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About OtterDerp

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  1. Honestly I think jsut having the ocean liner, even if its competly empty, is an amazing idea. Make more than one, have then spawn in different locations per server (Big slap in the nuts to server hoppers). Think about it, if you are an already organized group, what does this mean for you? A secure base, provided you have the manpower to hold it against would be looters
  2. OtterDerp

    US 85 admins cheating/hacking

    He said, "Cripto, spawn in fucking fast." To which cripto replied, "I cannot log in right now, my steams not working." Keep hearing what you want to hear buddy.
  3. OtterDerp

    US 85 admins cheating/hacking

    You're an idiot. I'm a lonewolf, I stay away from the rest of the group, I have my own base and my own agenda. We aren't part of some "little squad" every now and then we pull together whoever wants to have some fun and do random missions like raiding the Northwest, or hunting downed Helos. If you want to get some dev to investigate our server and find and ban the hackers, by all means, DO IT. its not us, and I'm fucking tired of them.
  4. OtterDerp

    strange sixth sense

    I have something similar going on. I play with my music on very low..... and I've noticed, on FAR to many occassions for it to be coincedence that the music starts playing, they foreboding little tune whenever another player is within X meters of me. everytime it happens, I make a mental note of it, and I've even explained it to a couple of my clanmates, and they have seen it in action. The beggining of that music file could be what youre hearing, and if so, could be the same thing as me.
  5. So I've really been wanting to play Day Z latley, and I love the game, even with all its bugs, I understand its alpha, content is added, bugs happen, we are here to test! but every single day this week, when I decide I want to play, and I log into my teamspeak server and ask everyone whats going on..... all I hear is "fucking hacker is spawning helis" "hacker nuked the entire server, we all died" "hacker teleporting around to people invincible with a hatchet" "holy shit giant fireball in cherno and electro" So I promptly close teamspeak and go do something else. Hackers are a gamebreaking issue right now. I really hope this is dealt with asap.
  6. * US 85 (v1.7.2/Beta 94700) [RED|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-5] dayzmod.com - WWW.WarDrivers.net * Hacker attack occured at around 1am PST July 12th. Killed on debug hill while loading in later at around 2:45 am PST July 12th. * Hacker incident: Logged in, before I even finished loading, I see every player in the server die at the same time, people on the server in the teamspeak confirm hacker killing everyone. Hacker in this case unknown, will have admin check logs. * Debug Hill incident: After the earlier hacker attack, I aborted asap, and logged back in, and I somehow survived, played for a bit, then had to go afk, so I aborted once again. I come back later at about 2:45 am PST to log back in and keep playing. At this time only 3 people are online, 2 of which are on teamspeak with me, the third a player named Tac (will have admin get GUID when available) I go through the usual loading procedures, and after recieving...., as I am loading a second time, I see that [WD]OtterDerp was killed, my game finished loading in time for me to see that I am on debug hill, instead of the forest I was in, and there is another live player with a gun pointed at me, he quickly aborts, the other 2 players in teamspeak confirm that he was the only one in-game, and not in the lobby at the time, and he did in fact disconnect from the server as I saw him dissappear. This is not a hack report, but seeing as killing on debug hill/forest is a bannable offense, I thought it would be worth reporting under this section.
  7. Found AS50 Gave AS50 to friend friend derped and her backpack ate her shiny new AS50 Friend almost cried I gave said friend an M107 C:
  8. OtterDerp

    Any stories you feel bad about?

    I decided I wanted to try my M107 on a player. Went to northeast airfield and saw a player named spanese going prone across the tarmac from one hangar to the other. He didn't even get to hear what killed him, when that gun fires, its insanley loud, but the bullet travels so fast that you hear it wizzing past you (if it happens to miss) before hearing the gunshot about half a second later. Poor guy had no chance.
  9. OtterDerp

    Pending Hotfix: Build
