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Everything posted by WOLVERlNES


    I Need Help Creating A Random Zombie Horde.

    Check out this tutorial: ScaleSpeeder Gaming has years worth of server modding content!

    Need Help with controller controls while flying helo

    Um… there’s no flying helicopters in DayZ, what you’re using is definitely a third-party PC mod and doubt there’s any technical support here for something that’s not even in the regular game.

    BI never ceases to amaze me

    I think vehicles are definitely better than they were years ago, are they perfect no — but a heck of a lot better tho. We can actually drive up hills and in the grass, we can drive 100kmh, we can honk a bloody horn, we can repair engines, tires and body panels. A few years ago, none of that was possible. You’d look at a car and it flew through the air killing survivors. Trying to drive up even the slightest grade hill, especially off-road was a nightmare. And we couldn’t repair damaged parts.

    BI never ceases to amaze me

    DayZ is a survival game at its core, adapt and survive.

    Game is becoming unplayable for console.

    PCs vanilla build is the EXACT SAME as console. But I’ve played it on: Xbox One, OneX and SeriesX. I’d recommend playing on Series S|X or PS5 if you can, if not buy an external solid state drive and install DayZ to run on that to increase older gen consoles’ read/write speeds.

    BI never ceases to amaze me

    You don’t have to use the new control scheme, I don’t. I’ve been using the old controls so long, the muscle memory is there. Just go to options and set to old control scheme and viola.

    Improved Melee Combat

    Yup, that’s exactly what I was saying to my friends last night.

    Improved Melee Combat

    Since a focus this year is to re-visit infected’s movements, behaviors and combat — perhaps survivor’s melee combat should also be considered to work in harmony with the infected’s changes? I love melee combat in games, one that gets it right is Red Dead Redemption 2. It’s robust, organic, fluid and gritty. I just learned there’s an uppercut attack in DayZ, I’ve been playing since console launch and never knew this. There’s a heavy 3-hit combo, if you have the stamina, that when pressing heavy attack in quick succession 3 times one performs: A Right Hook Left Uppercut A Second Right Hook Which I thought was cool, the downside, we’ll never connect with the left uppercut nor following right punch. Why? Because the initial right hook haymaker, stuns infected and causes them to become staggered and immediately back pedal. Survivors can’t step forward and punch simultaneously, so the left uppercut and third right don’t connect and deplete one’s stamina completely. Thus leaving a string of furious pugilism waisted and the survivor vulnerable after the missed punches. This should change so the string of punches can actually hit the intended target 🎯 and not drain stamina as much.
  9. I usually build a stone oven at bases; however, this base I’m building has a house with a chimney and fireplace inside. My camp flag is just outside the house, will the flagpole allow the fireplace inside the house persist like a stone oven?

    Changes to clothing

    Devs are already focusing on cosmetics updates for this fiscal year. So, we should see some new survival gear and clothing options over the course of the year. “Character cosmetics will play a huge role in every update this year. We’d like to grow what is already a massive collection by increasing the variety of loot to be found and offering even more amazing clothes to wear… Think backpacks and survival themes and outfits that exemplify the DayZ brand.“ On behalf of the DayZ team, Adam DayZ 2023 Roadmap


    File a support ticket, I don’t think posting here will help you out.

    Reshaping player points of interests

    I concur with two above’s statements.

    Functioning Gun Racks

    There’s Gun Rack at military sites, but guns never spawn in them, why? Building or moving these gun racks to bases should be a function that lets survivors attach long arms to them. They could have the place mechanic like barrels and have the same life-cycle. Additionally, Gun Racks would get the camp flag bonus when within radius. I have spoken.

    Walpurgisnacht Loot Tables

    Is this the GitHub you’re talking about? https://github.com/BohemiaInteractive/DayZ-Central-Economy/commit/a80ae3a2b70e27284d4577569cbab9268f7ea33a

    Walpurgisnacht Loot Tables

    We would like to know what the seasonal Walpurgist item values are for types.xml We have a community server and would like to activate the event, but don’t want to overload loot on the server.

    Walpurgisnacht Loot Tables

    I applied nominal value of 10 for now and 8 minimum. But the default xml has firefighters infected spawning, I thought there were witches and warlocks as infected. Is there a way to populate those instead of firefighters?

    Esseker 2 Launch

    Why only 15m of night? Give me the long dark night — that’s when things are most interesting fighting for survival in the dead of night.
  18. That’s been stated for the 23 fiscal year as part of their roadmap already. Here’s link to DayZ 2023 Roadmap
  19. How significant are the time penalties to deter alt accounts on Xbox?

    cfggameplay.json Question

    Which of these lines of code facilitates object stacking for fences and garden plots? Ideally, we want to be able to place garden plots on rooftops, but don’t want base building objects to be abused to build into other’s bases with stacking garden plots up to climb over a fence for example. "BaseBuildingData": { "HologramData": { "disableIsCollidingBBoxCheck": 1, "disableIsCollidingPlayerCheck": 1, "disableIsClippingRoofCheck": 1, "disableIsBaseViableCheck": 1, "disableIsCollidingGPlotCheck": 1, "disableIsCollidingAngleCheck": 1, "disableIsPlacementPermittedCheck": 1, "disableHeightPlacementCheck": 1, "disableIsUnderwaterCheck": false, "disableIsInTerrainCheck": 1 }, "ConstructionData": { "disablePerformRoofCheck": 1, "disableIsCollidingCheck": 1, "disableDistanceCheck": 1 }

    Default Object View Distance?

    Interested in how adjusting these setting can increase performance? If yes, are there values for best practices beyond defaults?
  22. The server admins can backlist the child player if they wish to, if they don’t — I guess play on another server or mute the kid so you don’t have to talk to them.

    Small change to base building

    @General Zod I agree with your sentiments relating to the adverse affects of the loot economy from occupying traditional buildings, but as a base-builder myself, fortification of existing in-game structures is the best way to both conceal a base and limit its breach-points. If a survivor or group of survivors build a free-standing base it’s much easier to raid, pure and simple. In addition, it takes far less resources to fortify an existing building than to erect a free-standing compound. Base Building definitely needs expansion and improvement, so I’m all for OP. I try to be aware of how my bases affect loot economy and don’t build in structures that support valuable loot such as weapons or medical supplies for instance.

    New basic clothing patches to help avoid friendly fire

    From a development and practicality perspective, I think the arm-bands are the most practical way of implementing a visual system to track friendlies, and the granular level of customization and detail needed for what OP is suggesting I don’t think is feasible. I myself, one-time accidentally killed a friendly survivor—but the reason that happened was due to lack of communication in that situation when I called out the target, and there was no response by my friendly until he reacted to his death. If he would have had situational awareness and responded to my visual description of my target, and say hey 👋 that’s me, don’t shoot. It would have been avoided. So, the BEST way to avoid friendly-fire is simply: communication. In the US Army, we say: Shoot, Move and Communicate.

    Alarm system

    Nah mate, I used to PC game, it was a money-pit of upgrading hardware/software every time you turned around, plagued with cheaters using mod-menus and doing things such as flying through the air like Superman in a first-person shooter, and the line between what consoles can graphically achieve vs gaming PCs is blurred more and more as time has past. I’d rather spend $500 every 3-5yrs on a new generation console than thousands on gaming PCs and hardware upgrades.