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Everything posted by ThePugman

  1. ThePugman

    Still no ARs after update.

    I love it too. Even when the ARs become rare (which will happen, once the economy settles), The Tundra/Winny is still relatively easy to find. Check a few castles and you’ll likely have one.
  2. ThePugman

    Dropping items!!

    12 months? Behave! I played 1.04 console and the inventory issues are horrible, but overall it’s great. A good workaround for the headtorch, is to put the battery on your item-wheel/hotbar, then put it in the head torch. If you need to turn it off in a pinch, just select the battery, and it’ll go into your hands and turn off the light.
  3. ThePugman

    Night time is so dark it's unplayable

    Just wait til you get the ability to use NVG. Night-time military runs are pretty terrifying unless you have them yourself.
  4. ThePugman


    @NachoNinjaGnome Tents need fixing in that regard. It’s something that has been mentioned for a while, so I hope they devs are working on a fix. I also believe the temperature system needs a hell of a tweak. Not just cold, but heat, too. Running around with a warm jacket and a load of gear, on a sunny day should give you a penalty, which you could reduce by changing into a T-shirt, or something. I’m pretty sure this was a thing in the legacy engine. The only time I’ve suffered from heat recently, was when I had cooked meat in my clothing. I was losing health, to the point of going red, and I couldn’t work out why. I put the meat in my bag, and my health went up. Pretty dumb, to be honest. Losing health should be the last stage of abnormal temperature effects. Before then, you should suffer stamina penalty, and perhaps, more sway/shaking with your weapon.
  5. ThePugman


    As has already been mentioned. You need to use alcohol tincture on your rags. Make sure you combine the alcohol with an entire stack of 6, rather than 1 at at time. Bandages don’t need disinfecting as they are already sterile. There is, supposedly, a penalty for the infection. I believe it increases the rate of dehydration. It’s pretty minor though. Tetracycline is the only thing that will cure the infection.
  6. ThePugman

    Survivor Gamez - Possibility of other game types/modes

    @Steve Simpson As long as Survivor GameZ development goes smoothly, and there is demand for it, it is planned for a console release too. Also, the current iteration is very early alpha. They want to make the current map and mode as good as possible before expanding features, and new areas.
  7. ThePugman

    Suggestions for the dev team

    I remember experiencing the inventory frustration when I played on Xbox, months ago. Try and put all your large items together so you don’t create an extra page. Also, you can craft unlimited wooded crates now, so maybe make a few of them to spread your smaller items out. Temporary solution, I know, but better than not seeing stuff. The best solution for the glow stick issue (and quick inventory management, in general) is to let you walk with the inventory open, (make is so you only use the d-pad to navigate inventory). Also, let players move normally with the item-wheel... It’s supposed to be a quick bar, but what use is it if you have to stand still? You’re right, double tapping ‘action’ to throw, and no ‘drop’ button needs to change! I still hope the controller layout is a WIP. It’s so damn awkward in its current state. Feels like there aren’t enough buttons! And they still have to map the ‘switch on light’ button... for cars, headtorch and NVGs!
  8. ThePugman

    Console Update 1.04

    It was completely thought out. It’s a barrier against easy duping, and also ghosting. Just because YOU wouldn’t ghost after such a long time, doesn’t mean other people wouldn’t. People could still find a base, and make sure they log back into that base. Even if it’s 2 weeks later, it’s still ghosting.
  9. ThePugman

    Ladies of DayZ??

  10. ThePugman

    Console Update 1.04

    Performance and stability are some of their main focuses, but it will take time because it's not a simple fix. Car lights won't be fixed until NVGs are, since it is the same command to turn them on ('L' key on PC)
  11. ThePugman

    Console Update 1.04

    This is affecting all platforms, so PC has had it for months. They have already scheduled a fix.
  12. ThePugman

    What dictates ko vs death?

    @Scooter2shoes 1.04 introduced ‘check pulse’... this option only appears when a player is alive. When they are dead it will say ‘survivor’ (ironically)... Although, I WISH you had to check the pulse of a dead player, too. It doesn’t make sense that we magically know a player is dead by looking at them.
  13. ThePugman

    Spawn points messed up

    Also, it’s crucial that there is no cool-down period. Otherwise people would still be able to ghost into bases, and steal stuff. Once you get used to this new system, it’s great. No more server hoppers stealing all the military loot, or appearing out of nowhere, killing you. The ups definitely outweigh the downs.
  14. ThePugman

    View distance

    There is a lot of fog in 1.04. On PC, too. It seems to be more of a weather thing, though.
  15. @0.64 Freerider I hope you’ll be adding another ✅ to the list soon... 😉
  16. ThePugman

    Here’s how to do the new duping glitch!

