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Everything posted by Wowzerss

  1. Wowzerss

    Absolutely Broken

    I play DayZ on a standard PS4 with pretty okay internet (30 - 40 ping) but everytime I get into a gunfight it always ends with me lighting up some dude, him sitting there and taking it like I’m throwing pebbles at him, and him one tapping me. I know its not a latency problem because this dude was running around just fine and everything. Another thing, why are mags still getting stuck in guns? This was a problem that happened in the Xbox beta and it carried over to the PS4. Another glitch, looting and dropping items. My friend needed a mag for his M4, simple enough and luckily I found one in the next barracks. I pick it up and run it over to him. I drop it but there is nothing there on his screen. So, I pick it up and drop it again. Nothing. I just keep it and go back to the barracks to continue looting. He comes in and sees the M4 mag lying on the ground. He tries to pick it up but it does not let him. I just drop the mag then he is suddenly allowed to pick up the mag. I love this game and all but it is practically unplayable.