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Everything posted by SillyJoe

  1. It seems like that those nasty freeze lags while driving are fixed with Xbox Series X @latest Game Preview Version: On PS5 @1.09 those freeze lags are sadly still present! We now got the Hardware (PS5) that should be able to easy run DayZ with stable 60fps with no performance issues but for some reason the game performance is way worse on PS5 compared to Xbox Series X: My guess is that DayZ (1.09) on PS5 currently runs in PS4/PS4-Pro compatibility aka Legacy mode and doesn't use the hardware correctly. Please fix this before releasing 1.10 or deploy a PS5 specific patch to enable the native PS5 Backwards compatible mode in order to let DayZ use of the actual performance of the PS5. Anyway keep up the great work @DayZ Devs. The latest Xbox Preview Version is looking quite solid! 🙂 👍
  2. SillyJoe

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    @lynn.zaw Could you please ask the devs if they can spend some time to improve server side performance? Ty... ❤️
  3. SillyJoe

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    Linux servers and DayZ? Is this a joke?
  4. Any word on next gen consoles? Btw devs, would you please "Fix/Improve Server Side Performance" before adding new stuff to the game...? Let's be honest, the server side performance of DayZ is a bad joke!
  5. SillyJoe

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    3 words: Fix Server Performance
  6. SillyJoe

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    Lets be real, the main problem is that the server side of DayZ is very poorly optimized! Afaik most of the server calculations are done on a single core and that's why we see such a bad performance on most high/full pop servers (60+slots). The results are wonky/suicide cars, non-working AI, delayed player actions, desync and awful hitreg. The devs need to put more work into the server side of DayZ or hire someone that is able to fix the problems at the server side of things! I haven't seen one server performance fix in any changelog since I've started to play DayZ on PS4 but for some reason we are still able rent community servers with up to 100 slots at Nitrado... 😮
  7. SillyJoe

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    Well the point is that BI's server provider/partner Nitrado does offer servers with up to 100slots!! We aren't even able rent servers with exactly 60 slots, it's either 52,64,66,68,70,82 or 100slots... I still wonder why its not even possible for console users to rent servers with exactly 60 slots (like the official ones)?! In my opinion it's a complete scam to offer servers with up to 100 slots because these servers are not running smooth above 60 slots at full pop (with the default server config). So why is nitrado able to offer servers above 60 slots if it's a known problem that everything above 60 turns into a complete lag fest? My experience on PS4 and community servers: 52 slots = constant smooth game play (with well timed server restarts) at full pop. Anything with 64 slots and above will almost immediately (few minutes) turn into a "complete lag fest aka AI/Zeds are stuck, cars are impossible to drive, hit detection with ultra lag, rubber banding, high chance of constant desync, aso." at full pop!
  8. SillyJoe

    Experimental Update 1.10 (Changelog)

    @Dayz/Devs We need network and server sided optimization. I can only speak for PS4 but almost any server above 60 slots does suffer from lag/rubber banding or general ultra bad performance when full pop. Before you add new stuff you should rather look into the server performance/server side and spend your time optimizing it. Btw are there any news about next gen consoles? Can we expect specific next gen performance patches/improvements?
  9. SillyJoe

    Console Update 1.08

    Well source Engine is way more mature and solid. I think that the Rust devs will do a great job to optimize their game for the current console generation and I'm quite sure that rust will run better than DayZ on consoles. I'm also sure that the game won't be released it in such a buggy state as DayZ but we will see... I do hope that we will have a great DayZ time with the new consoles and I hope that the devs will sort out most of the gamebreaking bugs before the new console generation will be released! I'm not a game dev but I can imagine that it's quite difficult to optimize a game like DayZ for the current console generation (performance wise). Anyway all the game breaking bugs does ruin the experience the most (imho). Bad performance + game breaking bugs = non happy players!
  10. SillyJoe

    Console Update 1.08

    Well done. Next thing that broke with 1.08 are lightsticks. They aren't working anymore. Every colour=White with no light source coming from them... I guess it not worth to ask for general performance fixes on PS4 Pro but I'll do it anyway. Please give us better performance and please also work on the server side of your game. Servers with more than 60 Slots are still a lag/teleportfest when full pop. And cars.... ehmm nvm.
  11. SillyJoe

    Console Update 1.08

    +1 But please fix the stamina consumption for filled up Plastic Bottles and Canteens. You must have made a calculation mistake (np happens to the best of us) because you have probably worked so hard to deliver a clean and bug free update...
  12. SillyJoe

    Console Update 1.08

    My friend just told me that there is community server with 150 slots and another one with 120 slots. I thought that he was joking since everything above 60 slots is basically unplayable when full pop but I just checked the community server list and he wasn't joking... 😮 Cmon there is no f**** way that Nitrado does offer servers with that many slots, the 100 slot servers are already pure scam, because the performance is so damn bad above 60 slots but 120 or 150 slots I mean WTF @DayZ and @Nitrado!
  13. SillyJoe

