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About ste.D

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  1. ste.D

    NCRP Private Servers

    I want in, how do i apply
  2. ste.D

    On the Road to Livonia!

    lol i didnt know that at the time, was just trying to hightlight that, that dude has no idea whos hes talking to....
  3. ste.D

    On the Road to Livonia!

    Seriously dude you need to spend some time outside instead of getting stressed out with people posting on a "Supposedly Friendly" forum. For all we know this dude is only 12 years old or something........
  4. ste.D

    On the Road to Livonia!

    Perhaps he did read it.... perhaps he didnt, what is it to you lol why the hate?
  5. ste.D

    On the Road to Livonia!

    Always makes me laugh when i see someone defending a poor product
  6. ste.D


    I think every consumer has the right to complain when something with the product that they have purchased is not working correctly. In my opinion, i think that night vision (for a certain type of player, i.e. PVP types) is a must as it limits your time playing on certain servers. I've worked for several software companies now and quite frankly pushing anything out that has a known bug is bad practice. What i've noticed with this game and BI specifically is that there is a lot of expectation built when it comes to patches and new content. Each update builds upon the game in ways which change the gaming experience considerably. Given the amount of bugs and the ways in which it limits the gaming experience BI could do with a period where they just sort them all out before moving on. @GolemNo9 you are absolutely right, why release something that you know is broken? It's your consumer right to moan so don't let anyone tell you any different!
  7. I'm genuinely speechless.............. do they ever learn!
  8. ste.D

    Wheelie Bin Movable Storage container

    I know what you mean! i randomly found a small drybag stashed with almost a thousand nails in it....... i could barely walk lol
  9. I think it would be cool to have wheelie bins that you can move as storage.... or even shopping carts something that wouldnt hugely affect your movement speed. Carrying a oildrum or seachest to where my base location is take an age!!!