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Everything posted by WOLVERlNES


    More shotgun ammo types

    I feel like we already have enough shotgun ammo variety.

    Cheating Needs Patch!

    I’ve died twice in one day from players logging-off and logging back in to see thru buildings to find my position inside. When players login the map loads so slowly you can see objects and players all around before map and buildings pop-in. Players are exploiting this during firefights.

    Fix Lag Spikes, Frame Rate Drops & Rubber Banding.

    Xbox One X. Frame-rates, lag, rubber-banding terrible draw distance detail and pop-ins galore. Been trying to buy a Series X…

    1.15 XML DeSpawn Rates?

    Yeah, I’ve had that happen too, I think posts with external links are reviewed by mods before content goes public. I’ll check back to see if we can see the content. Thanks much btw.

    1.15 XML DeSpawn Rates?

    Searching for decay times for items since 1.15 update. I haven’t played since mid 2020 and I know things are different now and have yet to find info. Anyone have access to list?

    1.15 XML DeSpawn Rates?

    Yeah, I used to have cues when I ran a server, but canceled my server after a year. I want to see decay times fir stashes, barrels, teddy bears, tents and traps. Plus other things as well. Can anyone copy the default types.xml for 1.15?

    Raiding with grenades

    In this tripwire guide, wobo talks about Russian Frags being better for chain reactions — which might tie into why they’re splash damage is better for base raiding. But I’m still searching for where I saw they are more effective in taking down fences and gates.

    Disgusting 3

    @ZinMas 101 Play official servers then. I’m just getting back into the game since 2020 — weapons and gear seem to be much better now compared to the days of God Tents and Server Hopping. My biggest complaint since starting again is that X-Ray Vision exploit in PvP.

    Raiding with grenades

    I’ll try to find the video I saw that info in if I can.

    Raiding with grenades

    I saw it on a YouTube video, from a YouTuber called WOBO that data-mines the xml files and tests ballistics and other metrics on PC. He does so with what appears to be third party software to track things like: velocity, effective range, bullet drop-off etc…

    Cheating Needs Patch!

    @Tommygunz89 made an excellent suggestion in a similar thread to solve this: At login player’s spawn-in unconscious with a black-screen, allow map to load-in then we awake from ‘sleeping’

    Cheating Needs Patch!

    Yeah, I haven’t played in over a year only to have this exploit used against me numerous times.

    Raiding with grenades

    Russian frags do more damage than US. Souse Russian grenades on bases over US.

    Seeing through the map when logging in on console

    I think this is a really good solve! It’s like your character is waking up from sleeping.

    Seeing through the map when logging in on console

    It happened to me twice today during PvP. I just started playing again since 2020 too — I’m done until shit like this is fixed.
  16. As stated in the title, devs please make inverted aim setting save, for every time I play for the first session after Xbox was off from previous day I have to go into settings and activate Thumbstick inverted. Today that bug got my survivor killed outright! I logged into the second floor corner of a building in the exact spot another survivor happened to be. We both noticed each other and he blasted me with a shotgun because I couldn’t aim because vertical look wasn’t inverted. I initially had the advantage spawning slightly behind him but it caught me by surprise, for I wasn’t expecting to see another player. For me up = down and down = up. So please fix this problem for your inverted player base.

    Sickness balance?

    Thanks for advice. I vomit after drinking, sometimes after eating — and try to not take more than 3 bites/gulps at once. I’ve also noticed it helps to wait for triple up arrows go away to prevent vomiting. My transgressions involved one raw fish and two pieces burnt chicken days apart from each other. Plus being out in the rain for long periods. My medical treatments thus far (outside of staying warm & dry, being well-fed & hydrated): Charcoal Tablets alone Tetracycline alone Codeine alone (codeine description in-game says it helps with coughing) Multivitamins alone Codeine with Multivitamins Charcoal Tablets with Codeine Tetracycline alone This was all done prior to your response over the course of about 5 days irl gaming sessions. I’ve not had the luxury of having both vitamins & tetracycline nor charcoal tablets & vitamins at the same time. I’ve found a few more Tetracycline and going to wait until I find vitamins/charcoal again to ingest them.

    buried crates

    You’re both on PC not console right?

    Sickness balance?

    I can’t get rid of sickness. I’ve been sick the entire time. Consumed 3 consecutive Tetracycline pills after pill icon was gone each time whilst dry and all stats white. Consumed Charcoal Tabs + Multi Vitamins + Codene + being dry and all white stats. Stayed near fireplaces. It’s insane. I puke. I cough & sneeze. Can’t get well.
  20. I played allot in 2019 and rented a private server for a year. But haven’t played in over a year, until last week. What 1.15 tips are there for returning players? I believe the last time I played was about 1.06 — during server hopping, gear duping, God Tents, car death traps and de-synching issues galore.
  21. Has there been any public discourse by BI on support and performance benefits by playing/migrating to a next gen console?

    How are people finding my stashes?

    I hope this stuff is not on consoles just PC.

    Where can I find public server rules?

    There aren’t any, except duplicating stuff which leads to breaking the loot economy. Do what ever you want.


    I haven’t played on Public servers in over a year, for I had rented a server. But now I’m back on public fir first time yesterday and found 3 tents within 5-6hrs of playing. Guess I was lucky — no cars yet tho.