As to all the hate on the server hoppers im sorry but im proud to be one along with my wife only for the simple fact as I didnt pay $60 to play with my wife and friends only to contantly get killed before i can even learn how to play the freaking game!!! Like really i just spawned in on the beach and I get headshot 1-2 min later or beat to death when I spawn just because its funny to the other ppl just for sport like screw new ppl. Well im sorry if server hoping until i can find and build a safe camp so i can actually LEARN how to craft and actually play the freaking game.I have met cool ppl and again normally after meeting we are all killed within 2 min by squads hunting like if I say" hey not here to do harm just bought the game learning the mechanics "if i have anything u might need or want to trade for I am always down"actually help me out so u have more players for ur game not look at me and my friends stupid and then 3 dudes jump out and start spraying like the fk???? #DONTHATESERVERHOPPERS#HATEGAMEKILLERS/SPAWNKILLERS/TROLLS!!!! I wanna love the game so much but a-holes are litterally sucking the fun right out of it for first timers!