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Everything posted by KajMak64Bit2

  1. KajMak64Bit2

    DayZ Tourist Maps Item tweak

    that's the same thing i thought off and said ๐Ÿ˜› xd
  2. KajMak64Bit2

    Dayz patch 1.06

    With 1.05 Experimental they added Sarka120 car in some exp updates after initial Exp update... also fixed a bugged gunshot sound where they like multiple shots combine into 1 big sound instead of hearing a gunshot each time the gun fires... also body decay timer was increased... and added body decay... corpse... instead of body despawning in like 2 minutes... those are major changes in patch notes ๐Ÿ˜› they are probably... 100% gonna do the same with 1.06 ... As the V3S truck has been teased in Livonia Trailer... and yet there is none in the Exp patch notes... and it's not functional in game as i have spawned it and build it... it starts... has proper animations... but physics are buggy.. and it doesn't move...
  3. KajMak64Bit2

    DayZ Livonia PC Open Beta

    So it's only initial Experimental update and then full stable without any more updates to experimental for testing and all that? That's weird... i guess you guys are testing the update yourselves internally and will produce the most stable update ever... confirmed my idea i had a while back ๐Ÿ˜› interesting.. I also think the reason you're not releasing anymore experimental updates is to hide some really big surprises ๐Ÿ˜› hehe and blow us away at Stable launch ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
  4. KajMak64Bit2

    DayZ Tourist Maps Item tweak

    what? what do you mean? you mean it falls under some loot category so if you increase that you also increase the map spawn rate... and it's not possible to increase just the map spawnrate probably.. But what i really want... is to remove like he said... ArmA map interface and have us look at the actual map and not cover the screen with map interface ๐Ÿ˜›
  5. KajMak64Bit2

    DayZ Livonia PC Open Beta

    @Greensek when is next Experimental update coming out? with bugfixes and all that ๐Ÿ˜„ it's been a long time since release of initial 1.06 ๐Ÿ™‚
  6. Mosin is better then M4 ... M4 is like shooting baby diapers at someone... unreliable... i prefer Mosin and SKS and some SMG... or AK ๐Ÿ™‚ Basically Mosin + Anything that has 30round mag that isn't M4
  7. KajMak64Bit2

    Dayz patch 1.06

    1.06 is coming out between November 13th to the end of November... that's best estimate... ๐Ÿ™‚
  8. KajMak64Bit2

    DayZ Tourist Maps Item tweak

    Yea do this... what he said... he said it better then me ๐Ÿ™‚ It would be much more immersive and all that and better... it sounds simple af to do... but brings huge change ๐Ÿ˜„
  9. i get what they want to do with the guns and loot... it's kinda makes sense... but duping them and breaking the economy is just bad... it's unrealistic that everyone has high tier guns... how can like million of FAL ( LAR ) guns exist on Chernarus? that's unrealistic.. they wanna do a realistic loot but... just... need to figure out how to do it first... and Hive system is... like trash and un natural... why can't be normal and have server specific database... like normal servers and modded servers... 1 server 1 char... you can't go to another server with same char... best is to just get rid of it... But i do agree with loot what they are trying to do... it's a nice idea just poorly executed ๐Ÿ™‚
  10. KajMak64Bit2

    Is it possible to replace music in the main menu?

    Guys guys guys... this guy wants to change the song in the menu not mute it ๐Ÿ˜„
  11. KajMak64Bit2

    Chernarus vs Livonia

    I mean Livonia is Poland and Chernarus is Czech Republic in real life stitching the map is possible but in lore it isn't... Also bigger maps are not possible due to player limit... If player limit was like 2x of it now... Maybe more... Then it would be possible to make bigger maps... And if they would ever to expand Chernarus... They would do it according to the map you can find in the game... Specifically in schools...
  12. KajMak64Bit2

    Switching back to Xbox after years on PC

    Why can't you be a multiplatformist? Also Xbox is similar to PC
  13. KajMak64Bit2

    DayZ Livonia PC Open Beta

    Only thing that doesn't make sense is why can't wait find stones at railroad track when the track it self placed of pile of small rocks wtf xD
  14. KajMak64Bit2

    Chernarus vs Livonia

    Nope not possible... Livonia in the lore is on basically other side of the world not even close to Chernarus... Think of Chernarus as something between Europe and Asia and connected to Russia... while Livonia is in Europe... Poland basically.. and Chernarus is like Georgia or Checheniya ๐Ÿ˜› even more basically... Europe vs Asia Edit: That means it can't be stitched together because it doesn't make sense Lore Wise... yes DayZ has a lore... and it is connected to ArmA lore ๐Ÿ™‚
  15. KajMak64Bit2

