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About dunji

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  1. I really like the idea of the no respawn button but I still think it needs some rethinking. I like the idea that people cant just keep respawning till they get a good spawn.... but at the same time I want to be able to spawn close to where a friend spawns. Hopefully in the future there's some friend system where it allows you and your friend to spawn relatively close to each other.
  2. I think its more the fact that after a week or two once you've done all there is to do in the game (walk around and loot), the only thing left exciting to do is just to kill people.
  3. I have NO clue as to what you're even talking about. I watched his stream for about 3 mins and heard him talking about how there was hackers on his server and thats why his friend was spawning in items so they could go kill those hackers. His friend was asking them what items they wanted. As soon as I saw that I came in here and posted. When the vods up I'll get a link to it and post it up. Most people caught the stream too late and just saw him already with gear and talking about killing hackers and not about spawning in items. My in game name is same as my forum name. I never joined his server.
  4. My old thread was closed. Yes he was on a server with other hackers but him and his friends were spawning in weapons to kill those hackers. Please watch the vod when it comes up. He even says they are spawning in items to kill the hackers.
  5. http://www.twitch.tv/mercyyproductions His name is mercyy, his freinds brutus and one other that I couldn't find are spawning in items and streaming himself doing it. They are currently on us89 tx9.Ban please.
  6. dunji

    Changes to "SNEAK" ??

    I like the direction that they're going with this, but as it is now you do pretty much just have to crawl your way through the town. I'm all for making the game harder so you have to think and plan out a way to get in and out of a city safely but it shouldnt require you to have a boring 10 minute crawl to a building. I actually haven't tried using flares in this patch. Maybe thats the key and the devs want us to use more distractions instead of sneaking
  7. dunji

    Gameplay tips

    So far with the new update the only success I've found : If you're in a town : crawl. crouch walking will still pull zombies even from far away
  8. Have to agree with crossshade, please dont use the realism argument, stick to gameplay. I do think it would be kinda cool but you have to think about the noobies. This idea would make the learning curve of this game even steeper than it already is. I want more people to play this game becuase it deserves the attention. Its already hard for someone new with no friends to figure this game out. You think this is a good idea because you want the feeling of "oh damn where the hell am I ?" which is cool but since (I'm assuming) you've played this game alot, you'll probably figure out where you are within 5 mins anyway. So that feeling wouldn't really last that long at all and all it would do is make it harder for noobs