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Everything posted by zereo2017@gmail.com

  1. zereo2017@gmail.com

    " This MOD is just becoming to hard to play ! "

    Just want to say one thing wont even touch on the people that say its "too hard", but for everyone that complains about bugs and glitches you have to realize this is ALPHA TESTING! I mean damnable I'm sick of hearing people complain about fixing these right now. You should be grateful that they are letting you play a game/mod that's in alpha stages since usually alpha testing is reserved for staff and friends and a few select people, if you want to play a game that doesn't have bugs and glitches go PAY for one that is released already. Just my 2 cents and sorry for the raging just sick of the give me everything I want right now additude gamers have these days.
  2. zereo2017@gmail.com

    I KNOW you're an exploiter if you disagree

    The whole problem with this is that the servers are player owned and maintained meaning some servers are going to sick and yes some servers will kick players just for the hell of it and also if you decide to try out a new server and you Dc because the server just plain sucks you will most likely be dead. Don't get me wrong I'm all for stopping the dcers and I'm sure rocket and his team will fix it eventually but lets face it without reliable servers this wont work. I'm not sure about the rest of you but I usually spend atleast 20 mins trying to find a good reliable server that doesn't Dc and lag when I want a new server and usually I go through atleast 5 bad servers for every 1 good server. I can deal with someone hitting alt 4 right when I'm about to kill him but I wouldn't be able to deal with dieing everytime I lose connection to a server I would rage quit.
  3. zereo2017@gmail.com

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Im around NW Airfield if anyone need a blood transfussion or medical assistance please add me to steam Zereo2017, and i will get to you ASAP. Only thing I can not help with is broken legs because I am currently out of morphine, if this is the case I would recommend Dr. Mewz he is a amazing medic and can help you out.
  4. zereo2017@gmail.com

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    If anyone is still in need of medical assistance please add me on steam (Zereo2017) or if im not on steam please send me a PM here.
  5. zereo2017@gmail.com

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    If anyone needs medical support please contact me on steam ID: Zereo2017 and i will get to you as soon as I can.
  6. zereo2017@gmail.com

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Im in need of some assistance, im down to 3k blood and bleeding out from a zombie in stary (Currently in the barn/horse area) If anyone from this MD can come out and help bandage me up I got acouple blood bags on me and some other medical supplies I can donate to the cause. Also really would like to join you guys as either a bodyguard/gatherer and hopefully upgrade myself to a medic. Steam Name is : Zereo2017 add me on there if you can help thanks :) Just wanted to say that Dr Mewz is amazing he was able to get to me within acouple minutes. When he got there he quickly stormed the building and bandaged me up right when I was down to 1.5k blood then he took care of all the zombies for me and gave me a bloodtrans. Amazing guy worthy of the front page.
  7. zereo2017@gmail.com


    Its alpha you got to remember that and its a mod not a standalone game. Sure they could go in and do some major changes to the AI but that would take some heavy coding and a long time. Right now they are trying out things that would improve the game but are minor fixes that can be coded pretty easily with the current engine. I'm sure if or I should say when this turns into a standalone game they will decoded everything including the AI but for now that just isn't possible.
  8. zereo2017@gmail.com

    Liberation! (Mechanic of reclaiming towns for Survivors)

    I disagree Callaghan the whole point of this game is that you are never safe and you don't know who to trust. If you disable guns in a place it eliminates the whole point of having a sandbox game where the community runs it and creates its own safezones. It would be easy for guilds or clans whatever you want to call them to set up a security team that patrols the grounds and is also present for trades so if something does go bad they can handle it.
  9. zereo2017@gmail.com

    Liberation! (Mechanic of reclaiming towns for Survivors)

    I like it only if there can only be a limited number of these camps per server I was thinking only 1 would be the best. +1 and a bump
  10. zereo2017@gmail.com

    Some people misunderstand *broken legs / morphin*

    All this talk about realism and unman first of all ITS A GAME everything cant be realistic cause really that would take way to much work. I agree most people dont understand that the broken leg mechanic is there to make the game more difficult so you NEED to go to populated cities and have the risk of dieing to actually survive. Second is for everyone complaining about broken legs from glitches yeshis is a problem but its still alpha and there will be glitches just keep giving feedbakc on them (I don't mean posting on the forums saying "THIS DOESNT WORK FIX THIS NAO!!!!!!).
  11. zereo2017@gmail.com

    Why everyone thinks this mod is hardcore?

    See this is the whole problem... poeple are just playing games now to say hey I have more iver loot then you!!! Sure you can train zed's and gt away with it and yes that's not fun so why do you do it? Instead of playing the game to have the best stuff and be the best out there PLAY THE GAME TO HAVE FUN. Put yourself into the game and play it like you are actually there cause if that was you I'm pretty sire you wouldn't want 15 zombies chasing you around town. So play to have fun and play the way that's most fun to you simple as that.