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Everything posted by RussianSpetz

  1. RussianSpetz

    How do I save my DayZ server?

    Ive bought DayZ in August 2019 for $60, but couldnt play multiplayer because of my internet. (to give you an idea, a five minute video on youtube is 10 minutes for me on 144p) For the first few days of owning this game i couldnt play it and i was struggling to find out how to set up a server for myself so i can play the game. I managed to do so and im playing the game as if it was singleplayer. Its set up to where i connect to myself to play. The problem is, is that im playing on a computer that doesnt have much time left. I live in a small crappy town with an unstable power grid. There are constant power surges and power outages, and this had messed up something in my computer. Upon every start up my computer it beeps and says "CPU over voltage error". The voltage level is 4.080. Its starts out with a long beep and then ends with 4 short beeps. Ive tried asking 2 of my brothers, one who is in an IT school, and another who is a computer nerd and both of them said theres nothing i can do. Ive been having problems on my computer like waiting a long time after startup, my toolbar is loaded but my desktop is a black screen, and watching videos with photos and all of a sudden the computer freezes, but continues playing the video. Ive spent 1400+ hours on dayz, and all of it is on my singleplayer server. I dont want to have everything ive done all been for nothing. I want to upload my server data to a cloud or usb or anything external of my computer but i dont know how. If the devs ever read this, I beg you, add a singleplayer mode, it would make me really happy. I bet there are other people just like me who love the game for its survival features but dont want to have to worry about other people killing them, or stealing or destroying their stuff, persistence bugs, or server rollbacks and restarts. For me, there is no other survival game i would play. Make it where its like minecraft or something where you can create a world and all of its data is in one simple folder. This would be a perfect offline game for me, especially during these times. Heres a screenshot of everything ive done so far. 5 cars, 2 civilian tents, 19 barrels, 4 military tents, and 1 car tent are out of view. https://imgur.com/a/gDXFPnx
  2. RussianSpetz

    DayZ Standalone Singleplayer

    Its been 4 years now since there was going to be a confirmed "singleplayer mode". Its 2019 and we have an "offline mode" that does not save your progress, but claimed for solo play. If the devs would go through the effort to make a mode where modders can test their content, why wouldnt they just go through and finish it to where it actually IS a single player, and not just a testing mode? Yes you can make your own LAN server but some people like me struggle with making their own to play alone, because for some reason i cant go to my ISP and forward my ports so my server will show on the server list. People like me want singleplayer because there are too many assholes that KOS or build you up then kill you later down the road, which is the biggest dick move somebody can do. There is so much content that i want to explore but it is impossible with people killing fresh spawns. I met up with a fresh spawn once and he tried to kill ME. All mulitplayer is is KOS, thats why there are so many empty or low servers. All i want to do is enjoy the game i paid $45 for, but all everyone else wants to do is shit in my face. WHEN WILL THERE BE A WORKING SINGLEPLAYER?