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Pvt Parts (DayZ)

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About Pvt Parts (DayZ)

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  1. Pvt Parts (DayZ)

    Romero Zombie vs Rage Infected

    I don't know, personally I would love to see the Zombies acting like Zombies, not as simply humans with some sort of virus that makes them superhuman with a taste for flesh.Though if that's the intent for this game, then fair enough, but don't refer to them as Zombies or Zeds as that gives the wrong impression, the 28 days later style infected are not Zombies, they are simply humans infected with a virus, and that shows with the fact they can starve to death within a matter of a few months. Now if you are wanting them to be actual Zombies, I feel the ones from the OP's little vid would work perfectly. They shamble rather than sprint, but can only be stopped with a direct head shot, anything less and they simply keep coming. The real threat and indeed horror behind Zombies is the way they work, the fact they are a slow moving wave of death that will shamble towards any living thing they see until they have consumed it, only by destroying the "brain" will they ever cease. Now when I say wave, I do indeed mean wave, a large group of them, not simply 2-3. As for people saying slower zombies may for less of a threat when you stand there with guns and such, that is not always the case. Lets say you have an AK, 30 rounds left. Now you are on the verge of starving and have reached a town, in that town are around 40 Zombies, what do you do? Sure if you're a very good shot you can take down 30 of them, but that would still leave 10 of them that are going to be heading straight for you. Would you risk firing off that first shot knowing you would be unable to kill all of them? I know I'd still much rather try to sneak around them still. Now I know this may not be possible to do with the current engine but I would hope that the ArmA 3 engine would be able to cope. Besides which, if they shamble indoors they should also shamble outside. I've been in a barn that's been huge and still they shamble towards me even though they still have the freedom around them they would in an outside space. Also who here doesn't make their way to the nearest house when they aggro more than 3 "Zeds" to have them shamble to take them down? And that's while body shots can still Kill them. So I say have them all shamble like a proper Zombie but have head shots needed to "kill" them. Plus higher numbers of them would be grand.
  2. Pvt Parts (DayZ)

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Does anyone know if Rockets planning on adding a fix for the rate at which Zeds respawn around you so quickly in this update? ( Yes I did check the OP and didn't notice it in the list which is why I am asking if there has been any word on if he will be adding that fix before the updates release.)
  3. Pvt Parts (DayZ)

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    I'd actually really like to see the "I Survived the DayZ Alpha" shirt up for sale for a limited time before the end of the Alpha, perhaps with a need for a forum account to be able to purchase it. Just so those of us (and yes I know I'm a fairly late comer to it) who have lived and loved the game through all the bugs, have a little something to say "Fuck yeah, I was there man!"
  4. Pvt Parts (DayZ)

    Shoot on Sight

    I'm still fairly new to the game, and have only had 2 friendly interactions with other players, and I'm sure that was because they were weaponless, hell I even ran from the building and left one guy because I knew there was a shotgun in the back corner and assumed he'd shoot me once he got it. But yes, most of my interactions with other players have been made up of me trying to see if they are friendly and then being shot in the face. Yet I would not wish that removed from the game as it would reduce the "fear" experience a great deal. I mean take yesterday for example. I'd just found a new shotgun, replaced my LE with it. Then I hear the sound of Zeds approaching the barn at great speed, another survivor runs in and heads behind the crates (I would assume looking for a weapon as he had none) So, being the nice chap I am, I kill the two Zeds that were on his tail. I then call out over the mic to see if he's okay or if he needs help, then BAM! He comes from behind the crates and shoots me in the face. Was I a little annoyed? Sure. Did I think he was a dick? Sure. But the fact he is free to be that dick and do that is part of what makes this mod great. So yes, even if you take away the fact that PvE servers would be exploited to all hell in order to gain the best gear and then go fuck shit up on a PvP one. Just think about what you would be taking away from the game. One of the best things about this mod is the freedom, remove that and you loose a lot in my opinion.
  5. Pvt Parts (DayZ)

    Zombie respawn rate?

