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About CPUTestUnit

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    Helicopter Hunter

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    PVP Gaming

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  1. Hello Survivors, if you are interested in a DayZ PS4 server with a real survival set up do not hesitate to try our 64 slot server. We kept weapons on 100% but reduced ammunition to 75%, food to 50% and cancelled all short cutting tools. So you need to use your skills to manage the day to day needs of your character by making your way through Livonia. We are a bigger german community but welcome all players from everywhere to join the challenge. Come and make yourself a home. You can find the server in the list as follows: DayZ-TheRunningDead RAW (Livonia Survival) We did not focus on significant naming tricks so you possibly need to search a moment. Hope to see you ingame. Bye
  2. CPUTestUnit


    At private Servers you can shorten the night down to 10 mins total or so. But actually it´s pasrt of the game, so see it as a challenge...
  3. CPUTestUnit

    Query - Duping

    ...or check the Woods to find bases (lags aware you) and get burried M4´s and equal.
  4. CPUTestUnit

    The 3 types I've met in Dayz

    your split up there shows a lot of ingame situations experienced and it also shows what makes this game so greast. Which is the Players and the human Brains they use which always is good for surprises, funny situations, unexpected turns and so on, something a KI will not be able to do. How ever, I think the split sources also from the different experiences this Players made (on meeting the examples you pointed out before) and from the expectation they have on their personal Dayz experience. So Players choosing the game for it´s PVP ellements will try to get a good PVP Situation out of any situation that fits, Players with a role Play Intention will try to fill their role by acting in that way, Players with a survival lonley wulf expectation will possibly act different again, and so on. So ist difficult to list all the different possible variations of situations Players could react to and in which way they would do so. There is also the Kind of Players who Sneak through the enviorment, spy out a City before they go there or others who camp in a mili base to get some shots. I think it is dificult define any Player intention seriously in the Moment as due to the expected wipe and patch the ellements of base build and planning on the longer term is disabled and so of course Players focus meanwhile on PVP. I mainly Play chaotic, by Looking for good memorisable Moments and funny Things that happen also for the unexpected ways or othe roff road things. I nearly dont care if shot as Long as the situation was worth it. Actually my opinion is, the 1 unexpected kill you face which makes you think wow or even makes you angry will be the thing you remeber in 2 or 3 years if someone asks you about your dayz experience, so the unexpected crazy situations are the only things that really count on the long term for me.
  5. CPUTestUnit

    When will the update 1.04 be released?

    it was delayed and named as a trans… something error. I think I read something about it being delayed till next week. Maybe we see an official announcement for a defined date here sooner or later?
  6. CPUTestUnit

    The Upcoming Update

    I also cant await the update as there is meanigfull loot out there which becomes less meaningfull if duplicated 1000 times. I dont necessarly only mean the M4´s and other hyped stuff but also the giant bases build with 100reds of trees and 1000ends of nails (banned one in one of my films for history :-). It is obvicious that the system struggles a lot when you go nearer by producing several Bugs and freezes up to 2 or 3 minuts till all is uploaded and you are able to act. So it is obvicious that it effects the system a lot. Also you then have Tent cyties with 10.000 Slots full of gear. It is absolutly the right thing to do to get the loot back to ist previously thought numbers on a map and make it therefore meaningfull again. Also I hope the soft PS Version gets hardered with effects like bakteria infection having a serious consequens on the Long term, getting wet is hardered same for freezing and so on. Ist a joke that you just run yourself try again! Finaly, I know that players always will look for glitches in special to duplicate or similar and possibly there is another way but actually is´nt that somehow the same as if I play a partie Chess with someone but dubbed me 3 Towers additional. this win doese´nt taste. A game only lives from the challenge it produces and if the challenge is taken away by using such glitches finaly it feels for me like cuting my own game content. Or in other words, the way is the objective not the goal. I hope the binding to Servers will turn the game to a new experience...
  7. CPUTestUnit

    PS4 Server Issue and Replacement

    That exactly is the reason why it made it all the way from a simple Arma mod till it finaly arrived at console. If the issues you Name would be a game breaker, this game would be dead since more then 10 yaears. It is there, sometimes silent in the back ground and sometimes hyped. So as it even was not broken after the Players waited years allone to leave the beta I dont think it will break on the console now for the same reasons (said so, yes the console market is tuffer but actually there is nothing comparable out there). Yes it sucks if you loose your loot and also I lost more weapons to bugs then to death of my character but, so what? I then tend to think, yes it is the Zombieapocalypse. My gun has no bug, it just is old and therfore not reliable anymore. This is not an excuse for BI but it helps to get over it. Also I tend to think, yes it is the Zombie apocalypse and surviving will be tuff and I can call my self happy if any Charakter lives 10+ days (funy, as of the other Players and not the apocalyptic set up). I dont get used to my characters more to my sorounding and base but am clear I loose at least the base sooner or later. All of that doesent matter because acutally there are onyl 2 really important Things in DayZ for me. 1. The Story I experience while I am out there. 2. The possie and People I Play with. All of the rest is just the grind to be prepared for the "if´s" and surly this "if´s" come Always different as expected. But every Player here should never stick to his gear or Charkter and instead to it´s possie and expected game Play (Story wise).
  8. CPUTestUnit

