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NBD Acid

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Everything posted by NBD Acid

  1. NBD Acid

    Having trouble setting up my server

    Server Issue Iv tried to get my server up and running for over 3 weeks now and i get the same error every single time the error is - 21:08:26 !!! [CE][LoadMap] "Dirt" :: Failed to read group instances ($CurrentDir:mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\mapgroupdirt.xm If anyone knows how to fix this please let me know asap 🙂 Contact Discord: [NBD] Acid ツ#5048 Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/AcidMain1221/
  2. NBD Acid

    Having trouble setting up my server

    Hey buddy 🙂
  3. NBD Acid

    Having trouble setting up my server

    My server reads that file fine, this thread was made because im missing a file and looking for a fix 🙂
  4. NBD Acid

    Having trouble setting up my server

    inside the init.c i just made it so everyone that joins the server will spawn with gear, Guns and ammo and meds/food if you could send me your mission that would be amazing ❤️ If you could send it when your home please send it to Email: [email protected] Discord: [NBD] Acid ツ#5048
  5. NBD Acid

    Having trouble setting up my server

    iv edited the init.c file and i do not have mapgroupdirt in my file and iv validated my files over and over agian
  6. NBD Acid

    Static Loadouts

    Set: LOADOUT_SELECTION_TYPE to 1 to get customizable loadouts. Set: LOADOUT_SELECTION_TYPE to 2 to get static loadouts. Set: FORCE_RANDOM_SPAWNS to 1 to FORCE players to spawn randomly use the following json