    So I just managed to sneak into the barn on the outskirts of Cherno and like a fool aggroed a Zed just as I got to the door. I made my way up the stairs and squeezed off a round from my AK, sure enough 18 others from the near by area come running in. I kill them all and think right then, the place should be clear now, I snoop around the barn, gather a few bits of loot and a couple of heat packs from the Zeds for those colds nights in the woods alone. Then when I go to leave I see 4 more Zeds shambling around outside, I leave through the other exit and head on into the stables where I'm spotted by a passing Zed, I head back into the barn and down him, then another 21 of his little undead friends come charging in. So I ask, is that the usual respawn rate on the Zeds around a small group of buildings?
  6. Pvt Parts (DayZ)

    Worth getting Arma II: CO?

    Derp question but where are these high res textures people talk about? Are they included in the DLC like PMC etc? If so I've had them for like a year already They are included in the full version of ArmA 2. They remove the HD textures along with the campaign for the free version. Sadly the only way you can get these HD textures is to purchase the full game for £15. I'd gladly buy them if they were sold separately at a much reduced price, I have no interest in the campaign what so ever, I simply want my DayZ game time to look as good as it can. Also there is talk that the HD character textures are from the various DLC that was released for ArmA 2 but I'm not sure. I know HD textures for the world itself comes from the full version of ArmA 2.
  7. Pvt Parts (DayZ)

    Worth getting Arma II: CO?

  8. Hey there, this worked great for me. I can finally run it through Steam rather than the Six Launcher. The only thing I've noticed is that when I launch the game via Steam (with this launch parameter), in the expansions widow, it lists ArmA 2. While when I launch with the Six Launcher it lists it as ArmA 2: Free (yes I am running it with the free version of ArmA 2 at the moment). I have noticed that the menus run a lot smoother with it listed as ArmA 2: Free. So I guess my question is, is there an edit that can be made to your listed parameter to do this also? Oh and where on your parameter would I add the no splash option? Yes all very Noobish I know, but then, I am a Noob.
  9. Pvt Parts (DayZ)

    Why do -you- kill?

    See this is the thing. I'd like to think I'm a nice chap who wouldn't kill another survivor but instead try to team up and make it through the zombie infested world we find ourselves in, but I just know that if I see someone with a weapon, I am more than likely to try and kill them before they can kill me and take mine. Finding my first AK has made me a lot more twitchy than I was while I didn't have a weapon, and the thought of someone taking it from me, well that's not to appealing at all. It's one of those things where I don't want to become a Bandit, but I see you in front of me with a gun, you're now the number one threat to my life there is. I didn't really have this mentality before, but now I have my AK in hand, I sort of see it as I'm running around with a large target. So yeah, I totally get the people who have spent their time gathering and collecting their nice gear shooting without question for fear of loosing it, hell I'm starting to think like that and I've only got an AK. I think the fact I'm playing Solo adds to that sort of mind set though. I guess I'm glad to see more of you with that mind set that the killing just for the fuck of it all, as tbh I've been sniped a few times not long after spawning and while clearly without a weapon of any kind, and that just sort of made me thing, whats the point, there's nothing to gain and you're so far off and hidden it wasn't like I was going to spot you and flash light you to death.
  10. Pvt Parts (DayZ)

    Why do -you- kill?

    So yeah, I'm still pretty new to the mod/game in general, joined the night before 1.7.1 so I'm very green and haven't had "much" interaction with other players yet. So yeah, I'm still getting to grips with the various parts of the game. But I am just curious, what reasoning is behind you killing others personally? I ask because I've been watching a fair few youtube vids and I found a high number of people not only killing for supplies from survivors, but running around trololol killing. So I guess I'm just curious to see how many bandits are playing as Bandits, and how many are just killing for the lullz of it all and to rack up more numbers in their counter.
  11. I love these little story's! Reading what you call out over voice chat cracks me up. Please, please start recording your play time in case something like this happens again, I'd love to be able to watch that shit!
  12. Pvt Parts (DayZ)

    Another pretty nooby question here.

    Hmm... I wonder why my icon showed me a three levels higher than I was before the attack.