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Everything posted by Cype_Revenge

  1. Cype_Revenge

    Rostow new Map

    Thanks enjoy it
  2. Cype_Revenge

    Rostow new Map

    Hello DayZ community, I started working on a map for DayZ a few months ago... I switched over from A3 to DayZ, for now DayZ Tools are not as user-friendly as A3 Tools. About the Rostow Map its a fictional Terrain based on a Real Location somewhere in Czech Republic. Size 14.336 x 14.336 mt. Cellsize 3.5 mt. Real Satimage Real Elevationdata for now Objectplacement its about 60% finished Satimage needs to be cleaned up Maskimage still needs to be created To creating a Map for one Person it takes a lot of time, needs time to finishing it.... Cheers some link to Imgur: https://imgur.com/RTSBJeX https://imgur.com/74FHc29 https://imgur.com/PJOQ7fD https://imgur.com/mssLj8z https://imgur.com/Mr7XLCE https://imgur.com/BdIkMKf
  3. Cype_Revenge

    Rostow new Map

    Map is Released! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2344585107
  4. Cype_Revenge

    Rostow new Map

    Hello Guys, I haven't heard anything for a while now, I'm still working on the map... Searching bugs, misplaced objects and working on the mask image.
  5. Cype_Revenge

    Rostow new Map

    some time has passed since my last post... placing some last objects, so that it suits the game better.
  6. Cype_Revenge

    Rostow new Map

    last 10 days worked on signs, created over 120 signs!
  7. Cype_Revenge

    Rostow new Map

    new clutter defined... cleaned up the Satimage, worked on the Mask and added a new Surface under the foliage Trees. next step Power lines. Thanks!
  8. Cype_Revenge

    Rostow new Map

    resume from the last weeks, objectplacement its done (only missing few smaller things) worked last week with Photoshop to clean the Satimage and experimented a bit with different Clutter variations.
  9. Cype_Revenge

    Rostow new Map

    Thanks always appreciate it! Yeah sure i will release it on Steam Workshop, writing it here and if you like follow me on Twitter or Steam.. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198067177346/myworkshopfiles/?appid=107410 https://twitter.com/cype_revenge
  10. Cype_Revenge

    Rostow new Map

    Thanks @Richie i am always around, working every day to finish this Map...
  11. Cype_Revenge

    Rostow new Map

    some news Objectplacement is 90% done (over 5 million objects) working on NE last part remaining... after that i will beginn to work on the sat and mask, clutter...
  12. Cype_Revenge

    Buldozer/Terrain Builder issue when moving objects

    this is new to me, used the DayZ tools now for about 1000 hours. Arma 3 are almost identical used it over 4000 hours but never seen this before. Only happens with street objects? remind me to the toggle Snappoints, when they are activated two objects are snapping together.
  13. Cype_Revenge

    Rostow new Map

    progres from the last 10 days
  14. Cype_Revenge

    Rostow new Map

    Yes i agree, iI will write a new xml with all the spawns and not a copy as others do. Yeah good Idea with the Animals inside Towns, I'll do that for sure! All ideas are welcome. NE Town almost finished
  15. Cype_Revenge

    Rostow new Map

    its about 200km² ... Chernarus is 225km² Livonia is 163km² 60-65% its Forest, the rest is an open Landscape with Towns and Cities.
  16. Cype_Revenge

    Rostow new Map

    new progress...
  17. Cype_Revenge

    Rostow new Map

    no not yet...
  18. Cype_Revenge

    Moving into 2020

    @Tom_48_97 I'm currently developing a new MAP for Dayz, it would be nice if we had an editor like A3 ones. placing all the towns with BD its time consuming and annoying.... Hoping in 2020 some Updates on the TerrainTools!
  19. Cype_Revenge

    Modding Support and Tools, Initial Release

    @Tom_48_97 Julien some questions.... I know the Terraintools for A3, worked with it a few tousand hours... In future you plan to porting over from TB A3 to TB Dayz the system to creating roads with Shapefiles? In my Eyes for now its a big step back, placing all the objects and you spend a lot of time creating Roads... (example downloading with Qgis the Shapefiles and importing it to TB saves a lot Time) Some viewer ingame like the Splendid Camera would also be very helpful, since we have no editor, to checking the placed objects ingame! Please check out the Objectplacementtool for A3 by Adanteh, its very Helpful for us Mapmaker https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1242712395 maybe something like this in Future?