    Console Update 1.08

    I don't care where you transfered from but your laughable with your slim and your super fast fibre optic connection. Do you realize than you could play "any modern" game with dedicated servers even with a slow ass 2000/448kbits ADSL connection if your line isn't satuarated while playing or you do have a decent QoS setup in play, you freaking tech noob. And do you realize that FPS aren't related to the connection at all? I guess you have no Idea at all so your the silly one here. Btw, I do own a PS4-Pro + SSD and 500/100mbps FTTH connection and I've talked to many friends and players since 1.08 and "ALL" of them experience serious fps drops in gunfights and bad performance in general + crashes. #facts
  14. SillyJoe

    Console Update 1.08

    It seems like that you never got into serious gunfights with full auto AR's. The general fps is still freaking bad if not even worse with 1.08 and cars are also as buggy as with 1.07... #facts
  15. SillyJoe

    Stable Update 1.08

    Lazy devs...
  16. SillyJoe

    Console Update 1.08

    It's a real shame but this is pretty much what I expected... I do play DayZ since the release on consoles and the devs haven't fixed "any" major problem with the game since then. But ofc they have released a paid DLC while the game is and was still in such a bad state. Vaulting was a nice addition to the game and we all appreciate how community servers can be customized these days but as I said "no major problem" has been fixed. Cars are still deathtraps, desync/looting/inventory issues are still the same, server performance is still awfull and maybe even worse since release and the general performance is also a joke. I never agreed that dayz is simply a cash grab and BI is scaming their console customers but it's time to realsize that DayZ on console it nothing more than a cash grab! We also have to keep in mind that Xbox players were even having experimental builds and servers but they still can't get it right. DayZ is a beta game at most, the devs are imho lazy and incompented. This title should have never be released on consoles in the first place... On top we have those silly fanboys which are feeling sorry for the devs when they get critizised for their sloppy work. I can understand that some content creators (to some degree) don't open their mouth as they make decent money while playing, streaming and recording this game but the average players should open up their mouth and let this company know that their work is not ok!
  17. SillyJoe

    Stable Update 1.08

    They rather added the sporter rifle... 😑
  18. SillyJoe

    Console Update 1.08

    Desync still as bad as before but you can finally loot the weapon in peoples hands without cutting up the whole body. The new sway system with the hunting scope is great, well done. Water render issues still not fixed and I think the overall performance is as bad as before (I can only speak for the PS4-Pro + SSD). Glow sticks seem to be broken as there is no light source coming from them and the red glowstick does look like the white one. Pretty weird. So far I would rate this Update 4.5/10 as the major problems aren't fixed yet (e.g. Desync and Performance)...
  19. SillyJoe

    Console Update 1.08

    @jakub_bohemia Is it recommended to delete and redownload the whole game or just download the patch (PS4 Pro + SSD)?
  20. SillyJoe

    Experimental Update 1.08

    +1 on ballistics and caliber balance but I would rather have proper ragdoll and physics than broken bones...
  21. SillyJoe

    Experimental Update 1.08

    +1, this is such a annoying bug. Same as with the problem that players often fall/glitch into walls or outside of buildings when killed. We need proper ragdoll physics, its 2020!!!
  22. SillyJoe

    Experimental Update 1.08

    I wonder if this is good or bad news. There is nothing mentioned at the changelogs about performance fixes for console or desync/inventory fixes. I do hope that it won't be worse than with 1.07. May the DayZ gods be with us this time...
  23. SillyJoe

    Experimental Update 1.08

    I think that's one of the main problems with DayZ servers and they have to fix this! We are in 2020 and we should use our modern hardware efficiently...
  24. SillyJoe

    Experimental Update 1.08

    Ah, well if that is true it's almost criminal that their official server partner NItrado does offer servers with up to 100 slots. I think the problem is more or less bad server side optimisation and this should be fixed asap as it does break the gameplay experience on full pop community servers with over 60 slots. Keep in mind that the only option on consoles that come close to 60 slots is either 52 or 64 slots for community servers, so if the devs know that their game won't run well with more than 60 slots they should tell their server provider to cap it at 60 slots and don't give people the option to rent servers with up to 100 slots. Otherwise it's a very bad business practice and I would even call this a big scam! Imho DayZ only gets fun with "at least 60 Players" on the Chenarus map, for Livonia it's fine with a little bit less players but I guess that's a personal thing. I do like interactions with other survivors and as there are no quests in DayZ (vanilla) it heavily relies on interactions with other players. More players on a servers means more fun and a better experience and I bet most of the DayZ players out there do think the same about it...