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Everything posted by WOLVERlNES


    DayZ in 2020

    Ok thanks

    DayZ in 2020

    Does Day Z support cross-platform play Xbox with PC?

    Wood vs Metal

    Metal requires less time and resources, but has zero ballistic protection, and must be used for watch tower roofs. Wood requires more time and effort because greater amounts of wooden planks are needed; however it’s more durable vs base destruction and offers protection from hostile gun fire.
  4. Ok this is ridiculous! I was starting to build a base, had both my cars inside building. Server resets while I’m inside, login after server restart and gear shattered glass and damage noises, find out 1 car despawned completely and the other has nearly the entire body ruined, all wheels, radiator and head lights ruined WTF! This stuff still shouldn’t be happening, I dread every time there’s a server restart because of this kind of stuff. I already had to roll-back my server yesterday, which impacted both player’s on my server’s progress and mine alike. The same car I just despawned yesterday for no reason in hanger at Northwest Airfield. Not even from a server restart, I parked my Sarka — walked around building went back and bam vanished! Headlights are still not working right, they don’t illuminate when observing housings of lights and once they’re damaged players can’t swap for a new bulb because there’s a circle with a line thru-it @ImpulZ please for God’s sake share this with devs so they fix all these car bugs/glitches. Please and thank you 🙏
  5. @ImpulZ please share with the devs the following issues all related to creatures breaking wall/boundary physics: Infected can clip thru walls, doors, and ceilingsof buildings and bunkers at military bases to the point I have a base built inside a bunker @ NWA and with doors closed and base fences infected glitch thru walls, ceiling and walk in thru closed doors like nothing’s there Infected can attack players thru walls/doors they flip thru in cities, towns and villages Wolves also suffer from same glitches and get trapped within walls of buildings grass clips thru bottom of vehicles and long armed weapons on player’s back clip thru vehicle roofs Please remedy all of these issues, for it’s very frustrating especially when it comes to base building.

    Buriable stashes

    They are. Hmm maybe I was in err quanmin is -1 and quanmax is -1 min is set 0.

    Buriable stashes

    Turn Persistence off which would refresh entire server after every restart and would remove bases, cars, tents, and stashes. Changing nominal value to zero doesn’t prevent items from spawning, I have weapons set to nominal value of zero and they still occasionally spawn, perhaps commenting the shovel out would work tho. Find shovel info place <!- - then after shovel info add - ->

    How to disable rains in server

    Why? It’s a survival game and dynamic weather conditions play an important role on how to deal with changing conditions. Our character’s have to be played to adapt to those changes — it’s what makes Day Z, Day Z. I own a server and have been modding it, but haven’t seen anything about weather behavior yet — so we might not be able to affect it. But if I see something in the xml files I’ll let ya know.

    Restore a character?

    Easiest way is to restore a backup from before you died, but be warned entire server will go back to that point in time. Everyone’s progress done since last Backup will revert to that period in time.

    Private Server Settings - Item Persistence

    Wait, we can do that with Nitrado? I have an Xbox server and would love to do that otherwise things like generators, cable reels despawn in 7days.

    Car Spawn Limits

    I’ve been searching the internet but can’t find info on how many vehicles can spawn per server. Is there a limit per model, or total car value?

    Game is Unplayable

    With 1.06 patch the game has become unplayable for the following reasons: At any point in in time random weapons, both melee and guns are de-synchronized and player doesn’t know until he/she is mid combat and sees no damage is occurring to opponents, I’m sick of having to hide/switch weapons because something is not working as it should Cars (Yes still) cars are still very temperamental and regularly glitch under the map, hit lag-spikes causing players to die and wreck cars because of these issues; additionally, gears still aren’t shifting correctly Right arm becomes immobilized randomly when using item wheel to select another item, the player can’t perform most actions until he or she fiddles about getting the right arm to be, what appears to be stuck to you body, free and back to normal @ImpulZ please make devs aware of these issue so they are resolved, cheers.

    Ammo Can DeSpawned!?

    God Dammit, this despawning shit needs to stop. I found a heli crash site and the ONLY thing worth keeping was an ammo can. I brought it back to my base placed all my batteries and sparkplugs in it. Log back on a couple days later and poof it’s fucking gone! @ImpulZplease tell devs to fix all despawning issues, it’s so fucking frustrating.

    Ammo Can DeSpawned!?

    No, they don’t need to be for they persist for days like crates etc. And I literally had only stored it the previous day. What is their persistence duration tho — I thought it was 45 days?

    Ammo Can DeSpawned!?

    Private server with a locked gate that nobody except me has the combination too. So it wasn’t stolen it despawned

    Tyrant Server Owners

    That’s not how it works... server owners can’t control loot spawns, delete stashes etc...

    DayZ 1.06 PTV server map settings

    Will we loose persistence on Chernerus if we switch maps, or will data be saved? my server has allot of work put into it an players don’t want to loose their bases, stashed, and cars — with good reason.

    Max Item Spawn Limit?

    We have a 20 person private server and there’s only a couple players with Tier 4 weapons like VSS, VSD and LAR. is there a threshold/limit to these items listed anyplace? we are finding either no weapons or less than desirable weapons like SKS at Heli Crash Sites.

    Max Item Spawn Limit?

    Ok cool beans thanks much for the intel. One of my friend’s has a VSS but it has the broken magazine glitch so he can’t load the gun. Is there a way to remedy that or should he destroy the weapon?

    Parking Vehicles Inside of Buildings

    I’ve already posted a thread on this topic, because my friends and I have lost allot of cars on our server from this bug too. @ImpulZ this is a major concern for allot of players are experiencing cars flipping, shifting and despawning after server resets.

    Camps and bases

    I was running 3, now I’m running 2 because of Frame Rate drops, it’s still sluggish with 2.
  22. Why do Construction Lights & Generators despawn so quickly?! I had 3 generators and about 6 construction lights setup at our base on private server and lost 2 generators and 3 construction lights. What’s their Persistence in days before they despawn? I literally had them all running 2 days ago, logged back on server and now they are missing?! The fact that they were running should reset despawn timer, but it appears it doesn’t.

    Camps and bases

    There’s also major frame-rate-issues after firing up generators and lights at bases. Livonia is smaller than Cherneraus — so there’s less overall information and wonder if that will help with things.

    Camps and bases

    Yeah but generators, cable reels and lights are broken IMO, for they despawn after 7 days even if you interact with them as intended. You need to physically move them to prevent despawn which is stupid. For instance, you can setup your lights, wires and generators in your base. You can use them regularly by simply turning the generator on which then lights up your construction lights — which IMO is interacting with them and using them. But the server despawns them unless you reposition them. I’m setting up crates near my lights now so I can stow them near where I set them up so I don’t loose anymore stuff and pulling/replacing spark plug in generators. We shouldn’t have to do silly things like that to deter despawns. @ImpulZ please share these issues with devs to correct, thank you.

    Base Walls + Zeds

    What’s the point in building base walls, when Infected just hop over them like nothing!? Zombies shouldn’t be able to climb over base walls, or at least base walls with barbed wire attached. Would also like to stack wire mesh barriers, and have gate close option from frame rather than outer edge that way players don’t have to run backwards as we close a fence gate. @ImpulZ please share this feedback with devs.