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Everything posted by stratblues24@hotmail.com

  1. stratblues24@hotmail.com

    Over 230 hackers got banned on my server

    Interesting how many people assumed (wrongfully) that I use hacks. I spent a seriously large portion of my play time, at the end, doing nothing but trying to report hackers, assisting admins, and generally trying to help clear specific servers of script kiddies to make a "hacker free" place to play. Unfortunately, with the amount of script users, it was a losing battle. I seemed to notice that the amount of hackers, along with the general ease of their use, the script users seemed to outnumber the legit players Players seemed to have the if you cant beat em, join em mentality. The only way to "compete" was to join the ranks of the hackers. I refused to do that. So, I quit playing. Again, based on the numbers, I wasnt the only one.
  2. stratblues24@hotmail.com

    Over 230 hackers got banned on my server

    Quite simple actually. This game isnt any fun if you're not using scripts. They're easy to do, and easy to get away with if you're not a retard about it. So many people use scripts that it's rather pointless to be one of the few without them. Im actually surprised people are still playing this. By the numbers though, it seems to have dropped off quite a bit.
  3. stratblues24@hotmail.com

    US 88. Hacker "Ballgouger"

    You guys might wanna stay away from this server, as well as US87. Both owned by the NWO clan. A certain percentage of their clan members have proven to be notorious hackers, as well as Alt-F4 guys. Think they have a 3rd server as well, but cant recall the server name.
  4. stratblues24@hotmail.com

    Alt+F4 whores

    Should check out NWO clan. Those guys are notorious alt-f4 users. I once witnessed 6 of em all panic and alt-f4 when one of their clan mates was shot down.
  5. stratblues24@hotmail.com

    Alt+F4 whores

    Should check out NWO clan. Those guys are notorious alt-f4 users. I once witnessed 6 of em all panic and alt-f4 when one of their clan mates was shot down.
  6. stratblues24@hotmail.com

    Hacker on US 314

    Not sure how to contact the Admin for the server. But, if the logs could be checked, this guy could be dealt with. Server : US 314 August 13th Approx. 12:25 am (just past midnight) Around the NW Airfield. I watched him kill a guy named "Soda Can (Mountain Dew)" I fired off a few rounds from about 500 meters. Was pretty sure I was hitting him, but didnt see the expected response. Figured either lag, glitch, bug, Im somehow missing...or...perhaps a hacker. So I start to regress away from my firing position. I notice he seems to d/c as he vanishes. 3 seconds later...yes...3 seconds...he (or I must admit, "someone") appears right in front of me and immediately unloads. I never run fraps, and there was no time for screenshots. No name tags on this server either. But, given the date, time and location; surely an Admin could find the teleport script in the logs. Cheers.
  7. stratblues24@hotmail.com

    US 406, Unjustified Ban

    Got banned from US 406 for killing the Admin (or his buddy) and taking his loot. Not a huge issue as I can simply join any other server I want. However, it's not really appropriate for Admins to be able to ban players from their server simply for killing them. Yes, it has been submitted to the Server Report Forum as well. (Although it still hasnt shown up)
  8. stratblues24@hotmail.com

    DayZ Development Blog #1: The end of the beginning

    Wow! Just checked out the new Arma 3 Engine. I must say, I might have spoken too soon in my earlier post. Perhaps The War Z will not stand up against DayZ after all. There will still be the issue of content. However, with the assistance of an actual build team, I'm optimistic Rocket and BI can pull off an excellent stand-alone version. I'm not even a fan of Arma 2. (It kinda sucks IMHO). But Arma 3, by itself, looks like it might be worth a try. *Fingers crossed Keep up the great work guys.
  9. stratblues24@hotmail.com

    DayZ Development Blog #1: The end of the beginning

    Unfortunately for DayZ, it seems to be "too little, too late". With The War Z picking up production steam, I dont think DayZ standalone would be worth the effort. WarZ is pretty much a more polished version on a (presumably) much better engine. Im not interested in the "who came up with the idea first" argument. Im indifferent. DayZ was a grea concept! Sadly, lack of content pretty much nipped it in the butt. To no fault of Rocket and his team. Only so much a small group of modders can accomplish, and they should be damn proud of what they were able to pull off.
  10. stratblues24@hotmail.com

