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Everything posted by daniel.carpenter@live.com

  1. Still very happy with my server ersan. but wondering if anyone else has tested messages through the database and custom loadouts for certain uniqueid's i cant get it to work on namalsk
  2. If i miss out on a Singapore im gunna cry. im been nagging for them for 2 months
  3. In arma latency is not as much of a drama. what ping are you getting ? i play on a texas server and im in australia my latency is about 240 and it does not make a difference as most engagments are from over 500m it actually hurts me on the inside that such a low latency like what you have is not good enough.
  4. You can easily do this by going into there survivor table and deleteing all that is under there location. make sure there logged out and when they come back in they will spawn back in a normal spawn lcation with there gear or you can simply delete his whole survivor table.
  5. My server seems to be working i have 3 players in it. Altohugh they are reporting weird symbols near there water and food.
  6. Just wondering how am i to remove a weapon like the l85 aws and mayb add some other wpns to heli crashes like ak 107 etc??
  7. daniel.carpenter@live.com

    Best Private Server Hoster?

    Yeah dayZ.st is deff the best. although they need some server closer to Australia, the level of control you have on your server is great.
  8. Hey everyone the Bandito Militia have a server now and we are looking at getting some rival clans or players to come share our server with us. The server is mainly for Australian but we invite all players aslong as your ping is not over 350. Now the server is hosted in the states so aus players will have a ping of 200 but IMO this does not impact on gameplay in DayZ The server is run on the DayZ.ST Hive and it has high vehicle spawns. the map is Lingor island and atm it is set on GMT 0 Giving Australians the best playing time. So what we are looking for is more players on our server. and some rival clans to contest with. Server details are as follows Server Name: AU Banditio Militia - DayZ Lingor - High vehicle spawns - GMT 0 (1.0/97771) DayZ.ST Hive IP: Hope to see you on ! if your a whole clan and want to join send me a pm to get recognised on the server.
  9. daniel.carpenter@live.com

    New server looking for rival clans and players

    Bump New IP
  10. daniel.carpenter@live.com

    New server looking for rival clans and players

  11. daniel.carpenter@live.com

    I spawned in the wilderness with no gear.

    ok 1. My forum account was deleted off this website. 2. i was just playing with my mates on Seattle 67 v than bam the server crashes. and i spawn back in. in the wilderness in the middle of NO WHERE with NO GEAR except my ghille and apparently coyote backpack although when i went to try and open it ARMA 2 Crashed.. So first in 1.7 i spawned in the ocean and lost alot of crazy good loot. Now when i have grinded enough to get even better loot it throws me into the oblivion again loosing all my gear. i hope you can fix this as last time my post was ignored and my account somehow deleted. i hope to go i can simply spawn back in and im back where i was. because i may just have to go jump off a bridge. When i joined into the server again i got kicked by battleye for script #37 or something. i have the latest arma 2 beta patch and dayz my In game name is -Bm-AnThraXau My User ID is 7181958 Bump updated
  12. daniel.carpenter@live.com

    Website Maintenance

    Damm us aussies always get the sharp end of the stick. owell ill be at work anyways.
  13. daniel.carpenter@live.com

    225 km2

    WoW all i can say is just WOW
  14. I know your all chilling and shit on your pile of cash but considering this bug was sorted a few patches ago how is it back in ? Did you put it back in for the lulz ? everytime i get a m4 SD moments and i mean moments later i get thrown to the middle of no where with nothing. Now i understand there is over 100 pages of posts on this exact topic in the last few hours. but take a look at that and do something about it. Revert the hive server back to before the hotfix. im sure you have some sort of system in place to back it up. especially just before a hotfix/patch. Just my opinion. Kinda sick of being ignored and having my forum account deleted.
  15. daniel.carpenter@live.com

    Role the Hive server back before the latest hotfix

    Any news on it yet ? Yeah well ive put over 200 hours into this mod. and at this point in time im not gunna participate until its fixed.