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About TurnipGreen

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    On the Coast

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  1. TurnipGreen

    Private Servers Kinda Suck?

    So I'm happy that they finally have private servers and all that, but is there a way for the server to reboot without deleting everyone's progress? I was playing and the game felt clunky and chuggy, so I decided I would do a server restart to maybe help with the issue. Come to find out that it just deletes all progress. Am I doing something wrong? Or are private servers useless? I am sure I'm doing something wrong, the servers can't be that bad right?
  2. TurnipGreen

    Private Server Working but No Progress Being Saved

    Yeah I've only noticed this on private servers, just logged on again from last night and it reset progress again
  3. TurnipGreen

    Private Server Working but No Progress Being Saved

    Alright I was didn't want to be the only one experiencing this, hopefully they'll get it figured out soon!
  4. I ordered my server and happened to be one of the lucky people to not have their server clogged up with the rest but the server will "reset" every few hours and delete all the progress made by players is deleted. Is anyone else having issues with this?
  5. TurnipGreen

    Private Server Persistence OFF?

    My friends and I were playing on the private server I ordered and when we were west of Solnechiy hunting deer the server "restarted" with no warning or message saying the server was going to restart. So when we joined back all our progress had been reset and we were back on the coast. Does this mean private servers have Persistence OFF? I ordered a server because I read it was persistent? Just another addition, does the camera mode even working? Or was it supposed be added later?