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Everything posted by TheDrifT3r_Cz

  1. TheDrifT3r_Cz

    Fix it or kill it

    Only for running north, kill players and die.. Yeah..
  2. TheDrifT3r_Cz

    News regarding the 2019 roadmap

    I remember, when I was reading those status reports few years back. I was watching those videos on YouTube, watching every step of the DayZ, which way it goes.. (coz in those years I did not have a solid PC to run that game properly) And from it, I got feeling of survival, fighting about your life. Now when a PS4 version got released, there was no time to wait.. I bought it, no matter what price it had.. Now, without roadmap, because developers know, if they won't keep they word, community going to eat them, so for making them feel safe, they cancel those status reports as well.. So we don't know anything about development and other things. Only what we can do is report those bugs, which they made in every update. Now, after lot of time spent in DayZ on PS4, I need to say, that after finding your dream gear, you have nothing to do there.. Yeah, You can build the base: But why, if combination locks doesn't work and there is no stuff which you really need.. Stock weapons? I'm not that kind, which need to spawn at coast and run through the map to hideout, to take my guns and go killing people.. Stock medicine? They don't have sense for now. . Stock axes, shovels, pickaxe? Wtf? Only what make sense is gardening which make you food. What about cars. - Repair a car? They still not work properly and I don't talk about FPS drops, freezing in high speed.. And I hear about despawning on PC. In every update they adding more and more PvP stuff like guns, now granates.. It will be Okey, if guns are some civilian kind like some shotguns, pistols, more for defense, then for offense.. There is no hunting expect for shooting some deers, goats, cows.. No rabbit traps, no fishing traps.. Remedies doesn't have a real sence (now in 1.04 maybe a little). Running in rain for whole night, no symptoms of illness. Getting hit from zombie, rotten creature, turn from people.. No symptoms. Drink dirty water and eat 1 pill and woala, you are healthy. What about treatment for longest time? I can eat half of box multivitamin, without consequences. But in our country, on box of multivitamin is 1 pill on day.. (because after more pills, there is possibility too poop like thunderstorm). But I hope that DayZ will go to old trail and bring us more survival aspects, that looter shooter game.
  3. TheDrifT3r_Cz

    Experimental Update 1.04.151915

    I'm asking about something else, so don't try to be something special.. I know, how to read, but also have idea how long certification takes, soo.. I'm asking if this 1.04 update is already in Sony(Microsoft) studios, or it still sit in BI studio.. Because say it's come in July, it can be after 1st week in July from Sony, or 31st of July BI will release it to the certification.... It's a month difference..
  4. TheDrifT3r_Cz

    Experimental Update 1.04.151915

    I was expecting update with some kind of survival things. Like more hunting, fishing.. Instead of that we get guns for PvP.. Of course there is a good stuff in, medicaments make more sense now, but still not a true survival experience, but at least they haven't bring any new car, which are bugy as hell. Now just wait for PS4 release.. Do someone know, if they send update to Sony (Microsoft), or they are still working on it in studio?
  5. TheDrifT3r_Cz

    Weird bug specific for PS4?

  6. TheDrifT3r_Cz

    All Ghillied up.....

    Bulls*it.. They are hard to find.. Can run through whole coast and find nothing like netting.. When I find netting, I find it in midle of zelenogorks.. Burlap sack same... Run through all viliage, town (headed from NWA) onwards south. Found 2 of them.. So after 4 hours of searching I had a ghillie for weapon.. What a uncommon items those ingredients for ghillie are..
  7. TheDrifT3r_Cz

    Killing players

    Yeah, maybe they were just training.. But if you speak to them, tell them to stop, and their reaction was continue in fight.. So, maybe there is a problem in human kind.. I had nothing to loose, so I'm not complaining, but you know how it goes..
  8. TheDrifT3r_Cz

    Weapons in Dayz

    It's unbelievable.. I search every house on NWAF including military base north of airfield in woods.. No gun at all.. These dupped guns should be not count in server economy, and disappear if not touched for 1 day? Because everyone carry a weapon with him, so why to hide them. Death is permanent, so there shouldn't be a option to get weapons so easily (just run to your stash, equip gear and kill players again..) No! They need to run unarmed through whole country, to get their precious gun and die in few seconds later, because someone like them kill them..
  9. TheDrifT3r_Cz

