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About DieAnotherDayZ

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  1. DieAnotherDayZ

    Addressing Current Game Issues

    Instead of a specific date, can you give us a general idea of when 1.05 will be released? Will it be September? October? Also, improved base building and balancing would be amazing. It would add a much more dynamic aspect to the game if it were and more people would be inclined to actually create something.
  2. DieAnotherDayZ

    Addressing Current Game Issues

    Instead of a specific date, can you give us a general idea of when 1.05 will be released? Will it be September? October?
  3. DieAnotherDayZ


    The whole point of the thread being opened up was to ask the question: Where is it that most people are spending their time? NWA clearly isn't it.
  4. DieAnotherDayZ


    Last time I ran NWA I found 2 M4s. Maybe you're not looking in the right spots? And I started the thread kind of as a jokingly way to ask: Where is everyone hanging out? Running through the heart of the map, we rarely even see signs of activity. It's just weird.
  5. DieAnotherDayZ


    I'm not looking for explicit PVP. Simply just looking to have the RISK associated with what DayZ is.
  6. DieAnotherDayZ


    You're silly, and severely mislead. And it's comical to me that you think I'm here strictly for a PVP environment. You're wrong about my bloodthirst, but you're right that there is leaps and bounds more to the game than PVP. But let me ask you this: The game is about survival, building bases, and running the risk of having your life and everything on you taken from you at any given moment. So what fun is the game when you can run around freely without a care in the world? On a server of 60 people and you run through military bases and airfields and you never find anyone, never get shot at, just run around freely? That anxiety isn't there, that chance of risk isn't there. It's dull. As for ARs? You can find AR's with zero effort. 3-5 first run through NWA. So don't be naive. And for substance to the point, I assure you we've been indulging in the various aspects of the game. You'll know if you ever stumble upon the base lol. The post was simple. It's just like my buddy and I are apart of the movie I AM LEGEND. We are just curious as to where it is people hide or what people are doing the whole time.
  7. DieAnotherDayZ


  8. DieAnotherDayZ


    So. We play on a typically full public server. Always HIGH. 50+ people. We run around the majority of the map, firing weapons, running through open fields... running through NWA... Yet we never seem to find conflict. Comically enough, we find small bases here and there, raid them... but find no opposition. It's strange. So... My question goes out to you on PS4 - Where the bloody hell are ya'll hiding!? Give me some server numbers and your locations! (*^...^*)
  9. DieAnotherDayZ


    They better not server wipe again. The amount of time my friend and I spent moving our base to the new server... and the amount of guns/tents/building supplies we have had to accumulate all over again takes alot of time. Talk about grinding. I will honestly stop playing this game if they AGAIN do a server wipe due to people assuming the people working hard are just cheating.
  10. DieAnotherDayZ

    Several PS4 Servers going offline on August 28th

    +1 I also made an account specifically to respond to this. These decisions are killing player base moral. We at least need to be able to server hop our stuff without the BFE spawn point penalty for the week. That's the least they can do.
  11. DieAnotherDayZ

    Several PS4 Servers going offline on August 28th

    @ImpulZ As everyone else has stated, this is crazy. We have all spent a ton of time building up resources again. My friend and I alone have already spent hundreds of hours since 1.04 building a base and stocking it full of supplies/guns/cars. Now I'm not necessarily upset, but what is your supposed suggestion? I'm in favor of the server hopping/spawn away feature in general... but it'll absolutely prevent the mass of us wanting to take our bases down and move them servers. Let's be real, you can't server swap a car... or even the parts for a car, or multiple tents, or barrels/generators, metal panels, etc... and safely make it across an entire map. It's asking your player base to literally dump another hundred hours in to just transport supplies from one server to another... just to recreate what is already made. AND doing so literally a couple weeks after a complete server wipe/reset. It's rubbing salt in the wounds. Is there a possibility to cancel the server hop/spawn away feature off for the week? It'll enable us to make the transition without a massive pain.