20 minutes folks. That's how long it took from the time I drank out of a stream to death, and that's while I was popping meds like breath mints. It was roughly 5 minutes from drinking that I got the infection indicator. My normal method of dealing with infections is 1 Tetro + 1 Charcoal. on stable 90% of the time, this will kill anything I have in one cycle. The other 10% of the time it only takes a second cycle. Of course, as most of us know, the longer you stay sick, the higher your infection count will get and the longer/more meds it will take to get rid of it.
Until now that is, cause if you can't get rid of it on the first cycle, it seems you're gonna die. Over the next 5 minutes after indication, I went through roughly 3-4 cycles of meds, retaking after each cycle completed and still showing infection. This is me after the second dose. Notice the hydration bar is at -3 chevrons, and I'm only trotting, not sprinting. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/.../D5DB2BC141C5D.../ Within a couple of minutes, I was vomiting. By now I was doubling my cycles, 2 Tetro + 2 Charcoal each cycle. In the last couple of minutes, I was starting on the second pack of Tetro & Charcoal and doing 5 + 5. I died before it could even finish its cycle and could not keep ANY water or food down. Nearly an hour before this I ate a rotten shroom, no ill effects that I saw until drinking from the stream, could just be a chance of poisoning. It seems to be the virulence of the infection is increasing faster than the medication can kill it at this point. Also, why in the world do we not have a way to detect what kind of infection we have yet? There's a mod for advance medical that uses the normal blood test kit to provide a detailed report of what's in your blood toxicity wise. How is this NOT in the base game yet or being added when you're adding so many more infection possibilities? Why are we having to rely on mods when you're introducing more health dangers with no method of triage available? You could at least use a different infection icon for viral and bacterial.