    Hill Realism

    Even GTA have a different animations for hill climbing... And it's not a hardcore survival. So, no it's still a game, but DayZ is stuck in medieval age in comparison to other game releases in this year.. Mask is now only for customize your character.. Nothing else. Weight reduce your stamina, so why not breathing through the gas mask? Try to run with mask on your face..
  10. TheDrifT3r_Cz

    Ghosting problems on ps4

    As I said on YouTube.. I'm glad that we have nicknames on players. Maybe it's not adding to the atmosphere, but on the other side we can easily report those weirdos, who do this ghosting. So I hope, that they will be punished from BI or Sony.
  11. TheDrifT3r_Cz

    Killing players

    I don't get it too.. After hard work getting from coast, finding some food, plastic bottle and mosin with 4 rounds.. I got to some village, where was a guy.. So for first seconds he looks friendly.. He run behind the corner, let me think like he is on his way out.. But after that, he run toward me.. A start stabing me.. After few moments later he killed me.. For bottle of water and 4 rounds for mosin (which is common as fck) Or on the coast.. Saw 2 guys on coast, they run my direction. They were newbies, without gear.. I think what.. They fckcing fight me.. Don't get this.. I have nothing (I drink soda, eat pear)..
  12. TheDrifT3r_Cz

    PS4 Player ID

    You answer your question by yourself.. Because "have been in the game for years" and nobody do anything about it 🙃
  13. TheDrifT3r_Cz


    In stream which was supposed to be something interesting for every player of DayZ, and they supposed to show some PS4 gameplay before releasing it, which not happened too.. They only show us that they wanna be a movie stars and also where our money goes.. Meanwhile they mentioned something about nextgen. Do you guys think that, when nexgen (PS5 or Lunchbox) will come, Will DayZ do better in performance on both of new consoles? Or it will be still shity like, it's right now after 5 YEARS?!! How many update we get from bi until next consoles comes? 3 updates like in this half of year? To get this game closer to real 1.0 version? Because today standards in games (animations,..) are now again 3 years ahead of DayZ.. And BI need 6 months to add some sound 😂😂😂, but if they are talking about bugs, they can do from ez problem 3 month fixing round..
  14. TheDrifT3r_Cz

    PS4 Player ID

    They are aware of.. 😅😅🙃 For 5 years of course.. If they were awere of, these bugs probably haven't been in the game. So, yes there is a roam for moaning about these issues. And I don't say, that forum is only for discussing one issue. Everyone should moan for how developers approach to the DayZ.. But no, they will be happy, that they get 2 new weapon after 2 months..
  15. TheDrifT3r_Cz

    PS4 Player ID

    Yeah... Forgot the status within the the game is, and instead of that moan about gamertags on Playstation 🤔
  16. TheDrifT3r_Cz

    Stable Update 1.03.151552

    They can't even do a stable update without damaging game.. Jezzus, this is what I paid for 👏
  17. TheDrifT3r_Cz

    Inventory on consoles

    This bugy thing named inventory.. After 5 months (don't know for sure) on Xbox. Inventory on PS4 is absolutely ugly, bugy. Why they can't give us inventory from PC version (or give us a option to chose which we want!). This boxes with numbers which suppose mean space in inventory, it's ridiculous.. Maybe we have a big item icons, but icons of clothes is so small and in first hours in game doesn't know what is what!! Than you can't swap a clothes, but you need to drop one from yourself, pick up other and equip it... Jezzus, do developers even watch a modern game industry? Or they are stuck in medieval age?! I know, that we love this game, but we love it for that point, concept! Not for those developers which kinda suck
  18. TheDrifT3r_Cz

    A DayZ review.

