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Everything posted by doublederp

  1. doublederp

    I'm Beyond Heated

    You can disqualify me based on that alone, that's fine. I stopped playing because I had to sell the PC that was able to run it then.
  2. doublederp

    I'm Beyond Heated

    Dayz has a special place in my heart ever since the alpha back in 2015 when I started playing. I've weathered the hardships, even the most game-breaking bugs and lowest player count. I have 1000+ hours on dayz, and have recommended this game to friends, many of which have purchased it based on my word. This game is losing me, and fast. Want an explanation? I'll make it quick. (note to reader: this rant is for the xbox verson only, I have not played the PC version since 2016) 1. The game still runs awfully This is a simple one, but I still experience major frame drops and constant audio glitches. Things take too long to render (such as scopes) and i'm able to see through walls when I spawn. 2. Bohemia Interactive is spreading their funding thin, and you can tell. I hear this sentiment echoed throughout this forum and any discussion forum related to this game, for those of you who are browsing the internet without eyes, this is what they say: "it's been 6 years in alpha, you'd think it would be a lot better" I understand the dev team's hard work on this game, but releasing it on xbox and now PS4 was not the right move in any way; all of your funding should have been concentrated on one platform of the game. Maybe it wasn't your call, Bohemia, but someone from high up definitely need to answer for that. (I'll admit, I play the xbox version because I don't have $2000 lying around for a gaming PC that can run it smoothly, feel free to discrimitate) 3. The direction the game has went is not only wrong, it's downright counterintuitive As of recent updates, the game has gotten exponentially harder, with no good reason to show for it. The pitch black darkness and the zombies going from a nuisance to more dangerous than a player is such a wrong direction to take, especially when the game is in the condition it is. I've had more luck surviving bullets than 4 zombies, ((((((especially when your character points his gun in the air when he's getting beat to death))))). I would not mind these features (deadly zombies, nights with zero visibility, etc.) if they were in a game with a better UI, game engine, and larger developer team. i'll give an example of something that happened about 20 minutes ago in the game, which was the straw that broke the camel's back (driving me to make an account to post on this forum): In Chernogorsk at night Carrying base supplies, fully geared Zombie sees me through almost complete darkness, chases me into a different area, alerting every zombie in the vicinity I try to switch to my hunting knife (since every other melee weapon is awful) quick inventory does not work, and I fire off one round from my SKS in my hand (pointed at the sky, because that's what your character does when anything steps too close to you) I panic, knowing that at least 15 more zombies are on their way I try to run, but my character can no longer outrun a zombie after 4 hits 5 zombies quickly start to barrage me, and I go down immediately and die I spawn nearby in Cherno, but my body is gone within 8 minutes of me dying I make an account on this website and write this. To the dev team, Please make changes, I appreciate the years of work you've done for this game. It's unbearable at this point.