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Everything posted by SillyJoe

  1. SillyJoe

    Console Update 1.04

    Please also fix the driving freezelags while your on it... 😉
  2. SillyJoe

    Xbox. Wolf packs

    We already run into several wolf packs in 1.04. You find them often near devils castle, sometimes even inside devils castle (happened yesterday). It's really funny to watch them fight the zombs 😛
  3. SillyJoe

    Motor Oil

    I'll try this today (if our car doesn't launch in the air again)... Btw, can you xbox guys can confirm that you don't get those freezelags anymore while driving with 1.04 (I'm on PS4)? That wasn't my intention... 😉 Another thing to mention is that you always need to FULLY fill up the radiator before driving. BTW, the arrow of the water status is also buggy (it shows full when it's empty and empty when it's full). I don't know how the devs can mess up things like that...
  4. SillyJoe


    If your items get stuck in tents, barrels, cars, chests you need to wait for a server restart to be able to pull them out again... It's sad that they haven't fixed it yet. Let's hope that the devs are able to fix it!
  5. SillyJoe

    Community/Private servers inquiry.

    It's a bit OT but imho the main problem with custom/private servers (60+ slots) is that they will get really laggy and almost unplayable if they are full. They need to be restarted every few hours to stay in a playable state. We also had it many times that items don't work (can't eat, can't use ducktape aso) on these high pop server so you need to relog and wait 20+ minutes in the queue to get back into server. This can be real frustrating. The performance on high pop - high slot custom servers is real bad imho... And no, it's not my Internet (100/45mbps, wired) or my PS4 (Pro with SSD), it happens to everyone on the server and destroys the fun playing the game.
  6. SillyJoe

    I spent all day building a car...

    I think that they also messed up the status of the cars with 1.04 (it shows green but it's actually red). If you crash and you see white smoke coming out of the car it means that you can't fix it anymore and the car will despawn after you go out of close proxmity of the car. I wouldn't complain about a few lags sometimes, especialy on high pop server but the FREEZES are the gamebreaking thing that needs to be fixed. We encounterd FREEZELAGS of about 25-30seconds and if your unlucky the car will crash during this time (most of the time the brakes doesn't even work while you have the freezelag, so you can't do anything to save the car). We also keep spare car parts in our trunk to fix it after a crash but sometimes those parts are buggy as well and stuck so you have to wait for a server restart to get them out of the trunk. As I said driving and fixing a car is messed up big time and they need to fix it ASAP before the people loose all the fun with cars... The weird thing is that ONLY DRIVER GET THE FREEZELAG, the other ppl sitting in the car don't get em... There has to be a fix for it! I'm not 100% sure but I think that the ppl on xbox don't encounter the freezelags anymore, maybe it's only a problem on PS4 at this time. Please devs fix these issues so we can finally enjoy our lovely cars.
  7. SillyJoe

    I spent all day building a car...

    Our Cars never despawned unless they were completly damaged (red)... The thing with the slow driving doesn't work lot of the time. For example you drive slowly down a road/hill and you get the freezelag the car might crash and get **** or you end up stuck in between something and can't recover the car. Or your car will fly in the air and you end up dying (happend twice for us on high pop servers). I don't have a problem with building or/and fixing a car but the freezlags completly destroy every fun with driving. It's a shame hat they haven't fixed the driving/freezelags yet. SO PLEAE FIX THE DAMN FREEZELAGS ASAP!!
  8. SillyJoe

    Console Update 1.04

    The new server browser is weird AF! Now I have to scroll trough 30+ sites to find my fave custom servers... 😑 Do I have to delete my dayz savedata or is it supposed to be like this? edit: 64+ sites now. I mean cmon!!! edit2: Finally found my custom home server but the server keeps restarting every minute... WTH is going on?! It's rather a brokefix than a hotfix!
  9. SillyJoe

    Motor Oil

    Oil is uesless, you can't fill it in afaik (never worked for me and we fixed about 8 cars after 1.04). @Neutral Buoyancy You probably don't know how to drive your car correctly, we never used motor oil and we drove around the whole map with one car (until LAGFREEZE destroyed it again)...
  10. SillyJoe


    Just fix/adjust the nights and make the moonlight more realistic. Even the night loving folks will have no problem with that... PEACE!
  11. SillyJoe

    Ps plus

    I think this ain't gonna happen. Just a tip, get together with a close friend and share the game. Btw, sharing also works for PS plus. 😉
  12. SillyJoe

    Buggy Scopes

    Oh okay, thanks for letting me know. Actually I'd love to play with the baraka sight on the MP5 and UMP but they are bugged right now so I thought the BUIS would help me out on these guns...
  13. SillyJoe

    Rented servers problems

    Ok, so it's possible to set up a server restart message? I played at several custom servers so far and none of them had a server message before the restart happend. Weird...
  14. SillyJoe

