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About nobodys86

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    On the Coast
  1. every time i try to verify integrity of game cache for both arma II and arma II operation arrowhead they give me same error it says "1 files failed to validate and will be required" i have restarted my comp and tried again and again i restarted my comp about 25 times and tried validating about 30 and never works and my problem is a mixture of wierd graphic things and invisible charcter/items plz help
  2. nobodys86

    bin/config.bin/Cfgweapons ERROR

    I have been having this problem I have been trying every solution out there and none of it is working so please help game coding team. Half the time is saying bin/config.bin/Cfgweapons the other half its saying bin/config.bin/Cfgweapons.itemhatchet. Then some times I get into the game and people are just standing around doing nothing. I only spawn with bandages beans and water I don't know if that is whats suppose to happen but. A text comes up on the screen very fainlty and it reads "you are running an incorrect version of DAYZ_CODE, Please Download this file from dayzmod.com/download (you are running version and the server is running version and I noticed that when I am looking for a server all the way on the right side of the screen is all question marks i think that its saying I am missing something cause when I click one of them in the lower portion of the screen it is now green circle but when I look up it is still yellow question mark. If you guys could fix this i would be ever so grascious
  3. nobodys86

    Dayz Wrong update

    All of the Day Z servers for me are all question marks. I downloaded the newest version of Day Z and when i can actually join a server i dont get anything it says im using the wrong update(1.7.2) and i need update 1.7.1 :exclamation::exclamation::exclamation: if you can, can you update some severs atleast so i (and others with this problem) can play. I worked very hard to buy this game just for this Mod i would really appriete (idk and idc how to spell this work) any help, in this matter.