    Maybe he doesn't understand point of the game.. BUT he tell everything about condition of the game. This game is peace of garbage, with horrible optimization, minimal contend Lots of content was removed because release of 1.0 game.. Impossible amount of bugs. And then, they release this on PS4 for 49.99$??! Are you serious? After 5 years, there is still more things to do in DayZ mod, than in standalone version.. From release 1.0 version PC gamers get 3 big updates (it about 6 months now?) I love the concept and point of the game, but developers are biggest fails in gaming industry. Maybe they doing it in few people, but they shouldn't take this big piece of cake! PS: Now, when I read that they were creating new engine for DayZ and now is hard for them to implement a physics? Let me laugh
  19. TheDrifT3r_Cz

    Your story so far....

    Hi everyone. Here goes my experience with DayZ and survivors inside of the Chernarus for now. I was looking for release of DayZ on consoles for 4 years I guess?! So there was no question about not buying it. Even if price is so high and game is bugy as f*ck. But now, when I'm really into that world of scumbags, traitor, KoS, FPS drops, tons of bugs, I need to ask you guys. Is this normal behavior of your human species? Today I finally get my car working running with tires, gas canister from Cernogorks to Stary Sobor. So I sat into the car, start the engine (not working sound of engine) and go to the Gorka. When I get there, there was a guy with a shotgun and motorcycle helmet (some fresh spawn, which runs for a while) and think what.. I slow down, say hello.. And dark. He just fuc*Ing shoot me in head, only because I had a car.. After that I spawn on the coast again.. After looting few houses I got shotgun with 3 shells. Than I saw the light of road flare (it was night time) so I carefully go there and try to speak to them. It was a group of 3 players which were fresh spawn, but somehow while after I try to speak to them, they try to fist me up.. So I shoot all three sheels (miss everyone) but in moment a lot of zombies show up and surviving start. I ran as for live, hide inside building, wait for situation calms down. Then I was going to loot them, find 1 body still lying on the ground, so that was enough for me, grab his stuff and head out to Gorka. So i ran to see my car.. . When I got there, car wasn't there, but there was equipment from that guy and few peaces of my gear.. So probably he rob my, then some other players hear gunshots and kill him(or zombies). So I hope that justice was done. Maybe I'm too much friendly and after that I regret it.. But I hope, that there are still good people which will team up and journey together, help each other out of the hell.. BTW: This game after 4 years development is garbage, but still love it. And sorry for my bad English. Peace ✌️
  20. TheDrifT3r_Cz

    Inventory [BUG, COMPLAINING]

    1) Yeah, there is battery slot vissible, and it's working, but why is there equip button, if it's not working as it should. 2) Yeah, it work. Thank you
  21. TheDrifT3r_Cz

    Inventory [BUG, COMPLAINING]

    Hi. Before i start complain about inventory system, I want to apologize for my English. So, there is a one Big issue with inventory in DayZ on PS4(maybe on Xbox too). 1) 9V battery can't be used where I want to be used.. I hit equip and baterry jump to something else, and not to item in my hand.. It's crazy, if you don't have enough batteries and then you search her in scope, flashlight, talkie, rangefinder, head torche.. So what about to do it right and battery after hitting equip will jump into the item in my hand. 2)There are some pouches, or safety boxes, but I can't get item into them in easy way (need to drop item od ground, hold box(pouches)((pouches not equipped on plate carier vest!! Only in invetory)) in hand, close invetory and sometimes it will appear in that box.. But I can't rally on luck.. In combat, I can't get stuck on hiding my epic soda.. So what about to do like we combine items together with circle button(or equip button) , or idk.. 3) No way to run and chose from fast access wheel.. Why I need to stop to open fast access wheel and get 1-2 hit from zombie, or what about get shot from player, because I need to stop to raise my hard earned military gear.. So that's should do it for now. I hope developers will read it and do something about it. Because it's not my problem, but problem all of us. All of us can leave some your suggestions to get this game on better level. See ya, in Chernarus. And BTW I'm not sure, if battery can get out of juice, but if she can it doesn't appear like RUINED, but it still show PRISTINE.. Because my head torch doesn't go On, but with other battery she goes. So maybe it's a bug. ***Read on wiki, that it should be possible to lick the baterry, but option does not appear.***
  22. TheDrifT3r_Cz


    This is bullsh*t.. DayZ have some concept, so why to run away from that? This is not minecraft. Dead is permanent and that's it.