Thanks for the responses. It's hard to get info from some of these companies, and then half the time it's false anyways lol. Hell I remember being told by gamestop employees that borderlands 2 VR on PS4 and No Man's Sky needed internet connections to be played, but they actually don't, and I still play them all the time. Currently I do play dayz alone on my PC with no other survivors and it's one of the greatest experiences ever, so I'll just stick to that. I've been playing for 5 years and met maybe five people that never tried to attack me, so yeah I've done a lot of pvp and we all know you can't trust anyone anyways so that's why I play alone these days and I suggest others to try it because it's a whole different feeling and makes it a lot more thrilling and true to survival being alone with no help and nobody else alive just you the lone survivor of an epidemic and ugh just amazing I gotta turn it on now and light up some zombies and tend to my farm and find more loot! Thanks again for the responses and best of luck survivors!!! 😀