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About BruskarDK

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  • Bio
    I've played DayZ since the middle of May, but only created a forum account just recently. I make youtube videos, play pc, xbox, and ps3.I play BF3 on xbox, and World of Warcraft on pc + Many others including DayZ :)
  1. BruskarDK

    1.7.* Infection WIP Update

    Sounds awesome!
  2. BruskarDK

    The ability to move dead bodies.

    Great idea you have my beans.
  3. BruskarDK

    [Day Z Video] I found my first bicycle!

    Wish I could even find a bicycle one day...
  4. BruskarDK

    New military skin?

    It may be a scripter (or hacker). I've heard of people having it but not many people find it to be legit.
  5. BruskarDK

    hacker camp

    Sounds a little fishy.
  6. BruskarDK

    Low Res Textures....

    I wouldn't worry about buying expac, just for some better textures. Don't have to kill things and make it look pretty.
  7. BruskarDK

    0 blood and still alive

    God mode activated!
  8. BruskarDK

    What is a Bandit

    Killing an unarmed player then saying your a bandit is just idiotic. It's like doing good in a video game one time then saying you are a pro at it. If you kill unarmed players and say you're a bandit you are not!
  9. It would be nice if the made it where you could give youself a blood transfusion, I'm no doctor but I'm sure you don't need another person to put a needle in your arm.
  10. BruskarDK

    Mall instances

    It should just stay the open world survival game, building your own camps and finding players within the game if you want pvp you should go to the major cities, IMHO
  11. BruskarDK

    Consoles eh?

    I don't mind having it on console, but I would like it to stay PC only. Like Recaldy said it would have communication issues.
  12. BruskarDK

    My kindom for a bandage.

    Very interesting thing to read, you have my beans! :) (Wish my computer wasn't broke I could be playing dayz!)
  13. This has happened to me on the same server. It's just sad that people do that. :/
  14. BruskarDK

    stuck in room (pic)

    It's just the hospital, just respawn so you can get out and continue playing.
  15. BruskarDK

    Introduce yourselves

    Hello, I'm bruskardk (bruskardk in game) I enjoy hanging around cherno, and elektro. I will only shoot at someone if they shoot at me (I don't want to die!)