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Everything posted by Benchiii75

  1. The Origins We are the Basement of Hardcore! Did you ever think about that your DayZ experience would be better, if the game is more realistic and harder? If you answer this question clearly with “YES“ then you've come to the right place! We set up the Server with many hardcore modifications which create a hardcore feeling you never had before! Our Team is always happy to receive constructive criticism or suggestions to improve the server. Enough words, feel free to join THOR! TheOrigins Staff Team No unlimited Stamina Hardcore Zombies with different Behaviors and Vitality’s Less Loot No NPC Trader Medical Attention Handmade Loottable 1PP ... https://www.theorigins-dayz.eu
  2. The Origins We are the Basement of Hardcore! Did you ever think about that your DayZ experience would be better, if the game is more realistic and harder? If you answer this question clearly with “YES“ then you've come to the right place! We set up the Server with many hardcore modifications which create a hardcore feeling you never had before! Our Team is always happy to receive constructive criticism or suggestions to improve the server. Enough words, feel free to join THOR! TheOrigins Staff Team No unlimited Stamina Hardcore Zombies with different Behaviors and Vitality’s Less Loot No NPC Trader Medical Attention Handmade Loottable 1PP ... https://www.theorigins-dayz.eu
  3. Benchiii75

    finally a hardcore server

    The Origins We are the Basement of Hardcore! Did you ever think about that your DayZ experience would be better, if the game is more realistic and harder? If you answer this question clearly with “YES“ then you've come to the right place! We set up the Server with many hardcore modifications which create a hardcore feeling you never had before! Our Team is always happy to receive constructive criticism or suggestions to improve the server. Enough words, feel free to join THOR! TheOrigins Staff Team No unlimited Stamina Hardcore Zombies with different Behaviors and Vitality’s Less Loot No NPC Trader Medical Attention Handmade Loottable 1PP ... https://www.theorigins-dayz.eu
  4. I do not quite agree with this opinion. Zombies are not a threat, but that's because a lot of server stamina have disabled and also spawn weapons very often. But if you leave the stamina turned on and you lower the weapons spawn chance, the whole thing will be much more interesting. At the same time, endurance means you can take less stuff with you. I can only recommend to anyone who complains about how easy zombies are to act just try a hardcore server that meets the above criteria.