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Everything posted by Dodd54

  1. Dodd54

    Persistent cold!!

    Hi survivors, so problem is I can’t shift this damn cold, I use tetro, get the heat buff also remove possible contaminated gear but still not going!! Any ideas as this has happened more than once, thanks guys, be safe
  2. Dodd54

    Wood piles

    Haha exactly, day z logic at its best!!
  3. Dodd54

    Wood piles

    Any info on stocking up from wood piles, tried earlier with handsaw but nothing?!
  4. Dodd54

    Persistent cold!!

    Thanks for that, just on a mission to find some now. Best place to find?
  5. Back after maybe a year and wow what a difference, finding the content loads better still a bit laggy and jumpy in places but enjoying it so maybe see you all out there somewhere!!
  6. Dodd54


    Hi there survivors, having trouble locating pick axes nowadays does anybody have any ideas??
  7. Dodd54

    Wood piles

  8. Dodd54

    Log in bug?!

    Hi survivors, Bit of a weird one today, logged in to find my character bleeding out, knocked unconscious and my assault vest ruined. I logged out safely in a building ground floor with no issues previous to this!! I read there was a bug a few years back that did similar? cheers
  9. Dodd54

    Coach wanted

    Any questions, just ask mate?
  10. Dodd54


    Thanks but stil struggling and for sharpening stones too 🙁
  11. Dodd54

    Despawn times

    Totally agree with you there, well good luck with the ps5 and will be in touch when I progress onto the same console but unfortunately ps4 for now!! Be safe
  12. Dodd54

    Despawn times

    Hello survivors, just a question on stash despawn times. I was thinking 43days on stashes and storage and is it right 7 days on a tent?? thanks guys
  13. Dodd54

    Despawn times

    Good to hear, TBH I lost faith in the game last year but started playing again past few months and really enjoying again still very laggy in cities but not too much of a problem. And lucky you with the ps5 I’m still waiting but looking forward to it especially Day z! Have you played much on linovia?
  14. Dodd54

    Despawn times

    Thanks for that kean_1 remember being in a few posts with you before how’s the game been treating you?
  15. Dodd54


    Very good game but to be fair has got really bad, I played like a lot but now every now and again just waiting for it to be more playable and yes I understand the stress and frustration as the game should work properly like any other game bought with hard earned cash and I’m not defending Bohemia but what are they doing with all our money when there is big potential in the game??!!so sad!
  16. Dodd54

    severe bleeding ?????

    Always carry rags, deffo life saver. If not you’ll get caught out at some point!!
  17. Dodd54

    BI, we have to talk, again!

    Will be on DL tomoz been working nights 😢, hope it’s worth it but deffo looks it and to be fair the price int out of the way, don’t forget day z went to as little as £25 so even if you pay that plus the additional cost of the map it’s still cheaper so I’m not sure what all the moaning is about 🤷‍♂️.
  18. Dodd54

    after patch

    Here’s the full update notes https://www.dailystar.co.uk/tech/gaming/dayz-livonia-update-106-patch-21018427
  19. Dodd54

    My Best Ever DayZ Adventure...........and

    100% agree on the plus side starting from fresh always adds that new chapter to a story feel so not too bad and I suppose you have your stashes too so you can sort your load out unless it’s a looting spree on route 😉
  20. Dodd54

    BaseBuilding and Base Raiding

    Climb a tree??? No not yet, is it certain 1’s?
  21. Dodd54

    BaseBuilding and Base Raiding

    I don’t understand how z’s can climb things we can’t and vice versa?? Strange
  22. Dodd54

    Possible Improvements?

    100% agree
  23. Dodd54

    The new DayZ dlc

    Count me in it will be nice for a change of scenery and some new tactics
  24. Dodd54

    Duper bases!!

    I might sound a bit daft here but how do I make a second character? Do I just use a 2nd ps account?