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m00nmaN p00nmaN

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Everything posted by m00nmaN p00nmaN

  1. m00nmaN p00nmaN

    "client contains pbo which is not part of server data"

    hey ut marsian w0uld y0u mind explaining h0w t0 d0 that because eim n0t exactly a c0mputer expert and n0t sure what a key file/f0lder is
  2. m00nmaN p00nmaN

    "client contains pbo which is not part of server data"

    hey gh0st universe im having the exact same pr0blem here idk why it says this I mean it happens 0n every server 0fficial and n0n 0fficial. btw key is br0ken s0 I use 0. but anyways if any0ne has a fix t0 this w0uld very much appreciate it because ive uninstalled the game and the launcher and re installed but this still p0ps up