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Hayabusa (DayZ)

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About Hayabusa (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Im 22 and I cause as much tears and frustration as I possibly can, its why i love Dayz, I dupe AS50's M4A1's, ghuile suits, and NVG and just sit on the coast picking off noobs, if a hacker kills me I go to my tent with 9 more full sets of gear and go back to camping noobs just so you can post on the forums about how you hate me. Your post full me. Have a nice play.
  2. Hayabusa (DayZ)

    US 905 best server admin ever

    We play mainly USTZ, another scripter came onto the server and reomved our abort and restart buttons, again he fixes it promptly
  3. Hayabusa (DayZ)

    US 905 best server admin ever

    No? As in you dont want ot play the game at all? Or on out server at all?
  4. Ok to thos who dont know my buddy runs server US 905, we were all playing and the entire server just fell over dead, the admin stopped the server within seconds before it could sync with the hive. He started teh server and everyone got their gear back and posted the hackers GUID to the devs. My first taste of sweet justice
  5. Hayabusa (DayZ)

    Dallas 49, admin abuse

    Holy f@ck way to not read the entire thread Anyway I pulled a derp when I posted in that other thread with the +TI+ clan. Had the wrong page opened up when i posted. However with getting everything cleared up is nice. I still am upset I got banned for no reason however im glad we could work this out. However you claiming that you have proof that me and zeromentor where hacking and not showing anything is very insulting as we have never hacked and never will. Appology accepted. Good day sir
  6. Hayabusa (DayZ)

    To the admin of Dallas 49

    This is outrageous. Please blacklist this server
  7. Hayabusa (DayZ)

    Dallas 49, admin abuse

  8. Hayabusa (DayZ)

    To the admin of Dallas 49

    talked to the admin, he claimed that I "hacked" in a truck when I was on foot in the woods with a M4A1 and shot their buddy off a motorcycle
  9. YES I JUST FOUND THIS!! They are still doing it to this day and they have not been blacklisted!! Their new server is Dallas 49 Please blacklist them as they just kick you as soon as they get killed by you
  10. Hayabusa (DayZ)

    To the admin of Dallas 49

    Yeah this needs to be stopped. Admins have to much power when they can just ban everyone who kills them
  11. Hayabusa (DayZ)

    To the admin of Dallas 49

    Then you kick me and my buddy for "hacking" umadbro?
  12. Hayabusa (DayZ)

    To the admin of Dallas 49

    To the guy on the motorcycle and the two guys on the ATV.....I killed you fair and square and you kicked me and restart the server because you cant defend yourself from a lone gunman. Way to go admins!
  13. Hayabusa (DayZ)

    Gun nerf is bullcrap

    Holy crap all of you counter strike players that keep saying "shoot for the head" are completely retarded. You NEVER aim for the head and ALWAYS aim center mass. What this gun nerf has done is make this game (a mil sim) move even further away from realism. Unless of course you have body armor on which I think is the case here. In Arma II everyone has body armor. But DAYZ has no choice but to give you armor because of the mod based off game files
  14. Hayabusa (DayZ)

    Gun nerf is bullcrap

    Doesnt matter. I still miss when the game desyncs and the bullets go through people
  15. Hayabusa (DayZ)

    Gun nerf is bullcrap

    Exactly. 1 hit from a .45 will either kill you, or "neutralize" you (rolling around on the ground like a b1tch)