    DayZ Livonia PC Open Beta

    I guess they extending Open Beta so they can release an update to the experimental tommor so we can test it before ending of it ๐Ÿ™‚
  16. KajMak64Bit2

    DayZ Livonia PC Open Beta

    You realise you're bothered because of money... You want something for free... That's not how this world works... Their plans change... It is not possible to giveaway like 80% of the money from DLC... Would you rather get slower and smaller updates or free DLC... Your choice mate... Free DLC or better game development... I would rather take better game development and faster and better updates over free DLC and i'm sure most people will choose that over free map ๐Ÿ™‚
  17. KajMak64Bit2

    DayZ Livonia PC Open Beta

    Just because i didn't paid for it doesn't mean i would not buy it... I would buy it even for 100$... As i said... I would buy it if i had the means to buy it... I can't buy something onlinr with cash... Where do i insert the cash? CD Drive? XD
  18. KajMak64Bit2

    DayZ Livonia PC Open Beta

    Base building was added as a placeholder and proof of concept... They are not working on it right now as it's not the priority... They will work on it.. After they fix bigger issues..
  19. KajMak64Bit2

    DayZ Livonia PC Open Beta

    It is not me who is ignorant here it is you and consoles plebs who do not accept death of their beloved console... Also devs did promise us content... We WILL get that content at some point... If you think it's easy please buy a plane ticket and visit Bohemia HQ and have a tour of their office and how they work and in depth information on game development and see for yourself how complex developing such features are... For fck sake not even Scientists know the physics of a bicycle and you want the devs to implement 2 wheeled vehicles... And for the physics of it to be realistic... https://www.fastcompany.com/3062239/the-bicycle-is-still-a-scientific-mystery-heres-why There's proof of that.. Sure they can implement a bicycle but it would drive and work as if you're driving a car and not a bicycle... But they want to make it realistic... Also please people.. Realise that cars are processed server side... So if the server lags... The car physics goes to shit... There is literally nothing Bohemia can do about that unless they optimize the physics.. Basically optimize the game... Or as one individual said which i forgot the name of... They implement a system where the cars run client side and server is doing checking of vehicle movement so in case of cheats/hacks like teleportation or speed hack.. the server can teleport the car back to last know legit location.. something of a hybrid between fully client side and server side...
  20. KajMak64Bit2

    DayZ Livonia PC Open Beta

    Dude it's literally the console... Consoles are weak... They are OLD... Outdated hardware... They are literally on their last breath... New consoles are coming next year... The game is very intense on system memory... Be it RAM or Vram... Consoles don't have enough memory for DayZ... DayZ needs 16gb ram at max to run properly and some tweaking and an SSD to run properly on 8gb... The runs like shit on PC when it is the similar power of that of a console... Console hardware is weak... Hardware in them are that of a medium budget PC of 2014... It might have been good back then... But it has been 5 years since they released... Face it... Consoles are old... And weak... It's the end of their life cycle... Look at GTA V... They released on xbox360 and ps3... Ran like shit... They released it on Ps4... Run a bit better but still runs somewhat like shit because they increased the graphics and resolution... https://www.extremetech.com/gaming/158130-ps4-pricing-hardware-specs-and-games-detailed-the-anti-xbox-one Here's the link where it says it's a midrange pc from 2014... Here's Linus explaining consoles vs pc Most of the reasons why DayZ runs like shit is due to memory limitations and HDD bottleneck... Can we have a actual DayZ developer here to confirm this once and for all? Please?
  21. KajMak64Bit2

