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Everything posted by Stas123123123

  1. Stas123123123

    Experimental Update 1.02.151010

    I thought they would be released on Wednesday, or not?
  2. Stas123123123

    Experimental Update 1.02.151010

    When will the update be released to a stable branch?
  3. Stas123123123

    Experimental Update 1.02.150980

    As far as I understand, we are not waiting for today, but for the day after tomorrow
  4. Stas123123123

    Experimental Update 1.02.150980

    As far as I understand, we are not waiting for today, but for the day after tomorrow
  5. Stas123123123

    Experimental Update 1.02.150980

    When will it be released on a stable branch?