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Steve Buscher

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About Steve Buscher

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Steve Buscher

    Stable Update 1.06

  2. Steve Buscher

    Stable Update 1.06

    Well, another huge disappointment. You get stuck after selecting quick slot. Doors don't make noises. Can't open food. Shoot boar point blank with shotgun, nothing. Build fireplace, nothing there. Shoot zombie, no affect. Constant lag and freezing. Customize character won't save, if you die, you have to exit sever, and customize again, or you will get stuck with a random character who won't change unless you find a way to commit suicide. Then you have to exit the server again for customization to apply each time waiting in ridiculous long queue. And when you finally get in, game crashes and you do it all again. Horrible, terrible garbage. Can't believe devs tested nothing, or tested and released as garbage knowingly. Was much happier with 1.05 even though that has major issues too.
  3. Steve Buscher

    Stable Update 1.06

    Well, Try going to Dave and Buster's with 20 and see how much game time you get. Compare that to unlimited hours
  4. Steve Buscher

    Stable Update 1.06

    Try going to Dave and Buster's with 20 and see how much game time you get. Compare that to unlimited hours of gaming, it's actually pretty cheap.
  5. Steve Buscher

    Xbox Update 1.02

    I'm about to throw in the towel. Been playing since debut on Xbox and have been pretty patient. First of all, devs never respond to any concerns, ridiculous. At least address the duping issue, tell us what the problem is. Then stop adding stuff to the game and fix what you have. And test the updates, I can't believe you put out a major update and it screws up more things than are fixed. Example, latest update, now the cars have no sound and are barely drivable. Did anyone considered getting in a car and going on a test drive? Did anyone attempt to walk through a door? Did anyone try using the inventory? Or did you just tweet a few lines of code and turn it loose? How about this, next update fix the dam duping, and have it so you can drive a car down the road. And stop adding more things. I've seen many people say the same things over and over yet you don't do anything to address the issues and don't even acknowledge.