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Everything posted by Kean__1

  1. Kean__1

    Dear developers and employees

    Well, apparently they do as they just moved this thread to the Console Update subforum without even leaving a link to it. An obvious attempt to bury this discussion short of locking / deleting it. Unbelievable..... They do similar stuff on Twitter. They simply ignore those asking for updates /communication about the problems that plague many of us console customers but find the time to post silly gif responses. ....and then there are these whimsical Tweets they make every 1-2 days completely ignoring what's important to many in the community right now:
  2. Kean__1

    Dear developers and employees

    I get freezes usually on startup when they happen and bluescreens usually as I'm playing although those are relatively rare. .....I say relatively as compared to other issues I encounter that are far more frequent. Its funny because the issues tend to come and go. I had one session where I had had several freezes that led to bluescreens and then nothing in that regard for several days. I had about a 3 day run where I would load in to the game only for everything to stop (freeze) where I couldn't do anything except reload the game. In one scenario, my whole system froze up during one of these loads and I had to do a hard reboot. It should be noted that I really didn't have any loading freezes before the update and bluescreens while playing were quite rare by any standard.
  3. Kean__1

    Dear developers and employees

    As much as some may not want to hear it, I think a good part of the problem is the fact that console updates are tied to PC updates. They add new features and content to PC and then apply it to us. The thing is, they have to spend the time trying to make sure these new things work on the console updates and I have a feeling that it leaves them very little time to devote to squashing these persistent bugs, optimizing performance, etc. ....and to add insult to injury, with every new update there seems to be new bugs added to the old. Once they realize that they need to put the brakes on content for console and devote an update or two to purely working on optimization / bug squashing, I fear this game will always feel like a beta.
  4. Kean__1

    Dear developers and employees

    Agreed.... What I believe most want is simply some communication from BI on these long standing issues as well as new game-breaking ones like the loading/freezing/blue screen problems. I'm not interested in making anything "personal" but I would like to see BI stop ignoring the responsibility to their customers. When we see a new DLC being announced, a release for a physical copy, etc., it honestly feels like a slap in the face to those of us putting up with what is essentially a game that was never really ready for final release. Shame on me for buying into the devs renewed commitment when I bought my copy for $50, but shame on BI for not fixing these bugs / glitches like they said they would. The team really needs to stop with the addition of new features, content, DLC, etc. and concentrate on creating a stable foundation to build upon. ....fix the game.
  5. Kean__1

    Ka - M bug

    Yeah, this issue typically doesn't crop up for me or my friends until later once a weapon is picked up and interacted with, etc. However, I did have a very similar experience as the OP on a freshly spawned AK74 but only after I added a number of accessories to it including a stock that I already had in my inventory. Since then, I try not to add components that I don't feel are necessary just in case that might be part of the problem. I might test this myself on a sidearm or other weapon that I don't rely on heavily so I can be sure I only reload using the combine option. Either way, this is something they really need to address including the problem where magazines themselves will no longer feed ammo and become glitched. ......or no longer being able to interact with items like trying to repair/maintain equipment with tape, cleaning kit, sewing kit, etc. .....opening cans with a knife, opener, etc. At least in those last two examples a relog usually resolves it but having to do that several times in a session gets old really fast.
  6. Kean__1

    Ka - M bug

    This is one of several persistent bugs this game has. Just be glad this didn't happen while you were in a firefight. Weapons will glitch sometimes and other times its just the magazine. I would try logging in and out to see if that helps. Sometimes the weapon will simply be rendered useless and will need to be ditched. ....or other times I've seen them come back to life after a while. I haven't found a method to remedy this glitch that is 100%garaunteed.
  7. Kean__1

    Vehicles could build up torque to go up hills and even burnout

    Yeah, I'm just not familiar with the PC keybinds as I never played DayZ on that platform. I switched to console when the PS3 came out.
  8. Kean__1

    Vehicles could build up torque to go up hills and even burnout

    Well, in that case, I don't know. This is the PS4 forum.
  9. Kean__1

    MK II

    I got sick the other day and I couldn't see why. I hadn't been in any CQBs with infected, eaten recently prior to that or anything else I could trace back to causing it. I also always drink from containers as you do to avoid cross contamination. My only explanation was either it was a glitch (not working as intended) or cause by something else I was not aware could affect me like that. Either way, I had antibiotics on me so it was easy enough to take care of.
  10. Kean__1

    MK II

    I was by a police station and no, in my case I didn't get the prompt near the well or in the surrounding area, indoors, etc. I did try in a patch of grass and it worked. HOWEVER, I discovered in another session it was working as apparently it should in far more areas than it did in that earlier scenario I had. I'm just chalking it up to a glitch or that particular area that prevented me from performing the task.
  11. Kean__1

    MK II

    ...standing on the grass seemed to do the trick.
  12. Kean__1

    MK II

    Well, I tried standing outside, near a water source and inside on various surfaces. I will try again outside on various surfaces.
  13. Kean__1