    Well I just uninstall this POS

    Unfortunately, such is the way of things in DayZ currently. I dont think you should give up though. Remember, the game is still in Alpha, the very early stages of development. There might be a host of different reasons that a (seemingly) large percentage of the population spend their time griefing other players. Some of those reasons can not be dealt with. However, one of the main reasons, IMHO, is simply that there is literally nothing else to do in the game. There is zero content. Which is acceptable! It's still being developed. Once Rocket and his team deploy future mechanics in the game to add any semblance of depth, I think we're likely to see the kill-on-sight mentality, and the griefing, start to recede a bit.
  11. stratblues24@hotmail.com

    20 words or less: Super-Low Humanity Detection

    NO Simply put: It will not solve the "Kill On Sight" that plagues the game.
  12. stratblues24@hotmail.com

    calling out whoever just shot me

    Unfortunately, you just learned the hard way that DayZ is NOT a co-op game. Perhaps it was intended to be...but the anonymity of the internet, mixed with the general disposition of the playerbase, makes this game a kill on sight experience.
  13. stratblues24@hotmail.com

    Worried about DayZ's future, let's discuss.

    Can you link me the post/thread where Rocket said that? Im referring to the post about "Brutal, Unrestricted PvP"
  14. stratblues24@hotmail.com

    Worried about DayZ's future, let's discuss.

    I must have missed that thread. Factions and player controlled areas though...that sounds interesting. Sure sounds like something that players could enjoy and would help bring some much needed depth to the game. I obviously missed out on Rocket's thoughts about "end-game" (for lack of a better word), but it is reassuring to know he and his guys are tossing those types of ideas around at least.
  15. stratblues24@hotmail.com

    Worried about DayZ's future, let's discuss.

    I'll first start by saying i LOVE the concept. Rocket has done a great job considering he is working with an absolutely horrible engine. I was one of those who bought Arma simply to play DayZ. I've been playing a few weeks now and I've had quite a bit of fun. However, I must admit my hope for the game's future isn't very high. That is by all means NOT an insult on rocket or his team. I think the real problem at this point is...well...there's nothing to do. I logged in as a fresh toon (due to some unexplained bug, but it's alpha). Spent a little time scrounging up some food, water, a tent, and a weapon. Well....Im done? Yeah, that's pretty much it. I already have enough food and water to last quite some time. I even have the needed items which would allow me to live off farm animals for an extended period of time. No need to re-visit any zombie infested areas. My camp is in such a random and remote place that I'm not likely to be stumbled upon by another player. I learned early on not to visit Electro, Cherno, or either Airfield. Now I dont have to visit anywhere at all. I am surviving, which is supposed to be the goal of the game. Well...I've done it. I have no interest in "high-end" gear...I dont need it. I have no need for a vehicle...dont need it. Like alot of people, I will admit that I resorted to PK-ing to pass the time. The first few times I picked off some unsuspecting player from afar, I did giggle a bit. Then it downgraded to a titter. But now, that's not enough entertainment to keep my attention. I know there is a certain percentage of the player base that SWEARS by player killing. I've seen plenty of posts about So and So's murder count and blah blah blah. Killing other players in this game is easy. You're not elite. You're not special. You're not "hardcore". You're one of two things: A griefer by nature or, most likely....just bored. While that small, yet overly vocal minority, may thrive on PK-ing; most of the playerbase is going to need something more immersive than that to keep them here. There needs to be more depth to the gameplay. No, unfortunately I cant say that I really have any suggestions. I dont have the answer. I just know that there is something missing to give this mod real "staying power". Rocket and his crew have done an amazing job so far. My hopes are they have some cool ideas up their sleeves to take the mod to the next level so to speak.
  16. stratblues24@hotmail.com

    L85A2 gone, snipers will reign supreme

    When will people realize this game is not about camping on a hill and sniping other players? Can you say...lack of depth?
  17. stratblues24@hotmail.com

    Invincible on Atlanta 14

    Server: US149 Approx 9pm Eastern Time (7/8/2012) Near Cherno Same type of incident. I was creeping around and picked up the sound of a player coughing nearby. Found him laying prone with a hatchet out. Put two slugs, point blank, into his head. I noticed he started to bleed. But, the then pulled out a pistol and dropped me dead with one shot. Unfortunately, we cant see player names so its impossible to report him.
  18. stratblues24@hotmail.com

    kill on site solution

    Not sure about the OP idea. However, it is becoming increasingly obvious that something needs to be done about all the pk-ing. Really starting to bring the game down. Player killing SHOULD be a part of the game. But...player killing should be A PART of the game (see what I did there?). As of now, this game is pretty much nothing more than a 50 player free-for-all with easily avoidable zombies in the background. Not to be presumptuous, but Im not sure that was the devs intention. I admitt I am at a loss for a solution. We can only hope they come up with some form of game mechanic to curb the pointless pk-ing
  19. stratblues24@hotmail.com

    Logging in unconscious?

