I appreciate the effort going into addressing the issue but surely saying " use this opportunity to move your existing storages to other servers" also applies to the cheaters and all their duped gear?
Would it be better to keep those servers alive for now until a more complete fix is ready? but seperate those servers from the rest of the cluster so it would be impossible for more of that duped gear to spread to servers where the issue isnt quite as rife and just apologise to the legit players on those servers for having to be locked down. Also leaving the cheaters with their servers full of duped loot to keep them occupied for now instead of forcing them into half decent servers to ruin the fun of many more players.
Just my 2 cents, not trying to be a nay sayer or diss your efforts at all.
This must be such a headache to get fixed, I dont envy your jobs at all. It seems like a mostly thankless job but there are still many of us who appreciate your struggle with this issue.