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    Army Veteran, Graphic Design, Visual Effects, Motion Graphics, Kinetic Typography, Video Games, Physical Fitness, Paintball, Axe Throwing, Cinema & Story Telling

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    Army Veteran that enjoys shooters and survival genre. DayZ is on point.

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    Sakhal Igloo & Quinzhee Shelters

    It would be amazing if base building mechanics could include the ability to build both Igloo & Quinzhee Shelters on Sakhal. When traveling away from civilization where there's no shelters in the extreme cold of Sakhal being able to build such shelters would be a welcome addition to the game. Igloos: are dome structures erected by assembling individual snow bricks then stacked together. Quinzhee: are snow mounds that are piled-up and then packed down , afterwards a survivor has to dig-out the inside to create a living space. -Cheers

    1.26 Is Unplayable

    I’m going to make a ticket, I’m on SeriesX—but that doesn’t mean something isn’t a corrupted file. I’m going to try again and then do an uninstall.

    1.26 Is Unplayable

    I cannot play DayZ 1.26 build. Half the time the game freezes after selecting a server. And when I do login my torch is stuck in my hand, can’t drop it, can’t interact with anything. I have force quit numerous times, cleared system cache 3 times. I literally cannot play the game.
  4. lol 😆 what’s the point of having fake numbers on the server!? I actually wish we couldn’t see the players on the server in the menu once playing.
  5. Nope, community server hosts can kick whomever they want for whatever reason they want. I’m on console so I don’t know anything about PC mods, but sounds like you should just be using the vanilla game files. I don’t think anyone would ‘fake’ player count, when browsing servers whatever number of players are displayed in the server list is what’s on the server at that moment.

    1.26 Experimental Release

    Just because you don’t agree doesn’t make my statement wrong. Two long arms can be carried on one’s shoulders, there’s no reason to carry more than that at one time. Between the stamina drain and momentum changes made awhile back, coupled with the reduced inventory makes the experience much more balanced and again brings the IP closer to it’s roots of being a survival game rather than a Milsim. Loan survivors have to be more selective about what they carry, which also reinforces the strengths of crafting. I rucked around in the Army with full battle-rattle, it’s not fun and does weigh a person down significantly. Reduced inventory was the right decision by Bohemia. Benefits to lower weight: better mobility, longer breath hold times to steady aim, less use of resources to remain mobile and firefights will be more interesting because less magazines and ammo can be carried, so survivors will be more choosy on which engagements are worth the risk. Carrying less also can foster more survivors to work together towards a common goal rather than KOS as often as its historically been.

    1.26 Experimental Release

    I agree relating to Chemsuit arguments, they don’t carry much themselves—reducing how much space their bits & bobs take to carry around with us would be in order.

    1.26 Experimental Release

    My friends and I love the nerf to clothing and gear carrying capacities. This brings DayZ closer to its original concept, to survive. IMO too many play the game like a Milsim. DayZ isn’t Arma nor Battlefield. Having less inventory increases stamina; forces survivors to be more choosy in what they need to carry for survival and will make firefights more strategic because less magazines, ammo and weapons can be carried. It’s silly to be able to carry an assault rifle in one’s back pocket. T-Shirts with no pockets should have zero inventory also, but I get why having 9-slots is there so they aren’t completely useless and game balance. Looking forward to FrostLine release!

    Dupe fix

    I thought duping was resolved years ago? Guess not.

    Infected ReWork!?

    Has there been any further information or discussion on the Infected Ai and Movement rework? With the hype of FrostLine DLC overshadowing everything, I feel like this important upgrade has been lost in the shuffle. Infected redesign I feel is one of the most important things that should be tackled along with migrating DayZ to the new ENFUSION Engine.

    DayZ Update 1.24 & DayZ in 2024

    Loving 1.24 update so far! Here’s a few bugs we’ve noticed since 1.24 update: Can opening animation when crouched, floats the can over and around survivor’s head like a magic trick. Inventory controls on Xbox are broken, used to be able to left or right trigger to go between vicinity items, to tents and base-building items like fences. Now using the triggers don’t work like they’re supposed to when dealing with those items, they work fine between equipped gear. Inventory UX for vicinity isn’t the correct width, so all inventory on left-side of screen menus are partially cut-off on their right-side. There might be a couple of other things, but that’s what jumps out at me right now. The lack of being able to use my triggers to manage inventory between vicinity items, tents and base items really is annoying for my muscle memory has been established for quickly organizing items using those buttons. -Cheers

    Crosshair Overlays on 1PP

    Play on official servers and the server I rented from Nitrado.

    Crosshair Overlays on 1PP

    In both first and third there’s a single center white dot, but changes to cross hairs when aiming a firearm in third person. So, no need to place a stupid dot on your TV screen.

    PS5 Dupers

    I don’t know how duping is still an issue!? I thought those days ended with the God Tents, years ago.

    Crosshair Overlays on 1PP

    Call me crazy. But Isn’t there a dam center dot on the screen HUD for that very purpose?