    New weapons for 1.05 release

    @DayzDayzFanboy We tried about 5-6 cars on different server and all of them were freezing at some point (I even have a Samsung SSD inside my PS4 - so even less render probs than other ppl). You must have been ultra lucky to not get a freeze lag... Are you playing on a low pop private server or maybe it's only a problem at the PS4 platfrom? Btw, many many players (and everyone of my Dayz friends) reported those freezelags with 1.02 and 1.04, so it's still not fixed - which is very very sad! Item's are disappearing... Yeah well it only happend one time for me but it happend several time for my buddys. The one time were it happend to me was when I was driving a car with my M4 in hands (to react when someone shooting at us and we need to get out of the car quickly) and the game completetly froze (had to restart application). After i joined back on the server my M4 was gone (i had CQB-Buttstock and MP-Handguard on it so I was a bit pissed at the time). zombs buggy AF... Happens a lot on High pop custom servers and high pop official servers. I mean it really happens ALOT of the time! I saw it several times that almost EVERY zomb at Kamyshovo was frozen at a fence/house or tree. A server restart will fix it tho. Non working Scopes (most battery ones) ... Correct, every scope without battery is working fine. The only one that I found out is working with the battery is the Kobra sight for the KN-Fam. Imho it's really sad that they released an update with broken scopes!!! -Didn't this happend to the poor xbox guys before?! Serverbrowser for custom servers... I mean cmon! There is not even a filter for password/non-password and slot filter. -Really cheap implemented! NVG's... Yea they do work but how they are suppose to work! Ergo they DON'T work for us console players. @ellofive Don't get me wrong, I'm really not the type of guy who likes to complain about everything 24/7 but I waited patiently for 1.04 and told all my friends to wait for it (many of them were really pissed about the game and the price that they paid for it *50eur*) but with 1.04 there are still alot of game breaking bugs inside the game. I think we players have to complain at some point and let the devs know what's wrong in the game. For me it seems like that the devs think that a few new guns and a car will make everyone happy but they should IMHO focus on the general gameplay and bug fixing and they don't need to add NEW stuff atm. Fix the game/bugs (in general) >> and then add new stuff. Don't let the devs think that everything is fine and that we (console players) will happily wait another few month to get general stuff fixed (e.g. NVGs cars, item pickup, scopes aso). We paid a decent ammout of money for a so called RELEASE game, so imho we can expect that they get their *** up and fix the game (in general aspects) ASAP! Happy DayZ! 😉
  15. SillyJoe

    New weapons for 1.05 release

    Yeah right.... so you are quite happy with 1.04? Are you one of these guys which are playing/hiding 24/7 on his 10 slot private server? Do you even play the game? 🤨 -Non working Scopes (most battery ones) -Cars still LAGFREEZING -Buggy inventory (can't pick up stuff from peoples backpack, tents, cars, chests aso) -Items disappearing for no reason -weak performance on high pop custom servers (64+ slots) -zombs buggy AF (buggy/freezing at corners, houses, fences aso) -NVGs are not working -Serverbrowser for custom servers is a bad joke -aso.... We waited so long for this patch and there are so many game breaking bugs!! Please explain why you are quite happy with 1.04....
  16. SillyJoe

    Twitter dayz team play ps4...

    So no hotfix for NVGs in 1.04?! Nice one BI, you guys are really professional! 🤕
  17. SillyJoe

    Rented servers problems

    Btw, why is there no restart message before the server restarts like on the official servers? I would feel pretty bad if I paid money for a private server and there is not even a restart message for the players on my server...!
  18. SillyJoe

    Console Update 1.04

    Hopefully the devs are competently enough to fix these issues. Btw, we allready destroyed 3 cars because of freezing! And yes, the bugged items (cars, barrels, tents and even backpacks) are fine again after a server reset. IT's TIME FOR A HOTFIX!!! Pls devs make us happy ❤️
  19. SillyJoe

    I spent all day building a car...

    To be honest I wouldn't spend your time to build/fix a car. We allready fixed 3 cars after the patch and they all got destroyed by freeze lags... The devs need to fix the car freezing first, it's so annoying if you spend hours to find the parts and then the car crashes because of freeze lags! I wonder if the freeze lags only happening on console or maybe only on PS4? Devs please fix the driving aka FREEZING WHILE DRIVING A CAR! Pls pls pls....
  20. SillyJoe

    Update 1.04 disappoint

    I can turn on boost mode at 4k (+1080p) with my pro (I can't turn on Supersampling with my 4k TV tho)... So i've tried boost mode on with 4k and the game looks amazing but its more laggy and the fps are far worse than with 1080p. I can't tell for sure if the boost mode does anything but before 1.04 1080p with boost mode off was the way to go and I think it's still the best. Anyway I'm really sad that 4k doesn't run as smooth as 1080p because I would really like to play at 4k. The game looks amazing at 4k and it's also more easy to spot ppl at higher distances at 4k resolution for me. So I really hope that the devs can improve the 4k performance for the PS4 Pro players (with 4k TV's/monitors) and please improve the rendering of the enviroment (i even have a SSD inside my PS4 and still got problems). Pls improve it devs ❤️
  21. SillyJoe

    Dropping items!!

    I don't know why they removed this option. It was fine in 1.02. Hopefully they will add it back... WE SHOULD LET THE DEVS KNOW. Another thing that freaks me out a lil bit is the new "RELOADING BY PRESSING TRIANGLE". I'm very happy that you can now put the bullets out of your chamber by double pressing Triangle but imho it should be "RELOADING BY PRESSING TRIANGLE ONCE" and "PUT THE BULLETS OUT THE CHAMBER BY HOLDING TRIANGLE".
  22. SillyJoe

    car lights not working?

    Car lights don't work for any type of car. They worked in 1.02 but the devs ruined them with the latest patch....
  23. SillyJoe

    Update 1.04 disappoint

    Afaik DayZ doesn't have HDR support but I'll try boost mode on tonight (maybe the improved it 4 the pro)... Do you play at 4k? I had horrible fps with 4k but I haven't tried boost mode + 4k with latest patch.
  24. SillyJoe

    Console Update 1.04

    Thanks for the info, its time for a hotix...
  25. SillyJoe

    Console Update 1.04

    They should shedule a fix drivng cars, bandanas aren't that game breaking but the freezes are rly game breaking and the broken lights makes it very difficult to drive at night...