    If there are new methods, BI will eventually patch them out. Not much more they can do. Until then, there are always private servers.
  17. ThePugman

    Console Update 1.04

    So many items you cannot pick up. I killed a guy at Balota, I couldn’t loot half of his inventory. The only reason I even got into a fight was because I was out in the open trying to pick up 2 pistols, I’d dropped. After killing him, I try to pick up the pistols again. Can’t do it. I decide to log. I didn’t make a note of the server number because I assumed pressing ‘play’ would return you to the previous server like on PC. No luck! There’s not even a ‘previously played’ option. So now I’m going through all the damn servers waiting to see which one doesn’t have the ‘server hopping’ message. Bit of a pain in the arse when it only appears after the queue. You introduce the server hopping mechanic, but don’t make it easy for people to find out the previously played server. I know I should have checked before I went in, but it doesn’t always happen. I played it on Xbox game preview in December, and the ‘previously played’ option was there. What happened to it? After finally getting back in the server, it turns out that the pistols I was trying to pick up, were already on me. Yet, they were still on the ground in front of me (still not possible to pick up). There were many problems with invisible loot, for the people I was playing with last night. I would drop items for people, but they couldn’t see them. I’m guessing it’s part of the same bug. I will file a bug report, but this was a very frustrating issue this morning. and yes @Scooter2shoes I’m also now posting back to back posts... 😂
  18. ThePugman

    Console Update 1.04

    @Scooter2shoes You make SOME valid points, but 4 continuous posts? Seriously man? When were console spawning in with drink, I knew about the knife, but a drink also?. On PC, we have been spawning in with rags, fruit and a flare since 1.0. This is the intended way. It’s supposed to be a hardcore game. I have to also reiterate what someone mentioned above @ImpulZ Why can’t you move when accessing the ‘item-wheel’ or walk in the inventory like on PC? Use the D-pad to select items, and keep the analogue stick for player movement, I’m sure most would prefer that. It’s so clunky to have to stand still in order to change weapons, etc. I imagine most people would prefer to keep their guns out, for quickness. This is another barrier preventing good console interactions. Don't even get me started on the Party system, but we can blame the consoles for that crap.
  19. ThePugman

    Duping still exists.

    We still need proof that this is happening. Not a single YouTube video has been uploaded on the subject. Sad fuckers are so desperate for views, that they usually get them up pretty quickly.
  20. ThePugman

    Sick un heal able disease

    What kind of meat? If it’s animal meat, you need to take charcoal tablets. Take one and a drug symbol will appear. If the sickness symbol is still there once the drug symbol has gone, take another charcoal tablet. Repeat, this process until the drug symbol has gone. If you ate human meat, and your character is laughing maniacally. There is no cure.
  21. ThePugman

    Duping still exists.

    Saddest thing of all is the amount of resources this is taking away from Bohemia developing the game, and adding much needed features. Also, a fresh server is one of the best times to experience the loot economy of DayZ, in terms of rare weapons. If people are duping already, it’s clear they don’t want to experience the game legitimately. I can forgive players at their wit’s end, after months of tent cities, but on a fresh server? Nah... Find a way to ban their arses.
  22. ThePugman

    Servers are at capacity!!

    The queues will die down. It’s day 1 of ‘the big update’.
  23. ThePugman

    Nitrado - Clearly Unprepared for Xbox uptake

    Server crashes are BI issue, not Nitrado. They have been happening a lot on 1.04 on PC, too. Can you give more details about the 6 hours of lost persistence?
  24. ThePugman


    Your idea would not work Golem, because NV doesn’t turn on. They work like binoculars but with a battery. They probably left them in because it takes more work to remove it. Plus NVG can still be used in your hands. Why on earth are you so salty about it? I can only presume it’s because you’re so terrible at the game, that the only way you can get kills is by shooting people in the dark.
  25. ThePugman

    Duping still exists.

    Community servers came with 1.04. Every single one is character locked.