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Goof Juice

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Everything posted by Goof Juice

  1. I would think that only some of the more robust items should remain like maybe a gun or two, but definitely not perishables like food or clothing.
  2. Goof Juice


    He pimped yo life.
  3. Goof Juice

    Double Downed Helicopters ... TWICE!!

  4. Goof Juice

    Is this what you call a bandit?

    I think it lacks originality, he should have shot you in the chest to make you pass out, hopped on the bike, and ran you over. Always keep em guessing.
  5. I have seen gay people on television and i find your post offensive to them.
  6. Have you tried hitting right? Or perhaps the lean keys? My guess is that you were passed out and when you came to your key was held, if so then just hit whichever key corresponds to the direction you are going and then you should be good.
  7. Goof Juice

    Vehicle Question

    IF it looks totaled and the only option you get is to save it, then yes its borked. You can save the remains of vehicles after they are destroyed so you aren't missing anything.
  8. Goof Juice

    bike bug

    Another thing you can go is have a friend shoot you untill you pass out. It forces you into the pron position and removes the "invisible bike" worked for me when this same situation happened, so hope it works out!
  9. But he didn't see that or doesn't care! So his point is totally valid and he isn't just full of hot air! lol
  10. Goof Juice

    The ability to move dead bodies.

    I would love to see player bodies able to be picked up, but only because I would want to reenact Weekend at Bernies :P
  11. Goof Juice

    Why I Have an Extreme Case of Paranoia

    It seems to be what happens the longer you play the game, you begin to get overly attached to the life of your character and start to become a recluse who's only human interaction ends with said human having significantly less life than when you two met. It's sad but a fairly good cure for it is build a small camp somewhere with some decent gear and go have fun with players, with the knowledge that you will have an easier time gathering supplies the next time around it will be easier to trust others or deal with death. :) Just remember death is the inevitable "end game" for every survivor.
  12. Goof Juice

    SO i tried out lingor island...wow

    Hmm from what im reading from you guys, it looks like its worth a try when im back from class ill try it out!
  13. Goof Juice

    SO i tried out lingor island...wow

    What makes it good? This isn't a flame post, but i was just curious what about lingor makes it interesting/comparable to chernarus? I find it intriguing and all the videos i see don't convince me it's anything more than just that. What do you think?
  14. Goof Juice

    Q: Can I eject bandit from car?

    That's some straight up James Bond shit. I like to imagine that all of the citizens in chernarus had ejector seats in their vehicles.
  15. Goof Juice

    Stuck on invisible bike

    What you can do rather than get killed is get knocked out, what you need to do is force your animation to change. That's how i fixed it when it happened to me.
  16. Goof Juice

    One of my biggest DayZ Fail

    My friend and i were looting the NE Airfield and we were in the ATC. We are just looking through the joint when we hear, "FRIENDLY?! ARE YOU GUYS FRIENDLY!?" So naturally we reply,"yes we are." He runs in wearing a bandit skin and immediately opens up on us, he hits my friend a little but we drop him. Moments later we hear a m249 tear into our building and my friend dies. I notice that i dont have the upper hand so i back up and go under the stair case of the bottom floor. NOTE: this is all happening at dusk so our vision is severely impaired. I hear foot steps above me and seeing as my friend is dead i figure he used the ladder to get in. He loots my friend and starts to creep out the front door right past me, i open up with my M4 SD and waste an entire clip to hit him 3 times if that -I panicked, yea i was bad- and he escapes my grasp. I get ballsy and chase him armed only with my PDW and i forgot to switch to full auto so i fire 1 shot with it and he drops me. I failed hard, but luckily he didn't pay attention to his wounds so he died 20 seconds later :).
  17. Goof Juice

    THE motherload of all finds

    Very nice, the people who made it are either super nice or monumentally retarded.
  18. Goof Juice

    Why Do People Kill Unarmed Players

    A large amount of murders and killing of the unarmed comes from boredom, once you have all the gear you could ever want zombies become a minor annoyance at best. So typically rather than help other low geared folks people resort to killing for fun.
  19. Goof Juice

    Why we may never know what happened.

    yea the broadcast can be heard at 12 hour intervals with a radio, its quite eerie.
  20. Goof Juice

    So... I just broke -1,000,000 humanity.

    Humanity carries over from life to life so you can have -1M humanity without having a single kill on the monitor.
  21. Goof Juice

    Very quick question

    True enough i suppose. :P
  22. Goof Juice

    New Skins = awesome.

    In addition to the skin if aim your weapon at a bandit when you aren't one your heart will race :)
  23. Goof Juice

    Very quick question

    Unless i'm mistaken chopper hunting is fruitless at best atm. Finding the heli isn't the problem it's keeping it. Helicopters only stay where you place them until server restarts, and once it does inevitably restart it will go back to skalisty or wherever and need to be repaired all over again.
  24. Goof Juice

    Why we may never know what happened.

    I think the infection was spawned from military experiments simply because of the broadcast that green mountain gives out it morse code. It's creepy, ominous, and adds some depth to the world. Not only does it add dept but it adds a slight amount of guilt every time i kill an infected because in the back of my mind i think since they aren't truly dead they have a chance to be saved.
  25. Goof Juice

    Is this item in dayz?

    Its not currently a usable item in dayz and has to be spawned in by a hacker. Speculation is that it will be used later on for underground bases!