    MK II

    Ah.... Ok, I'll try that.
  14. Kean__1

    MK II

    I've been looking down at the ground with a couple different water bottles in my hand and it never gives me the prompt to empty it. .....just to drink. It will however give me the option to pour or fill from other containers on the ground depending.
  15. Wish I could tell you. We can't even get communication on the status regarding persistent bug fixes like vehicle lag spikes, inventory issues, weapon /mag glitches, etc. Even on Twitter all we get is these kinds of whimsical posts below, information on server migrations or how to tag content so they can be shared on their official channels, etc. They get absolutely roasted in the comments by people asking questions like your and/or about bugs. ....yet they ignore us and choose to make cute replies on select Tweets. Their communication really sucks as does their commitment to previous promises not so long ago.
  16. Kean__1

    MK II

    I tried this but the prompt would come up. Does it have to be in a particular perspective (e.g. TPV or FPV)? If it's a feature than I must be doing it wrong. .....unless it's another glitch.
  17. Kean__1

    MK II

    Are you drinking from your hands at the wells?
  18. Kean__1

    DayZ server settings

    Well, for me, I have my daytime set at 3 which I guess is 3x times faster than normal time. My night is set to 64 (the highest setting) and evenings only last 10 minutes by my estimation. I like this setup because we hate the evenings but we still like to have the feeling of the passage of time in the game. However, since the lights on cars got fixed as well and the NVGs apparently, I may end up tweaking this a bit. There are videos like this that explain the time settings: I don't know what you need or can do to stop time so it's always a specific time of day 24/7. I have heard of people scheduling their restarts to begin at certain times of the day in the game so daylight never passes into night. In may case, we don't always see night during our sessions and when we do, it passes quite quickly as I mentioned (about 10 minutes). ......and that's setting the daytime multiplier to 3. I don't know what happens when you set that to zero. I don't know if that would stop time or simply remove the multiplier which in that case it should be the same as 1, right? Anyhow, one of the problems with slowing the daytime down too slow is that the twilight periods can be agonizingly long IME. 3x is ok in that respect but 2 was a little too long for my taste. Anyhow, I hope you get your answer.
  19. I don't know if this is common knowledge or not but I thought I'd share just the same... We've always had issues with inventory getting "stuck" in tents, cars, barrels, etc. This obviously makes life difficult when trying to use these things to transport or store items you need for supplies, base building, repairing and maintaining vehicles, etc. Until now, I thought nothing short of a server wipe would solve the issue until of course it begins to crop up again. I never attempted a server wipe until today. I also never restarted my server which I wasn't sure was one in the same. ....although I was pretty sure it wasn't. Anyhow, while experimenting with these options and their affect on the characters, etc., I discovered that a server restart (while not deleting any progress) actually fixed our inventory issues in the game world. Suddenly, everything was accessible that was previously stuck. It did nothing to resolve a glitched M4 I had, but the inventory sticking issue seems temporarily resolved by this action. Going forward I set up an automatic restart to be performed daily at around 3am my time. I'm hoping this will help a bit with some of these items we are trying to access as we transport, etc. Again, this may be old news to some of you with servers but I thought I'd just throw it out there just in case.
  20. Kean__1

    Aim Assist???

    Yeah, no worries. I can take a ribbing. Besides, I'm old and not a lot really phases me. 😉 ....btw, it would be even more funny and embarrassing if you knew my background. Interesting thoughts on testing. Might just do something like that if we get the mind to. ....as well as the AA with other players. If my buddy is on tonight, I'll test that for sure.
  21. Kean__1

    Private Server Restarts

    Oh good. At the very least our inventory issues won't be as severe as they once were given that the problem only continued to compound itself once something got stuck. btw, when you restart the server, what happens to those who are currently on it? Do they get logged out or does the session momentarily freeze or.....?
  22. Kean__1

    character creation screen

    That hasn't been my experience. I was able to change my characters through the main screen and it applied to them when I logged in. EDIT: Nevermind.... I'm wrong.
  23. Kean__1

    Blue Screen of Death

    Yeah, unless 1.06 takes care of these persistent bugs especially those negatively impacting gameplay like the BSOD, inventory getting stuck, weapon glitches, lag spikes with vehicles, etc., I'm not going to spend another dime on content for this game. On the other hand, if they simply switched their focus to fixing the bugs instead of adding new content, I would be all over this new DLC. ....but they can't even commit to what they tell the community. They delayed 1.05 because they wanted to fix the bugs and "get it right" they said. Well, we do have new features (some of which are kinda cool) but still, the same game breaking bugs persist and new ones are even introduced including the BSOD that seems to be much more common now after the update.
  24. Kean__1

    DayZ server settings

    That's a question you need to ask BI but given that we can't even get them to communicate with us about the status of fixing the most common, game-affecting, persistent bugs, I don't know what to tell you. In answer to your other question, Nitrado is the only server service available to us but regardless, what's included in the admin options is BIs call.
  25. Kean__1

    So sad...

    Thanks but I wanted to lodge a complaint with Sony given the state of the game and to point out BI's lack of action. I wasn't looking for a refund. ....at least not yet