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Everything posted by tequilapuzh

  1. tequilapuzh

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    Huzzah! Thanks for the update! :beer_keg:
  2. tequilapuzh

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Being someone who works in IT, you might want to read official words a little more carefull. Lets enhance that a bit. Also can't belive how childish most of the posts are. Yay for gaming community. -_-' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pm4fQRl72k
  3. tequilapuzh

    Experimental test patch

    You can't talk with users in Group chat. If Side Groups Chat is enabled, use that for comms. Or Direct Group for chatting with people in 40m radius (I think it's 40m).
  4. tequilapuzh

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    When you give people a deadline' date=' your expected to meet it. People are mad because it was not kept and no word has been spoken ever since that. No one wants to be kept in the dark. [/quote'] Let me enlighten you. YOU ARE A (FUCKIN) TESTER. read these words 100 times then go out for a walk. Then come back. Think about your life. Then read it again. Then go become buddist. ... not even a word from him ... Are you serious? Don't people read anymore before complaining? Like stupid bug report. "Game glitched. All I can tell you. FIX IT!!!" Jebus...
  5. tequilapuzh

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    But moooooooooom!
  6. tequilapuzh

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    woof! *runsaroundwithballinmouth*
  7. tequilapuzh

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Telling me that in the year 2012. Computers with 4 processors. GPU 2GB of ram. Internet connections optical fiber 100 megs. It is impossible to create this? I do not think so. So ... DayZ must be a realistic zombie game' date=' where in a village of 1000 inhabitants there are only 50 zombies? [/quote'] If it was possible, it would be done. Don't be silly. =) *cookie*