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Everything posted by WOLVERlNES


    XBox Experimental Servers aren't working.

    They’ve been fucked since 1.23 experimental was released. I’ve only managed to login to a server one time in 3 days.

    Console Update 1.22

    Any advice on how to connect to current experimental build on Xbox? I’ve cleared my cache, updated to current version but can’t connect to any experimental servers!?

    Lowered Clothing Inventory

    I like everything you said except for specific item slot idea.

    Lowered Clothing Inventory

    Would like to see the volume of pants, jackets and shirts to be rebalanced and more realistic in their carrying capacity.

    New Maps PLEEEAAASSEE !!!

    What he said. I’m on Xbox too, a console player as well. All those maps you see streamers playing on are third party mods — not created by Bohemia.
  6. I would love to see DayZ completely ported over to the new ENFUSION Engine. Draw distances really suffer in this game and I think long range combat in the open terrain could be greatly improved if the game engine was updated. With games like The Day Before and the next Last of Us in development with a multiplayer option being rumored — BI needs to kick this franchise in the arse and really update it to be in-par with Unreal Engine 5 titles. Maybe just call it DayZ 2 and rebuild from ground up in the new engine?

    1.22 Experimental Release

    After reading the article, I have question on the clarity of this statement: “Lastly, we’d like to give you an update on our plans for the rest of the year. We mentioned in our DayZ in 2023 blog post that our intention was to focus more on the infected AI. We also noted that the topic required more investigation. Unfortunately, upon careful evaluation, we discovered that the proposed modifications did not align with our development timeline. As a result, we redirected our attention and resources towards other pivotal undertakings for 1.23 and beyond.” So, stated more clearly — infected AI changes aren’t happening this fiscal year. But does this also mean devs are scrapping updating infected AI all together or just that it’s an undertaking that’s going to take more time and effort?

    Need Help

    Might be trying to play a server you’re black listed from? Which, I think will let you initially join then kick you — but I’m not sure, just a thought if it’s a community server.

    Fire Barrel Changes?

    I had extra barrels I wished to bury, so I made them fire barrels, lit 🔥 them then tried to bury them with a shovel… but I couldn’t?! This used to be a method. Can we no longer bury fire barrels to remove them from server? I wound up shooting them so they’re ruined and despawn after next server restart.

    Fire Barrel Changes?

    That’s not an exception, for they’re different containers with the same carrying capacity. The rule is the same container can’t be Russian-dolled into another container of the same type. Example, a protective case inside another protective case. We know barrels can only be carried while empty, that’s no secret. You seem intent on full barrel-in-barrel testing. The point of placing barrels into truck is to expand trucks’ s carrying capacity and be able to transport the barrel(s) as well for base building. But I’ve never attempted to place a fire barrel in a truck barrel storage slot.

    Toxic Zones

    Yes they do. I see them die all the time from the gas, they drop like flies a few moments after they enter the gas by walking or just spawned in. NBC infected are the ones that can survive in toxic gas with their NBC suits.

    Toxic Zones

    Love the gas zones, it spices things up. The lore is: uninfected military is firing artillery (155mm Howitzers with Timed Fuzes, which detonates in the air over intended target — I’m an artillery Army veteran) at populated areas where infected are located in an attempt to irradiate zombies. Listen for cannon fire in the distance, gives you a forewarning so does the coordinated illum strike at night, which displays a flare in the night sky.


    I very rarely get sick 🤒 Keep: Dry, Hydrated, Fed and don’t stay cold for too long. A lot of wind indicates a cold windy day, most of the time. Craft a torch to run around with in the rain, keeps body temperature up. Keep moving when cold and wet, keeps you from going hypothermic. Wear Clothing that helps provide good insulation or wetness protection, I usually have a top that does one and pants that does the other to mitigate being either completely soaked and cold. If other survivors are coughing near you get stay away from them and wear a mask or encourage them to do so, DayZ mimics real life transmission of illness through the air. Don’t eat opened food nor drink water from unknown sources; only rain water, wells or boiled water is safe if you don’t have chlorine tabs. -Cheers

    Fire Barrel Changes?

    DayZ normally doesn’t let a container be put into another container of the same kind/size outside of clothing, backpacks or tents. For example, survivors can’t place a cooking pot into another cooking pot, a wooden crate into another wooden crate, or a sea chest into another sea chest because physically it’s impossible. If a barrel can fit in another barrel I doubt it was intentional. We used to get rid of barrels all the time by making fire barrels then buried them. Guess, that was removed — I was trying to avoid waisting ammo. At the end of the day, when I posted this, I just shot them to ruined state and they despawned on server restart. Thanks for the video showcasing a barrel can be burnt in another barrel.

    Fire Barrel Changes?

    Back in the day, once a FireBarrel was used at least once, one could simply bury it with a shovel to discard it. I wasn’t;t able to do this recently, was it removed all together?

    Console Inventory Suggestion

    I’m one of those players that’s OCD about my loot organization, both on my person and in my bases. The current state of inventory management on console is dismal. A suggestion that would make our lives easier would be if survivors could look into let’s say a barrel for instance, and they wanted to swap two objects around. For this example object one is a radar cap and object two are a pair of jeans. Rather than having to pull both objects completely out of the barrel and take to our hands, we could simply press a button that highlights the radar cap, then we move our d-pad or thumbstick over to the jeans then press that button a second time and the two items swap their positions. A feature like this would greatly expedite inventory management and is much needed IMO.

    Fire Barrel Changes?

    No, lol 😂 they’re the same size… that’s like putting a sea chest inside a sea chest.

    Question about a mod I saw... Wanting for Xbox

    This is definitely a PC thing.

    Fix base building please!!!

    I think that’s part of the beauty of the game, you can play your way and I can play my way. Like the OP, I spend a lot of time base-building and like having a place to call home and have a cache of survival gear for when my survivor happens to get killed. It’s also a great way to build a sense of community. Base-building draws a myriad of players and in our opinions needs to be made more robust. One simple thing that I suggested awhile back to aid in making bases, especially within existing structures is to dissect the traditional fence/gates we have and facilitate crafting medium and small versions. That post can be found here: 3 Fence Wall Sizes

    Widok Gas Station ⛽️

    Has Widok’s Gas Station on Livonia always been in-operable?

    Update 1.21 general discussion

    What I like most: Crossbow and craftable ammo What I like least: Vehicle rubber-banding making driving unsafe. Favorite community mod: we use on our server is the setting to showcase a red map-blip when survivors have tourist map and working GPS.

    DayZ Update 1.21

    I just created a support ticket, I ended up with a ‘private’ ticket not sure if that’s correct or not. Hope you’ve had a good weekend — and thanks for looking into this. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T172834

    DayZ Update 1.21

    Love the update and new items, but my friends and I noticed significant rubber-banding when driving since 1.21 on our community server. Hopefully, it subsides or can be fixed sooner rather than later.

    The game needs something...

    It’s a raw survival game, the goal is to survive. Not level up. Survivors can upgrade themselves through game knowledge, crafting, and acquiring better gear.
  25. I played several times when you asked players to do so, I let friends know so they could hop on too. love the crossbow, will be great for silent hunting near other survivors when one doesn’t want to draw attention to one’s self. Sonetimes I couldn’t retrieve my arrows, for they vanished. I noticed standard bolts had greater penetration than improvised bolts and would shoot clean through some walls, like Hunter Shacks. Is there a melee attack animation with the crossbow? I tried to swing it, but in the heat of battle it didn’t seem to work.