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Christopher Hair

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Everything posted by Christopher Hair

  1. Christopher Hair

    Please help with the server setup.

    In your server config.cfg go to Server Time: and set it to 2018/4/8/04/30 this will set the server to start at 4:30am ( dawn) Unfortunately you will need to set these parameters and judge and config to what you want. Server Time Accelaration: 1-24 ( 1 makes day last long 24 makes night more common) Server Time Persistent: 1 - 64 ( 1 makes the night go really slow and 64 very fast) This is my setup and I have like 5 hours day and 15 mins night Server Time Accelaration: 2 Server Time Persistent: 45
  2. Christopher Hair

    Please help with the server setup.

    If you look here this may help you. This was started on an xbox forum but I was saying how we did it on PC
  3. Christopher Hair

    Nitrado Server Assistance

    "Not 100% on how the set up is on your xbox control panel" Am still trying to help...you ain't !!
  4. Christopher Hair

    Nitrado Server Assistance

    Yeah but does the xbox and ps4 servers not get their control panel and config on a PC?? So it might be the same in some way, least I was trying to HELP! As per there is always one person like you that is negative rather than positive when it comes to helping others. Have you actually made a comment thats helping the guy who made the post in one way? no? ok thought so.
  5. Christopher Hair

    Consoles - Server Config

    Only trying to help, is that not why we all here? Help the community?
  6. Christopher Hair

    Experimental Update 1.05

    Emmm, Cause I said ETA Estimated time of arrival.....ESTIMATED its in the word!! I am not asking for an answer like this Sunday the 18th at 07:15am. All I was asking was for an ESTIMATE.. like within 2-3weeks, 1-2 months.
  7. Christopher Hair

    Nitrado Server Assistance

    Did you stop the server first then change then start server. I know its a dumb question but i have met some server owners who have done this stuff without stopping server.
  8. Christopher Hair

    Help with setting up a server

    Look here
  9. Christopher Hair

    Experimental Update 1.05

    ETA? For when it goes live and not experimental ? Need to give my players notice so they don't cry as hard this time 🙂
  10. Christopher Hair

    Nitrado Server Assistance

    How does the server messages.xml setup look like? Does it look like this 20:15:00~Welcome to our server~loop-4 20:30:00~This message will show at 8:30PM and will loop every hour~loop-1 20:35:00~This message will show at 8:35PM and will loop every 2 hours~loop-2 20:45:00~This message will show at 8:45PM and will loop every 4 hours~loop-4 20:55:00~Your server will restart in 5 minutes, this message loops every 4 hours~loop-4 or this? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <messages> <!-- This is example message for automatic server termination --> <message> <!-- no delay --> <delay>0</delay> <!-- if the value is larger than 0, then flag Repeat is enabled --> <repeat>0</repeat> <!-- if the value is larger than 0, then flag Countdown is enabled, countdown reaches zero in 10 hours --> <deadline>600</deadline> <!-- disable On connect flag --> <onconnect>0</onconnect> <!-- enable Shutdown flag --> <shutdown>1</shutdown> <!-- message itself with placeholders --> <text>Hello, this server (#name) will shutdown in #tmin minutes.</text> </message> </messages>
  11. Christopher Hair

    Nitrado Server Assistance

    Here at this section if you set the Server Time Multiplier - 0 to Server Time Multiplier 1 then that should make the days last long and for Server Time Multiplier (Night) - 63 this should make the nights be very short. But if you get your days lasting 4 hours then you try set your restarts ( if you can) to 4 hours and you will have a full day server. I was trying to get myself a server for the PS4 but Nitrado says they don't do them yet...weird. But when I get one I will be able to be more helpful.
  12. Christopher Hair

    Nitrado Server Assistance

    What is not currently possible? The code or the config?? If you read my first sentence i say am not 100% on the setup of the xbox console. Its people like you who make this forum SHITE!! I am simply trying to give the guy a hand.
  13. Christopher Hair

    Nitrado Server Assistance

    Not 100% on how the set up is on your xbox control panel but if you go to filemanager/mpmissions/dayzoffline.chernarusplus/db/type.xmls you can find the loot table there. You can make things more common if you change the nominal higher or lower. <nominal>15</nominal> <lifetime>7200</lifetime> <restock>1800</restock> <min>8</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> <category name="weapons"/> <usage name="Military"/> So in this case change the 15 to say 45 and it will become more common. But be careful on what you do as you can end up with a server that just spawns in the same stuff. As for making more loot you can play about with the lifetimes and restock to what you want. But there is only so many loot positions on the map that you can't increase. So work with these parameters to you get what your looking for. As for night time and day you need to go to your config.cfg and in general settings the Server Time Accelaration is in there and you can set the day to long by setting at 1 and 24 as short. Then in Server Night Time Acceleration if you set the number to 1 the nights will be slow and set it to 64 for the nights to be very fast. Though this is how we set them up on the PC but am sure its close to the same on the Xbox control panel Hope this helps.
  14. Christopher Hair

    car lights not working?

    This is happening when I play on PS4 but not on PC and both are 1.04. Hopefully Bohemia look into this as there public servers are half night time.
  15. Christopher Hair


    With regards to the night vision, have you placed the battery in the slot for it? I have heard this has been a problem with the consoles atm.
  16. Christopher Hair

    Guns jam / wont fire

    Is there a X where the bullet should be? x/29 <--- Ammo count. All you need to do is hold down the reload button and an animation will take place, then the gun will un-jam
  17. Christopher Hair

    How can i Create a mod DayZ Server

    Its a bit more complicated than just using a tutorial. What server host do u have? If you get one maybe I can give u a couple of tips on starting it up.
  18. Christopher Hair

    NightZ and DayZ

    When did they mention this? If you go on rented servers am sure the admins have the power to change the night day ratios.
  19. Christopher Hair

    Rented servers problems

    DayZ servers are full of crashes. Look in your log files to see what is happening. Look for ones like this that you can send to Bohemia Here...https://feedback.bistudio.com/project/view/2/
  20. PARA-UK|Traders|Map|Vehicles|ToxicZone|PVP|++Loot|NoStam|CodeLock Welcome to PARA-UK We are a bunch of player who like to Build bases, explore and fight if we have to! If you are a player like this and want to come join our community then please feel free to come join us. Find us on the DZSAlauncher or through the steam launcher. IP: Server features - Summer Chernarus - Advanced weaponry - Base furniture items - Better suppresses - Build anywhere - Bullet stack - Code lock - Side chat - Gore - Traders - Toxic zone And many more. The server also has a discord page that we can discuss about adding new mods and what we want from the server and the community in the future. Discord Channel https://discord.gg/xhZzRnu
  21. Christopher Hair

    Consoles - Server Config

    If its your message.xml that is not working then it has nothing to do with the guys from dayz but who ever your server host is by.
  22. Christopher Hair

    Consoles - Server Config

    Hey, I was looking to get a DayZ server for my PS4 are they any good? Plus with that code you have it won't repeat message but only do them at the server restart time. You would need to use server messages and put something that looks like this: 20:00:00~This is DayZ~loop-1 20:0010~This is (server name ) we hope you have fun and~loop-2 20:30:00~Please report all bugs or problems on discord~loop-4 20:30:00~Server will restart in 30 mins~loop-4 20:45:00~Server will restart in 15 mins~loop-4 20:55:00~Server will restart in 5 mins~loop-4 But I am not sure if you can do this on your control panel.
  23. Christopher Hair

    Car Repair and Vanishing Cars XBOX

    This happens all the time, from the DayZ mod on Arma2 and on exile on Aarma3 and also on the PC version hopefully it will be sorted in the next update.