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About KungAndersNo1

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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    Make Dayz Great Again

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  1. KungAndersNo1


    Is there anyone else searching for duperbases and buried stashes/tents? Ive somewhat made it my ingame proffession (=. Ive found several stashes with m4 ak and nv's. Ofcourse I keep one and let the other respawn. Would be fun to be in groups and sweep the forrests. make it like a oneday festival of no killing stashsearch.
  2. KungAndersNo1


    I would like the devs to implement dogtags for players. It would be cool to know the players gamename and maybe the avatars age since spawn. Im always curious about who I kill. Or interact with.
  3. KungAndersNo1

    My Love, Hate, and Abusive relationship with DayZ

    Ive been playing on xbox since release . But I have never seen a KA ,AK KAM or similar to it. SK rifle is the most common of the more advanced. In the beginning i had one M4 but have not seen one after the 2 last updates. Tons of mags though (=. Does KA-M or LAR exist ingame? I love the game though, xbox I enjoy more than PC for some reason.
  4. KungAndersNo1

    Land Mine Persistence?

    I found a landmine on the top of a tank (1.02). Used it succesfully in a doorway (=. Never found one since then .