    Player Locked to servers

    I dont think that will happen. It is unlikely always the 100 % Players Intention is to only base and to be that far as well in the game. There will be a natural mixture of different People. Some die and stay, others die and leave and not including time Zone effects. Think you can plan more Players for one Server then just 60, same like the over booking in Hotels for now Shows but even higher. Thats also why private Servers work. you will sit there only with the players allowed by the owner but ist still more diffent Players in general then the Server cpacity allows for each session.
  9. CPUTestUnit

    Player Locked to servers

    Yes, it would be a different game allowing more interaction as your Name will remain. Means, if I shoot Players on this map and my base sits there and I always return here, at least those with a base there too (so the rejoiners on the same Server when died) will start to recognise you are there as well always. This might give room for more... So the experience is somehow more realistic then the current ghost hopping set up. It is a raw peace of meat the game and it is good it is, as this allows the needed room for the Players. Sticking them to Servers gives this even more room I think. (With raw I mean not much is regulated (like PVE only, defense mode or other game restricting things)and it is good it is not regulated as this makes this game some how unique..
  10. CPUTestUnit

    Player Locked to servers

    I understood it is coming with the next update for the PS that Charakters are bind to a Server? I dont know if that means you still can choose another server and have a second, third, fourth, character and only are able to play your first character on this one Server or if they bind (like SA) the characters to a boundel of 10 or so Servers? It will be interesting but the matter of a long wait queue surly weigths heavy in this Industrie.
  11. CPUTestUnit

    PS4 Server Issue and Replacement

    @Markyd Yes, thats it in the end which mainly comes from the Arma focus but it´s still 3 (as far as I understood) some kind of Levels that you can archieve. 1. Geting geared and and find the obviously needed militari guns. 2. Building a base, not for defense but for storage (so focused on not being detected instead of protecting it physically as evey base that is easy to be found gets raided sooner or later (for me thats any base near a significant mark or in any building). Building this base on a spot you only are abele to find it easy allows to shortcut Level 1 when you died. 3. Getting more good loot to the base and possibly (under current Settings) build a similar base on another Server again to ensure you have solid stock für the next 10 lives. At Level 3 you are also fine tuning your livestyle (Gilli suite, car, …). So the character is not representing Players forthcome or Level, it is the gear that does. So if you have stored good gear, your characters live is not that important, as if you wear your good gear only. Really hope the character sticking to Servers will give the game a slightly different Focus, we will see. Thats anyway a different topic.
  12. CPUTestUnit

    Player Locked to servers

    Also it dose´nt matter which Server you choose, you always have your charakter to play with, which is different to the SA Version, where you had some kind of Server iselands, where you played one charakter at 10+ Servers and another one at the next 10+ Servers. So you are perfectly able to hopp from one Server to the next without changing to a new character at all. So therefore sticking the character to the Server is great as it will ensure there is no more way you can loot a military base, change the Server and loot the same base, on the next Server, as well, untill you are satisfied with the 5+ Military weapons you now own. No more escaping from the night with the character, if you´re not willing to lock of and come back an hour later. No more double up of Equipment. No more Monster bases if not build, following the game rules, you will know your neighbours as all stay on the same map and likely will have their bases there too and will live their digitlal live on exactly this map on and on. I think binding characters to Servers ist exactly the right thing to do, to get the game better under contol. It will be a totaly different game experience then. Just my 2 Cents.
  13. CPUTestUnit

    Your story so far....

    I just added you the 4th day now in the post above to Keep them together (in Germany only so far but surly will translate it somewhen soon). This time we expand our base, check for resources and follow up on a huge dubber base near by. Enjoy.
  14. CPUTestUnit

    We are desperately in need of VAULTING

    Sure but they dont use a human brain to get the max out of the situation and so they will not use such a mechanic to take ways not accepted and similar. If you open up somehting you need to expect that everything possible is done with it. Players always try everything possible and it is good they do but so it importand all this Tests are done before something major is changed to avoid producing just another glitch possibility or similar. Is it clear what this will mean in detail? I would expect possibly more thinks to do with a rope or are high jumps or similar planned as well? Do you have details?
  15. CPUTestUnit

    Players are destroying the gameplay

    Yes, agreed. Bugs are an issue. Freezes when you have a base near and so on. I dont know if it will help for this but it might be as not so much loot and material is on the map then as today as a possible wipe would clear those and the Server binding could ensure it´s only on the map what is on the map (sure it respawns too but thats not comparable to todays possibilities)?