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Everything posted by Zwoozh

  1. Zwoozh


    When i Come home from Job i try play Dayz, but its night time, So i play other games for few hours, going BACK to dayz still night time, So im trying again later still night time XDDDDDD been like this from day1 when i got the game, cant enjoy this. I guess there is reasons why ppl rly dont play the game, why there is so much hate around dayz. Plizz fix this or i Will delete it from my ps4 too.
  2. Zwoozh


    You saying i should stay inside a hous for 1h and look at a dark wall? Thats a Nice 1h too use ur gaming time on. Running around with a flashlight wont help waaay too dark at night, can easy get lost, not easy too find the right way, If its a big place / town. Btw wierd its 1h only cuz its alway nightime when i try play! But oke.
  3. Zwoozh


    Okey i Just wanna say i know you have had big problems with dayz for SOON 10 years, Sad but i guess making games aint easy for some devs, but now its 2019 out in the real world and why the FUCK cant i add a server as favorite it keeps removing it. Is it so fucking hard for u guys? Get a New Job If u cant make anything work.
  4. Zwoozh


    I have been playing this game for few weeks now (ps4 pro) so.. What i dont get is why all the good gear is only from military bases, i have Googled / YouTube, its like you spawn and wanna run to a military base or airport for loot, normal houses or towns got food and ammo, thats it, So big map for a military base farming. I Just dont see the point looting towns or houses. "This is not a hate post, So fans relax" Just wanna know whyyyyy!!??
  5. Zwoozh


    (ps4) Okey, why is it ALWAYS night time in every server and last for ever.....!!!!????? this game is not Worth the money. How is this fun you cant see shit, Just sit there wait for day time and starv to death, Now i see why everyone hates ur game. So msny years waiting for the game and all i get is a night time server with a shitty flare that ends fast and ur stuck after cuz No flishlight or anything woohoo
  6. Zwoozh


    Okey, So i have played dayz on ps4 for 4 days now... I have so much loot i cant Even looy more, all i have done last days is Running around from military to military bases, and som big buildings etc etc, there is No fucking tents in the game, been on same server same character for 4 dayz, what the fuck is this, i need tent so i can drop all the loot and keep playing again.
  7. Zwoozh


    6 days now, not found a tent yet, this is a huge problem, full bag cant loot more, dont have shit to do with No tent/camp.... the game Will die again Just like on PC. Im done with this handicap game, Running around hours everyday trying too have fun with a game, this is not fun. Better put my finger in my Ass all Day, Same thing.
  8. Zwoozh

    How can I find a daytime server?

    Everytime i wanna play its nightime, gotta camp a buildings and wait 1h+ evrrytiiiiime, i cant use head light cuz i use something els i need, i cant use flashlight in my hands cuz i have 2 Guns so ye.. And i cant drop my loot cuz i have No tent been looking for many days now, this is Just fucked UP, i dont have a problem with night time but i cant use any light If i cant drop my loot some where safe!! This is so stupid, makes me wanna refund this crap.
  9. Zwoozh


    I know, but more fun too have some base in the forest or something.