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Everything posted by justice5150

  1. justice5150

    Experimental Update 1.05

    You guys said you were looking into the car despawning issue, that was two patches ago and still nothing said about it 😕 To those who say "tHat WilL aLwaYs bE In ThE gaME" they literally said they were looking into fixing it, makes no sense to have cars despawn after server crashes. Makes their storage useless. Makes spending an hour or more to gear it up useless. Hope the bugs will be squashed. We are still dealing with suppressors being 1 shot by zombies & various other glitches.
  2. Let me know what I can improve on??
  3. justice5150

    One of my most proud kills yet!! (video)

    Saved my ass...
  4. justice5150

    Spawning in is so much fun..

    I ended my last night's dayz session by having the server crash on me. Logged in today, and well...
  5. justice5150

    Experimental Update 1.04.152148

    Was hoping for a fix for cars despawning after server crash. Cars are useless 😕
  6. justice5150

    Experimental Update 1.04.152076

    The twitter post shows a car in it. Yet we PC players still have not seen a fix to car despawning. Experienced players love gearing up cars, but not when they despawn after a server crash (which happens often) Also, some tweaking to the server hopping fix would be nice. There are several big servers on official (Dal-100, ATL 225 for example) that crash and go down for an hour or more. If we are to want to keep playing, we are teleported virtually back to the coast.
  7. justice5150

    These guys messed up so bad...

    This is a good one. After a server reset, me and my buddy rush the police station in Elektro. I climb the ladder too quickly (held shift) and...
  8. justice5150

    I love the cannibal giggle mechanic...

    Heard gunshots in Cherno, figured it was the police station and sure enough 2 players were there killing freshies. Popped one through the window, the other hid in the corner on the top of the stairs. I heard his giggling so busted in and followed the sound of it, so easy to kill when you can hear them giggling their psychopathic heads off.
  9. I'm sure its been suggested before, I've heard of other people wanting the same thing. But imagine how much use the handheld transceiver would get if ppl spawned with one with a battery in it. After almost 800 hours I have only heard 1 person on the radio and I constantly check them. Its such a fun experience communicating over radio to random ppl then meeting up and becoming friends. EDIT: Recently DayZ has added a lot of the radios to drop with a battery, I still feel this doesn't entice the player to use it. Still have yet to hear anyone on it.
  10. justice5150

    Questions about the medical system since 1.0

    On 1.0 you can get sick from Salmonella (I think it is) the way to get rid of it on 1.0+ is to use Tetracycline tablets found in hospitals. You get that sickness from drinking from dirty water, or drinking or eating with bloody hands. I think from eating rotten meat also. The sickness makes your food and water drop a lot quicker than normally. *It will also make you throw up, losing food+water and giving away your location. I've also seen people cough before, which gives away your location as well.* On 1.04 you can also cure this with Charcoal tablets, although they only give you a chance of curing the sickness. Straight from the DayZ 1.04 patchnotes: Added: Epinephrine restores the patients' stamina to the max value Added: Codeine Pills mitigates the patients' injured state for a limited time Added: Morphine suppresses the patients' injured state for a limited time Added: Charcoal Tablets can eliminate Salmonella bacteria Reminder: These updates ^ are not for 1.0.
  11. These "friendly" guys got themselves hunted the f down.
  12. justice5150

    Stable Update 1.04.152050

    New spawn system DEFINITELY needs to be tweaked. After server hopping once, I ended up just north of Cherno & just south of Zeleno. In 5 minutes I have 3 fully loaded weapons and military attire. Oof. I wonder how many times they'll need to tweak this new server hopping thing before they get it right... Hope its not too much.
  13. justice5150

    Experimental Update 1.04.152050

    I agree 1-2KM wouldn't punish, I was just using it as an example. Still seems ridiculous to add spawn points to ppl who have already geared up.
  14. justice5150

    Stable Update 1.04.152050

    Anyone else here have their character wiped after the update? I was on first person servers mainly and my character was completely wiped.
  15. justice5150

    Opinions on a kill cam?

    A kill cam with a report button would be an "interesting" addition. On one hand: You could tell your buddies via discord where the person is that killed you. I, personally don't use Disc when playing with friends but majority of people do. That's the worst thing I can think of happening with this feature. On the other hand: You could learn from your mistakes more easily & report and malicious kills (DayZ clearly doesn't have the best anti-cheat) EDIT: A very important rule on DayZ is moving position after shooting, this could negate the drawbacks of kill cams? I'm really torn on the idea. Thoughts??? ❤️
  16. justice5150

    Experimental Update 1.04.152050

    I wonder how much the re-spawning will need to be tweaked before its actually good. IMO it would make sense to teleport the player 1-2 KM away from logout point, or to the closest town.
  17. justice5150

    Opinions on a kill cam?

    I believe if they added the feature, they wouldn't force it upon you, more of an option to be able to check a kill cam. (I at least hope it would be that way) I also don't like assuming what the masses would think of a suggestion, which is why I asked in this post 🙂
  18. Funny you say that, same exact thing happened to me. Now that everyone gets teleported to the spawn, we have a lot of campers on our hands. Luckily I gave this guy what he deserved... Please excuse my whining. 9 times out of 10 I had the menu glitch.
  19. justice5150

    Anti Ghosting/Server Hopping Measures

    They should make it so you teleport 1-2 KM away from your log out point. Even a littler more wouldn't hurt anywhere near as bad as you spawning all the way on the coast. When it turns night time, masses of ppl still leave your server, you're left with playing on a dead server or being teleported back to the coast to get to a high pop. Not to mention geared & freshies with civilian weapons are CAMPING the coast like crazy now in hopes of easy gear.
  20. Hiya, not sure if this is a new feature or straight up glitch but I keep bleeding on DayZ every 30 seconds or so. And logging out and logging back in does not fix it. Just tryna help. EDIT: I'M A TOTAL NOOB! It's because my boots are ruined. XD Carry on!
  21. justice5150

    Is this normal? Patch 1.04 issue.

    At 7:52:25 you can see me zoom in at the satellite dish in Tisy, if you rewind at all before that point you'll see me loot the tents in the darkness. Then right after at 7:58:15 you can see me log in by the North East boat "Rify". Dunno why its happening 😕 At least before this happened when I logged in on the same server I actually spawned in the right spot. All on official servers.
  22. When I logged out in Cherno after I couldn't eat or drink, I logged back in and ended all the way up in the North East of the map. Is that supposed to be normal with the new update? I know you change position when you log in now to avoid server hopping. But it doesn't help ppl with bases or anyone in general if it spawns you across the map.
  23. justice5150

    Is this normal? Patch 1.04 issue.

    I just tried it again, this time when I rejoined my same server I stayed in the same spot. However, when I jumped to another server it spawned me in the North East after logging out at Tisy. This sucks!!! I understand if it was like 2 kilometers or something like that. But on the coast... It feels like a terrible fix. Now bandits are gonna wreak havoc on the coast if you just respawn there. No more running down from the north after getting looted.
  24. justice5150

    Is this normal? Patch 1.04 issue.

    Yes I logged onto the same server. I agree something needs to be done really bad, but I don't think teleporting across the map will help anyone. If I was supposed to stay in same area on the same server, its obviously a bug but I'm not sure because DayZ hasn't elaborated on the fix yet.
  25. justice5150

    Is this normal? Patch 1.04 issue.

    Thank you! I appreciate the response. I hope as well it gets revised, we can't do anything about the server crashing and then spawning across the map bcuz of it. It would make playing with friends very tedious I imagine.