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About Trapphone

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Trapphone

    Can we get a server wipe please?

    Considering duping has once again become a problem, can we wipe the official servers with this update ?
  2. Trapphone

    1.05 console update wipe

    I hope they wipe the servers. Some people have a ridiculous amount of duped gear across multiple accounts
  3. Trapphone

    Car Bugs Never cease to Amaze!

    Don't reset your server, I have noticed that when you reset the server it can send the cars flipping. Let the server naturally reset and it'll be about better
  4. Trapphone

    Server wipe ? Please

    @ImpulZ since duping has once again become a problem can we have a server and character wipe when the next update drops ? I've already found somones stash with 100+ grenades atleast 100 assorted long guns including Lars, vsds and vss's plus 10+ tents filled with high end loot I can't imagine what it would be like for a new player going up against one of these "super dupers" Any information in regards to this would be amazing. keep up the great work devs
  5. Trapphone

    Aim assist

    But why even ad this feature? They're just making it more complicated then it has to be. I personally despise aim assist, it's not you aiming at them. Whats the difference between an assist and a aimbot ? They both help you aim Truth be told ill quit DayZ if they add anymore assists. I've spent a long time learning the mechanics but yet they make it easier for first time players because it's "too hard"
  6. Trapphone

    Secured base building?

    How long until we get this option ? Takes hours to build walls around a large base But yet it takes 30-45 seconds to break it down. What was the point in adding basebuilding if it's not even secure? For over 6 months I've been stashing my stuff in trees, Because built walls attract other players, @ImpulZ this needs some serious rebalancing. Ever since base building was introduced it has been completely useless in regards to keeping your stuff secure. I spent a few days (30+ hours) building walls around my tents but yet it takes under 2 min to break into the base, what the fuck ? Surely Bohemia has had more then enough time to balance this out. And in most cases it's not even required to break down a wall if you have a friend's back to jump on. pathetic excuse for 1.0 let alone 1.04. I'm tired of seeing new shit being added to this game when other things don't even work properly. Whats the point in even having a car if you can't secure it ? We still have no car key system for the cars yet for it to even be locked Anyone who builds a base in this game is just wasting there time and has a higher risk of getting raided. Once again over half of this game isn't even playable. How hard is it to make base building secured ? Or different servers with different options. This should of been implemented before 1.0 was released. It's honestly sad that a player has to forward his opinion to you in hopes of getting this fixed. I can't fully explain the importance of secured base building within DayZ.
  7. Trapphone

    Aim assist

    Clearly you don't play that much.. there definitely aim assist
  8. That's a crazy amount of servers, imo you should of waited for the next update and just wipe everything and take the servers down at the same time
  9. Trapphone

    Aim assist

    Even if so it still gives other players an advantage. I should have to play with assists to make it a fair fight. Anyone with assists on will already have an advantage over you, even if its just for zombies
  10. Trapphone

    Aim assist

    @ImpulZ How about turning off aim assist? Pretty pathetic that it was added into the game. Aim assist gives a tactical advantage to players that aren't good. Even if I was able to turn it off it still gives an advantage to the other player. Turn off aim assist. Anyone who complains about this clearly has potato aim
  11. Trapphone

    DayZ cross platform

    GTA v runs perfectly and is half the price of DayZ
  12. Trapphone

    1.03/1.04 Wednesday Update.

    I'm gonna take a guess and say morning or noon If they run into any problems they'll be able to work on it, if they realised it late afternoon then they couldn't do anything untill the next day I live on the east coast so it could be noon for me and morning time for Somone on the west coast
  13. Trapphone

    1.03/1.04 Wednesday Update.

    Once Somone finds out how to do it or what ways still works it's gonna spread like wildfire I'm sure there's still gonna be multiple ways that still work but atleast now they're limited to same server duping as they can't change servers without the location being reset
  14. Trapphone

    It's that time again boys... When's the update

    It's either Tuesday or Wednesday, just have to wait for it to roll out. Im pretty sure the devs said it'll take about 3 days to roll out the update once it passed certification So if they counted Friday as one of those days it would be Tuesday, if they didn't count that day then it would be Wednesday
  15. Trapphone

    Xbox hot Mic

    How are you suffering ? Stop being so pathetic there's no reason to have an open mic all the time nor to lock it on. If you seriously need to have it locked your talking to much. Clearly you don't know what it's like running with 15+ people with everyone's mic open. Also its not as easy as changing a setting if I turn off VoIP then I won't be able to hear anyone at all. Do you seriously not understand that ? As for muting Somone I'm not gonna scroll through the entire server list just to find out who it was. @DayzDayzFanboy