    Been happening to me all day today. Started playing this morning after about 2 days of downtime. Spawned in right where I remembered, no issues. Played a bit (about 20 minutes) then had to log for some RL stuff. Logged back in and I was in shock, had a broken leg, was bleeding...AND all my bandages were gone. I spawned out with about 5 bandages in my bag...all gone. Needless to say, I died. A little peeved, but this is alpha. So /shrug. Start over, grab some loot from a few spots, then start the long trek toward the NW airfield. Get most of the way there, then need a break. Logged off for a few hours. Log back in...about 5 seconds later...instant death. No gunshots, no players, no zombies. I was well hidden in a rather out-of-the way random spot. Hope its fixed soon.
  20. stratblues24@hotmail.com

    Zombie Spawn Rate?

    I'm a little confused about the zombie spawn rate. I've watched numerous youtube videos before I downloaded this mod. In every video, I watch the player go into a small town, or group of houses, or a barn. In the videos, there is usually 3 or 4 zombies that the player spots and has to avoid while they're searching for loot. However, when I play it is much...much...different. Playing yesterday, I decided to start counting and this is the result::: Went to the outskirts of a very small town. Probably only 3 or 4 loot locations inside at the most. Just from one vantage point, I counted 19 zombies. Now that is 19 zombies that I can see from ONE position. Quickly scrapped that idea and made my way to another very small village. This time, I was able to count 22 zombies!! 22+19=41 Thats 41 total zombies in my area. The debug screen displayed a total zombie count of 129 for the entire server. That means out of 129 zombies...41 of them just happen to be crowded around the two small villages I was near. Leaving only 88 zombies to cover the entire remaining area of the server. Now, it gets better. Scrapped that idea as well and continued on to a third village. This one a little larger. From the hill on the outskirts, I counted 23 more zombies. Now we're up to 64 zombies...out of 129...that just happen to spawn in the three areas I try to get in to. Other than the chance that the debug monitor is simply not displaying the correct total number of zombies; anyone have any thoughts on why the large numbers seem to appear at any spot I try to loot? Im sorry for not recording the server name, or the name of the villages.
  21. stratblues24@hotmail.com


    Thanks for the input! I may not be a "complete" noob when it comes to computers; but I must admit I have never heard of an SSD. Would it be best to install the SSD in addition to the typical HD? Then, perhaps install whichever game you're currently playing onto the SSD as opposed to the HD for better data transfer rates? Im not even gonna chime in on the pagefile debate as I have no idea how to do it, and no clue what its purpose would be.
  22. stratblues24@hotmail.com


    Shameless Bump
  23. stratblues24@hotmail.com


    I dont mean to hi-jack the thread. But, there seems to be a handfull of folks more kowledgeable in the art of PC building than myself. So I'd like to enlist their know-how on a system Im looking at putting together. ___ Intel i7 3930k 6-core 3.2ghz lga-2011 ASUS Sabertooth x79 w/ lga-2011 socket 16gb Corsair ddr3 sdram Nvidia GTX 560 Ti Zalman EVO 212 (i think) heatsink Silencer 910 ATX 12v power supply Seagate Barracuda 1TB HD w 32mb cache ___ Thoughts, comments, suggestions? Thanks in advance WhiskyJak
  24. stratblues24@hotmail.com

    Why is everyone I meet an ***hole?

    Been playing this game for a few days. Never last longer than 15 minutes or so really. Never find any food or water. Found a weapon once, but ended up starving to death anyway. Today, I finally get a break. Found a rifle, some ammo, bandages, food and pepsi. Got excited thinking I was actually going to last a little while. Run into another player. We rounded corners and came face to face. I have a rifle, he has a flashlight. Being the kind of guy I am, I dont fire. He trails in a handful of zombies, and the fight is on. He is able to take one down with the hatchet that I GAVE HIM. But, he cant fight off the other 4. Rifle fire cracks as I come to the rescue. Zombies down, he bandages up and goes about his way...so I thought. I turn to peek at the Zombies for any gear, find some stuff nearby that Im sorting through. Whack Whack Whack I get out of the clunky inventory screen to turn just in time to see that same guy now burying a hatchet...MY HATCHET...into my skull. Game Over. ...so, henceforth...everyone dies. I am NOT friendly. :@
  25. stratblues24@hotmail.com

    Invisible character on login new patch 1.7.1

    Still looking for a fix for this. Game is pretty much unplayable...or at least it's "pointless" to play...while in this invisible state.