    DayZ Livonia PC Open Beta

    I'm not a kid i'm a teen moving to adolescence... Just because you people cry about DLC not being free doesn't mean you should like bully me for it because i love the game... And i don't mind spending my money which is for me hard to come by on this game and Bohemia because the DLC is worth the money regardless wether they said DLC's will be free for Alpha owners... I don't give a crap about spending more money to get even more enjoyment and fun from this game... Even if i was living in a shack playing on a very old shitty pc that runs dayz at 15fps i would still enjoy it and give my money to the devs because i love the game and the devs.. I see good in Bohemia... You guys only see bad things... I really think if you acted nice towards the devs we could have gotten faster dev time... And maybe even Free DLC but there is so much filth in this community that act like ass towards the devs they would give the DLC for free but you don't deserve it to get it for free ๐Ÿ™‚ that's my opinion xD i understand it's a bit silly this last part but who knows it might be true... But as i said.. It doesn't make sense from a business standpoint that they would give the DLC for free for huge part of their player base... Because most of us got DayZ while it was in Alpha... But i personally see Alpha as some kind of proof of concept and Beta as in Engine Complete game.. Which DayZ is in right now although they say it's full but it is Beta... So beta is engine complete with content being added and re added.. And some new mechanics that previously were not in.. Like ability to attach glow stick to backpack... DayZ has started from scratch on a new engine which is more stable and better perfoming... That allows the devs to now focus on bug fixes and content... Previously they were working on the new engine and basically stopped with content updates but they still released some to keep the game active until the new engine is done... Now that it's done... They can focus on making the actual game... Because all progress that they done before was basically almost useless... Since now they have to remake everything from scratch. DayZ being on consoles kinda make sense giving the type of genre DayZ is... It is kinda playable on consoles compared to ArmA... You literally can't play ArmA on consoles not because of performance but the keybinds for all the controls and commands... DayZ being shit on console also doesn't actually make it a scam when you really think about it... Which i just did lol... DayZ is first a very hard game to run you need somewhat decent PC to run it enjoyably... Also on PC you can customize settings... While on consoles... They have old 2013-2014 hardware and that is same time DayZ was first released as Standalone... Now that the next gen consoles are around the corner in 2020... I'm sure DayZ would be really fucking good on next gen consoles because of hardware... It might be even better then most PC's that people play on xD also on consoles you can't customize settings... And trust me.. Shadows eat memory... So shadows should be set to like low and not medium or high settings on consoles... If Bohemia gave ability to customize settings on consoles i'm sure it will get a lot better.. But on consoles it's always graphics first then fps... Honestly people who got it on consoles it's kinda their own fault to run head first into DayZ without researching how the game is on consoles... From other people's e gameplay.. Let's hope Bohemia gives the game for free for the people who got DayZ on console to next gen consoles... Or will it be compatible with next gen consoles so you don't need to buy it again for new consoles if you have it on old one.. So basically reason why DayZ on consoles is shit is because they are weak... Consoles are really fucking old they are ancient... Literally... Please don't be insulted by this... It really is the truth... PS4 was released in 2014... Lot of advancement in technology has been made since.. DayZ is basically made for next gen consoles... Simple ๐Ÿ™‚
  22. KajMak64Bit2

    DayZ Livonia PC Open Beta

    there is no way not even for cash grabbing companies to make this dlc 20$ it will be less.. and yes i did play 0.46 but... i will probably be banned for this but i did play pirated version... but before moderators ban me for this.. there was actually a reason to play it because they had cars and sometimes even helicopters back in 0.46 so yeah... i played back then... i was a little kid who obviously had no money... and no way to buy the game as in credit card and other options... i really wanted to buy the game for years.. i played a lot like probably 1000h back then and we all know what mess was it back then... i only got the game when it was on final discount on the old price for 0.63 right before it went 1.0 i think.. a friend got it for me.. was so happy and it changed my life โค๏ธ Finally i have DayZ which i love very deeply... and also i don't know about that shit where they will not charge DLCs for people who bought Alpha... and honestly im glad they don't.. that's a lot of money wasted because a lot of DayZ owners bought it in Alpha so that's like 90% of the money from DLC lost... if not 90% then it surely above 70% ... not counting console release because probably all of them are new players.. which will probably buy a PC and buy it on PC because of mod support... That is basically the reason why they don't give the DLC for free for people who bought it in Alpha... Alpha was fuck sake like 5 years long xD maybe if they do it free for people who got the game between 2013 and 2015 at latest... but i don't that will happen because a lot of people bought it and own it still.. that's a lot of money wasted... They changed their mind for the good... and Livonia altho it somewhat looks like Chernarus... it really is hugely different if not better it's really beautiful... driving down the road trough open fields it honestly feels like Euro Truck Simulator when driving... looking at beautiful scenery... it's really enjoyable for me.. atleast ๐Ÿ™‚ Also i don't give a crap about my grammar and punctuation... never did... you understand what i write... why would i worry about this ( , ) and full stops . and that bs... it's a personal thing for me... don't judge me by that plz xD I'm just too lazy to worry about that shit..
  23. KajMak64Bit2

