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Everything posted by Markyd

  1. Markyd

    drybag questions

    45 real days a dry bag will stay stashed and I think it’s on a timer as soon as it spawns the clock starts and for the amount u can stash it’s up to how many u find and stash lol
  2. Markyd

    Worst building in Cherno

    the pubs that r no there own out in the sticks will have m70 bk18 or mosin sometimes u find a cr527 with mag a scope on it always look in them for a gun
  3. Markyd

    Aim Assist???

    i only play high pop server so its always full or close too it, i have had the odd lag spike driving cars but if u keep to a low/mid speed i dont get much lag when taking time and not driving fast as u can.. but the lag and odd freeze
  4. Markyd

    Aim Assist???

    yeh AA should not been even in the game i have tested it and when u aim at the head it will keep moving u to the chest and hold it there 4 you!! also yes a lot of bugs still in the game but on a plus note the rendering is so much better i have round being able to run though the town with out all the lag etc.... im happy they have made it more playable finger crossed it gets better in coming months
  5. Markyd

    Finding loot

    kill players for AR's or find heil sites as if on console dupin has fucked up the loot
  6. Markyd

    optics and suppressor

    optics dont work at mo dew to last update and suppressors can be fixed with duck tape or gun cleaning kit when its damaged
  7. Markyd

    Big Announcement coming this week

    I believe that they won’t announce the new dlc map for dayz until they have released the update for console.. but it is a dlc/new map for dayz as they have said they was going to release a new map for dayz a few months ago!! And we probably won’t be able to have a private server for the new map for a while as it will come out on pc before console!! I’d be surprised if they released it across all platforms from the start...
  8. Markyd

    Does anyone know exact numbers on weapons?

    10..m4 ..5ak101 10akm 10ak74. 3vss 4lar... 4vsd ... on the map the low level ones have alot think its 15 m70 ... 15 mosin ect ect
  9. Markyd

    changing de-spawn time for stashes

    Yeh black list is what the community is asking for but they should also give us some basic xml files we can tinker with as it’s not modding I’m not hating on pc but at this moment console is making them the cheese so they need to give us a little more and fix the rendering and that or they will lose players
  10. we need this in the update as ppl storing all the guns leaving nothing for new players i have run the map looking for AR's with just me in the server all sunday not finding one??? and i was a new spawn so loot economy is fucked on my server now and players pop slowly going coz ppl fed up of not finding ar's im happy running a sks/mosin proper dayz way but others want ar's more control over servers is needed or i will just turn off my server coz of it
  11. Markyd

    changing de-spawn time for stashes

    i bet when we get the update the only thing we will be able to do is ban players and if thats the case i want a refund on my paid in full year long server as having no control over it is bullshit
  12. The search browser is all buggy and some ppl ave found away to manipulate it to make them hit the top page!! I have a server that used to get fall (50pop) now it’s hard to get 10ppl in it I have paid for a year so I’m stuck with it my biggest problem is that ppl don’t like playing 1st person when it’s the right and only way to play!! Once all the low pop server go then the ones that remain will stand up to the test also a lot of ppl stopped playing dew to how laggy and buggy the servers are at the moment and with the lack of admin controls all the servers are the same hopefully it will improve as BI needs the money
  13. Markyd

    1pp private server

    Anyone looking for a private server that’s 1st person!!! On the 1st page it’s called 1pp 🙂 come join help fill it up!!! Regular wipes if community wants them
  14. Markyd

    1pp private server

    It’s had a fresh wipe as of today and will keep wiping it until player base stays high
  15. Markyd

    Heli crash

    All u lot need to run the heil route as I’m finding them all the time all joke aside add me mcmarkyd psn and ill jump in ur private server or on ur home server met up and I’ll run u round the route i go and I’d lay money on it I’ll find u one within a few hours!!
  16. Markyd

    why have we got a stone knife back

    take it away now its easy again to just run north when u spawn !!!! wtf stone knife ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  17. Markyd

    why have we got a stone knife back

    That’s getting fixed on the new patch!! Won’t be able to light the rags with flare on 1.05 but we even have a can of drink now don’t like that one bit lol
  18. Markyd

    Heli crash

    Anyone that’s want help finding them!! I’ll help u out as there is a way to go to maximum finding one as I have found one every time I have gone running the route just need to learn the way lol
  19. Markyd


    That ur problem bro the Loot economy won’t spawn them as the ppl on the server have them already!! I never play in low pop servers as ppl server hop to low pop ones to loot up and jump into high pop ones the sooner u start playing high pop u will find them!! I’ve been looking all day yesterday for a few fal mags for my gun! Found an m1 at tisy and I left it as I want to get the fal working so gun r spawning remember the servers aren’t in hive minds so higher pop better loot! Come run with me for for hours I’ll get u an ar to take bk to ur home server.
  20. Markyd


    just found fal at heil site near nwaf on public server 1ST person one !! so iv not had the problem.. true dayz game play at its finest is running very lite with sks and mosin upgrade ur shit with the kills u get they r meant to be hard to find having the mind set that u must have an AR to pvp or to run around killing new spawns looking all hard!! im not moaning or taking the piss just saying.. i know u gonna say but u just found a fal yeh thats true but its the 1st one iv found on public and im going to enjoy losing it today when day time comes hahha
  21. just found a fal at heil site on public server guns r spawning lol
  22. Markyd

    Heli crash

    is ur server open ?? as i am more than willing to help u with finding ur 1st one!! As there is a way to go and maximise ur chance of seeing one as i have found a FEW going on the heil run! and if we run up it then down a few times im sure we will see one and it would take 2/3 hours unlucky if we dont but u will know the way so u can just run it and u will see one. but im 90% sure we could see one
  23. Markyd

    Frequent Private Server Crash

    I’ve been told by ppl in my community about it!!! I’ve even private messaged the dev team and they know it’s possible!! Regular crashes in short space of time is time to worry!!! I know it is possible as it happend to and I was straight onto the dev team about it!!!
  24. Markyd

    Frequent Private Server Crash

    Crashes on my server too!!! I believe it’s down to to new method for dupin!!!