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About urimashe

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. urimashe

    US 13? dallas

    hello, i play on this server all the time and we had a camp set up and a vehicle, i havent seen it online today and im wondering. did the name change or is it down for maintenence? if anyone knows whats the matter with the server please let me know, any info would be helpfull.
  2. urimashe

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    since i have a broken leg it seems the biggest problem is almost bleeding out every time i attempt to climb up any stairs,i with i didnt have to worry about stuff like this.
  3. urimashe

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    hey just a quick post on some things i noticed. this release has made the gameplay a whole lot better. but the things i noticed have become common and could be fixed. first is i have a broken bone, and i have noticed morphine is extreamly rare, ive bin crawling around for a long time trying to find some or another player whom might have some. second is that alot of doorways and stairs and uneven ground makes my chara go in to pain and bleed, specialy when a door opens up in to my face, that gets a lil annoying third is the ladders and now somtimes when i pick up items it makes my sight and sound bar go throught he roof and aggro zeds several houses down, ladders and iteams are also causing my chara to run all of a sudden with out touching any keys, this is causing zed aggro. these are some issues ive seen so far, i think upping the morphine spawn rate and where they spawn would be a lil bit more helpfull to players, since the farther north you go the sparcer they seem to become, im currently stuck crawling around the wilderness in hopes of some kind of redemption, maby adding a way to use firewood and a bandage to make a splint that would allow you to limp along? or maby heal the broken leg over a few minute period of time?
  4. my chara still was not reset... edit: cheaked again, got a chara creating screen but then it went to the server message again.
  5. hello, i just wanted to let you know that i too am having this issue, i have tried logging in several times now. before i got this message i had bin dissconected from a server several times after logging back in to it. on the fourth time trying to log in i got this message my chara name: Gardner IV my chara ID:21154182 pleaze help.