    DayZ Livonia PC Open Beta

    Cash Grab is something of low effort and released quickly to grab some cash... Livonia is far from low effort my dude... i feel like devs should do a live stream on making the maps but i don't think youtube allows months long videos ๐Ÿ™‚ Let's say Livonia is an ArmA 3 map... they had to REMAKE it for DayZ... it's not copy paste... remember back in the day pre 0.60 where you could copy paste Chernarus+ into ArmA 3 and play on it with ArmA 3... yeah.. that's because pre 0.60 DayZ was pretty much ArmA in every single way... when they switched to the Enfusion renderer and later to full Enfusion... all that went to shit and you can't copy paste... therefore... maps from earlier games made on ArmA engine and not Enfusion has to be Ported and sometimes even remade... and porting is literally months of work... plus they added more details and stuff like bushes and trees and maybe more buildings if not buildings then surely barricades and more little stuff... by hand which takes long time... Just because it looks the same as ArmA 3.. doesn't mean it's was easily Copy Paste... It's ArmA 3 is like let's say English... and DayZ Enfusion engine is like Chinese... imagine copy pasting English to Chinese... not gonna work bro ๐Ÿ˜› But some people say that Livonia was being made for DayZ and ported to ArmA 3 but it isn't officially confirmed...
  24. KajMak64Bit2

    DayZ Livonia PC Open Beta

    First of all i don't play on consoles and i don't give a shit for the consoles... This game shouldn't even be on consoles... it's a miracle that it even runs there... and here you be talking shit like the game was build for consoles in mind and that bs... they obviously released it on consoles to get money ๐Ÿ˜› so Consoles are cashgrab and Livonia is not.. Go cry somewhere else and don't litter the forums... Forums are here for people to actually help with DayZ development report bugs and give good feedback wether good or bad not not your REEEE type of feedback... The game is FULL for me... have no issues with it.. i love it and i enjoy the shit out of it... it's not Bohemias fault that you don't find enjoyment out of this beautiful game... there is no other game like DayZ out there... The game is also a PLATFORM .. so they make the platform so people can build on it... look at ArmA ... they don't have jumping over walls and stuff in a MILSIM game... but a modder added it... now it's in DayZ officially ๐Ÿ™‚ You don't see the bigger picture... and IN MY OPINION... THIS GAME IS REALLY WORTH 40$ ... it's almost a steal for what you get... and what you will get in the future... the amount of possibilities is really huuge.. the game is 1.0 as in Engine Complete... with new engine comes new programming language... meaning old stuff and code can't be used in new DayZ and had to be remade from scratch.. therefore a lot of content was removed to be reimplemented later... this year is about fixing the game.. the engine... making a stable platform... next year is content... i expect really big content updates next year... with Dayz Expansion mod bringing helicopters... and they work with the devs a bit... i can see helicopters being officially added in year 2020 imma say around this time next year... along with basebuilding overhaul... and Bohemia does care... i report bugs and they see it and fix it... in like 2-3 days time... Bohemia does care... They never abandoned their games... DayZ on any other company would be abandoned ... but Bohemia didn't abandon and instead work on it without giving a fuck what people say and hate on this game and company... look where are we now.. brand new engine with amazing improvement in graphics and perfomance... have luck running in Cherno on pre 0.60 build of DayZ .. if good PCs got like 30 fps there... imagine shitty consoles ๐Ÿ˜› unplayable... so yeah.. Bohemia does care... It's not their fault you're a spoiled kid who wants full games from years of EA and Ubisoft which are really big companies compared to Bohemia... in Bohemia there is a bit over 400 employees working on multiple games... on EA and Ubisoft there are over 10 000 employees working on multiple games... therefore it's faster dev time and also they got the funding to do a lot of things fast... Bohemia doesn't.. compared to EA and Ubisoft... ๐Ÿ™‚ Also EA and Ubisoft use established engines like Unreal Engine and Unity maybe not sure about unity but yea... also their own engine which is somewhat of a Unreal Engine it's trash... but Bohemia always make their own engine instead of using Unreal Engine with small amount of employees ๐Ÿ˜„
  25. KajMak64Bit2

    DayZ Livonia PC Open Beta

    Zombies numbers were always low... because of server perfomance... they need to optimize them and their AI so we can have like hordes and that stuff just like in The Walking Dead... that's what we need ๐Ÿ˜„ imagine going into Cherno and see really dense 500 zombie horde ๐Ÿ˜› would be really cool... and would really help with KOS ... as if some shithead... shot in Cherno.. he will get swarmed ๐Ÿ˜›