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About antimab

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  1. Hi, I made a List of with Building/Objects without any loot spawns in the stable build 0.32.114557 http://imgur.com/a/LPMRl/all Please keep in mind that some buildings look very close like others (esspecialy the small industrial ones). I checked all of them over 4 times on empty servers with closed doors 6:30 am over the last week and in different places, but it still may be that some building have loot and I had just bad luck. I missed the new police station and medic station in Svetlojarsk (will be fixed next patch anyway). If anyone discovers more buildings without loot spawns feel free to add! Also i think its worth to mention that some buildings of the list had loot spawns in early builds but they vanished with 0.32.114557 also the tents but the are mentioned as bug in the pending changelog for the next version. Also i want to quote Rocket: "Items spawn in these places, they are just rare and/or other people find the area first and loot it." source: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/169526-pending-changelog-experimental-branch-033114782/ This is just not true ! (I am 100%-95% sure, based on the building) this buildings do not spawn anything. So I know its Alpha but pleas don't tell us such things before you checked it,its just not true! This list is based on my experience and the experience of my friends, also on a method to screenshot every empty building and remove all screenshot of the building in the moment I find loot in it. So these ones are the ones I found never loot in. Edit: One reason I didn't post that as bug report is I would like to hear opinions first and complete the list if possible. It would be also nice if you are sure you have once found loot in this locations to realize if it was befor 0.32.114557 or not. I would also appriciate schreenshots as prove because it was some work to build up this list.
  2. ..this idea sux...no, really it sux I shoot people and I will become a zombie ... eat beans and become a tincan or build a tent and become a car ... Hey anyone with more ideas ???
  3. antimab

    what exactly is end game in dayz?

    +9001 best idea ever ! The "endgame" is like the "End" of Stephen Kings "The Dark Tower" ... if you know what i mean... :beans:
  4. antimab

    Currency System

    Currency is useless ...makes no difference if you got killed for your gear or for your money...you are dead anyhow.
  5. Sux hard +1 +1 Total Useless i think 2-2,5 km should be possible!
  6. Hi, My idea is to implement a radio (there is already one in ARMA 2) If you found one you can see and hear global/side chat and youa re able to communicate. But if you got no one you will not be able to see and hear the gc/sc and (obvious) cant use it ... The reason why i think this is a good idea is because i like the side chat, its a great chance to trick people in a ambush or meet with them to help each other, but its total metagaming if we just talk over the whole world with some kind of godlike voice ... I also noticed that with no gc/sc the game loses a bit of its flair ...and becomes more deathmatchy (i know this word doesn`t exist xD ) Hope you like it. Discuss!
  7. Good: - new Aggro system at NIGHT - performance (fuck yeahhh so great) - animals move now Bad: - new Aggro system at DAY - Ghillie/Camo bug (buts a Bug so no real feature of the patch) - some people lost all her stuff - i have never found a beartrap so far ...(but maybe I am just not lucky)
  8. Seems like a Hive problem, because i played yesterday (my favorite server was not updated) and i lost my ghillie too. But nothing else. After the server updated nothing changed, ghillie gone but stuff still there.
  9. antimab

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    I am dissapointed, not saying i have the right to demand something because this is a alpha mod, but i am really dissappointed. After the fast Hotfixes after 1.7.1 its hard to believe we have a such a mess again ... I know its still alpha but this dosn`t mean there are no players with character with playtime over 20 or much more hours... and if they vanish caused by a patch... you know, it sux. I have a lot of respect for you Rocket and your Crew, but pls do not do this to us again...
  10. Sounds like fun, esspecially when you try to play with friends ... i allways like the "lets meet in novy in 2 hours" stuff ...why not after every disconnect ...
  11. antimab

    Unlimited Ammo Converting

    was going to report this ... allready a report open So i will just confirm this.
  12. i tried some ... will try some more
  13. I played for a while this morning and than the server crashed. After relog i spawnt at debug plains with no items. I have not died! Is there anyway to get my equip back ? Equip: M16a4 ACOG + some ammo M1911 + some ammo Coyote BACKPACK Night Vision some tools +medics + food Edit: I have not used clothes My beta is the newest and also my Dayzfiles are.
  14. Just had a bloody mess because this ... but i do not really know what is causing it but it may be a problem on serverside. btw: direct com chat isn´t working and also voice chat
  15. I would like to see a bigger difference between a cloudy or moonless night and a starry sky or fullmoon. Because in real there is a big difference, not every night is pitch black, but sometimes they are.