modem to my pc, and by some miracle that fixed it. Best of luck.
  4. I'm not encouraging anyone to connect, but I've been playing since around midday with no issues.
  5. Current status? Safe to login or best to wait?
  6. Fins Up


    Registered on the website last night, waiting for acceptance email. 19yo male from Melbourne, wouldn't consider myself an 'elite' player but I have lots of experience in team-based FPS's, and I think I'm a friendly enough guy :) Would love to have some pals to roll with.
  7. Fins Up

    No Message Error

    Exact same problem, any luck as of yet?
  8. Fins Up

    new connection issues

    Same problem here, still trying to find a solution.
  9. I tried manually allowing anything remotely related to DayZ through my firewall. No dice. Anything else I should fiddle with?
  10. I realise that there have been many similar threads to this, but I haven't found one with exactly similar circumstances, nor any with a solution, so I'll try my luck here. My problem, as per the title, is that I lose connection to the game regardless of which server I play on. This occurs usually within two minutes of joining, with the longest time I have been able to play in three weeks of having the game being roughly thirty minutes, and even that has only been once or twice. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling both Arma, DayZ and Six Updater multiple times, restarted computers and routers, and closed everything accessing my internet. I am located in Melbourne, Australia, and have tried connecting to both ANZ and NZ servers, and have lately been trying Seattle and Dallas servers (yielding around 200 ping according to the multiplayer setup screen). Side problems/information which I'm not sure are relevant include: - Six Launcher only showing 9999 pings for all servers - Upon losing connection to a server, and then attempting to refresh the server list within Arma 2 itself returns only a dozen or so servers, with the rest not appearing unless I power cycle my modem - The order of connection loss goes: broken yellow chain, broken red chain, "No Message Received For X" message. Any information or advice that can be provided is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  11. Fins Up


    Any Aussies (Melbournians, specifically) having luck with international servers? I was getting onto Seattle ones yesterday but no dice today.